That's what PDJT was talking about when he spoke of creating a National Garden of American Heroes, we just didn't know it in either July of 2020 or January of 2021.😁🇺🇲
Ron Paul is the only man I would've ever voted for above Trump in the 2016 election. I would give quite a lot to see him in a position to hit the federal government where it hurts
I was a MN alternate elector ready to step up nd vote for Ron if called upon to vote.
He was running against NO NAME for the Republican nomination. What I witnessed from the “Party” was sickening. All the Paul supporters (and there were many) were 100% sidelined and none allowed to speak. It was at that time I experienced the brokenness — the corruption in our system so clearly in front of me. I have actually never called myself a republican since.
Getting chills thinking about the staff that Trump will put together.
I was there also in Michigan. I got my name on the ballot, made in to the convention floor as a alternate delegate. After calling out several delegates names that never showed up, Iwas the last person called on to voice my nomination of Ron Paul as the Republican candidate. Then the media tried to stop Paul by refusing him air time and pushing him out of the debates.
Bringing Ron Paul in to Audit and END THE FED sounds like another winning move by the MAGA Train. Give Ron his day to fulfill his dream, I will grab some more popcorn.
Next up: size of gov. The best of shrinkages.
Rundown: 100 ppl with a few helpers. Ultra efficient and out of people's daily lives and pockets. Managing done the right way. The way it should be.
Is there enough room on Mt. Rushmore for all of these patriots who are stepping up to save America?
We need a whole 'nother monument.
Will need a bigger mountain...
Maybe we could use the moon.
I like that. We laser Trump's face into the dead center, with all his best helpers in a circle around Trump.
Then instead of wolves howling at night, you'd have the 4'6% Reeeeing all night long!
Use a laser to etch faces on the moon.
Jewish space laser
DEWs! Let's go!
While we do it, let's make sure to inscribe the American flag and claim ownership for our future moon base stronghold
You are A. Genius!
We have all the best people, folks.
Grand Teton maybe?
No, we do not need to alter the Tetons.
Party pooper.
No this… is the party pooper
it s beautiful dont touch it please
"We need a bigger mountain" Great line!!!
It’s why Trump is creating the “Garden of Heroes” once this is all over. They’re all going to get statues.
I didn't read the comments until after I made a comment almost identical to yours.😲😁
They'll need their own mountain!
That's what PDJT was talking about when he spoke of creating a National Garden of American Heroes, we just didn't know it in either July of 2020 or January of 2021.😁🇺🇲
The majority of our newer heros, we need a digital museum for all the memes and all the videos etc.
Did you see my suggestion?
How could I have missed this???? That is such a great meme! I am going to spread it around!
Ron Paul is the only man I would've ever voted for above Trump in the 2016 election. I would give quite a lot to see him in a position to hit the federal government where it hurts
The only thing I worry about is he is up there in age..
Age isn't the problem. It is how he takes care of himself. Dementia his people in their 50s and 60s.
Age is not a problem, dementia is, and not all seniors get dementia, it used to be very few.
True, but he is 89 yrs young.
OMG Hell Yeah!!
Ron Paul was an BIG early part of my awakening!
I was a MN alternate elector ready to step up nd vote for Ron if called upon to vote. He was running against NO NAME for the Republican nomination. What I witnessed from the “Party” was sickening. All the Paul supporters (and there were many) were 100% sidelined and none allowed to speak. It was at that time I experienced the brokenness — the corruption in our system so clearly in front of me. I have actually never called myself a republican since.
Getting chills thinking about the staff that Trump will put together.
I was there also in Michigan. I got my name on the ballot, made in to the convention floor as a alternate delegate. After calling out several delegates names that never showed up, Iwas the last person called on to voice my nomination of Ron Paul as the Republican candidate. Then the media tried to stop Paul by refusing him air time and pushing him out of the debates.
Bringing Ron Paul in to Audit and END THE FED sounds like another winning move by the MAGA Train. Give Ron his day to fulfill his dream, I will grab some more popcorn.
When they cut his mic at the debates…
At this point I’m wondering if that was part of the op too, given Giuliani’s current role.
This thing is all so wild!!
2024 is shaping up to be quiete the revenge year of the people who were wronged by the establishment: Trump, RFK Jr. and now Ron Paul.
I was wondering how they would make that link up.
Finally were going to get use the famous meme for its intended context!
Omg ! These are like my life heroes !! Now if Ralph Nader could just join!!
What’s the easiest way to buy doge?
If that happens say goodbye to the CIA the FBI and the IRS. They're all criminal organizations.
Yes, Yes and Yes...
Yes, cut the waste!!!
I remember when he used to say "end the fed" I barley understood what it meant and why it was such a big deal. He's the original classic.
You know he has a very active Rumble channel...
Have I died and gone to heaven?
Make me think we have a better chance for more heaven on earth...
Anyone who is voting for Harris is functionality retarded and functional is very questionable.
TDS take's over all reason...
Next up: size of gov. The best of shrinkages. Rundown: 100 ppl with a few helpers. Ultra efficient and out of people's daily lives and pockets. Managing done the right way. The way it should be.
Break up the DC Monopoly...
I've already voted but this makes me wanna vote again. And again. And again. . . But you know, not like a Democrat. Lol.
I know how you feel, once is not enough...
Ron Paul has been trying to get this done for most of his time in government
THAT would be a great pair to lead this department!
X link for those in the fight: