What the hell is going on in the US Senate? Hours after Donald Trump wins the most conclusive mandate in 40 years, Mitch McConnell engineers a coup against his agenda by calling early leadership elections in the senate. Two of the three candidates hate Trump and what he ran on. One of them, John
Call your senator!
The swamp is stirring, trying to protect itself. Bastards, Mitch is nothing but another swamp creature.
u/#MitchGlitch u/#trumpbeatdown
Well played fren!
So loyal to China he married them
Mitch is gone and he is trying to screw Trump before he leaves. It would be too bad if these swamp creatures had all their corruption exposed and had to step down before being tried for treason. Is that wishful thinking?
I say justice before unity. Otherwise it’s just false peace.
Agreed. The justice part is going to rile up their side so unity must come after.. other we’ll have to do it twice!
Justice HAS to come or the last 8 years were for nothing----and I am 73 and 8 years mean a lot more to me than someone 20 years old!
Absolutely agree! I am 70. We have a background the younger generation doesn’t even know. All that we’ve seen and lived thru. We’ve learned our love for this country and the fear of losing it. But the people spoke up in droves!! Onward frogs! 🐸 our work here is not done yet. But the chessboard has been set for checkmate !
I would look for insider trading.
OH YEAH! That a good one. I like it a LOT!
Don't forget Mitch's chinese wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, with Chinese roots.
The sister in law..Mitch follows orders
Where’s the “little secret” I want my “little secret”
Me, too! One thing I know for certain.. it's coming!
I believe he said this was regarding the House....
He is a man of his word
McConnell has always tried to undermine Pres Trump. He needs to go!
How Does 1 Man Have So Much Power Without Being President?
The founding fathers saw the Senate as a small body (initially just two dozen) that would largely govern itself, under the watchful eye of the president of the Senate – a job assigned to whomever happened to be vice president of the United States. If the veep was unavailable, the task of presiding passed to a senator designated as the Senate president pro tempore — the presiding officer for the time being. https://www.wgbh.org/news/national/2019-08-17/how-does-1-man-have-so-much-power-without-being-president As the Senate evolved, the idea of the presiding officer atrophied in importance. The vice president stopped attending Senate sessions except for ceremonial occasions or to cast a tie-breaking vote. The Senate was largely run by its strongest personalities and committee chairmen.
The job of official majority or minority leader in the Senate did not even exist until about a century ago, in the era around the First World War when the Constitution had just been changed to elect senators by popular vote rather than by state legislators.
The Democrats started designating a leader in 1920. Republicans had an acknowledged leader at the time in Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, but they did not officially designate one until the mid-1920s.
Since then, the elected leaders of the majority and minority parties have been the titular bosses – although largely beholden to the barons of the committee structure and other individual senators of importance.
A sea change of sorts came with the elevation of Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas to the majority leader's post in 1955. Johnson had only been in the Senate for one term at the time, but had the backing of the venerable Richard Russell of Georgia (the Dixie Democrat for whom the original Senate Office Building is named). Johnson grew rapidly in the job, finding it possible through force of personality and persuasion to move the Senate – including its notorious bloc of Southern segregationists.
Well, well, well. Richard B. Russell you say? Who remembers "Sky King?" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Horizon_Air_Q400_incident
"Sky King's" alleged name was Richard B. Russell. The Richard B. Russell you made reference too was a powerful democrat senator, who was closely connected to LBJ, and who also happened to have a navy submarine named after him.
What an odd coincidence.
Great! Thanks Patriot! 👏
Mitch the Snitch Bi@tch has got to go!!! NOW!!! There has got to be a legal way of removing him from power, in disgrace.
We have Biatc…h McConnell in our Republican Party and Nancy drunk Pelasi in Demoncrats side. Which one is worse?
Mitch wears blood red stilettos.
He is done.
I once defended Mitch, saying that there was some hope for him, but he seems to have sold his soul. Isn't he very ill? I have the impression that he is, and will meet his maker rather sooner than later. He should consider his future after this life and have that "come to Jesus" experience rather than follow the Dems into Hell.
Bitch (Mitch) McConnell needs bitch slapped...
From your mouth to God's ears. Fuck mitch.
Well if that does happen, can the new senate take their own vote? Or are they stuck with whom Mitch McConnell gets elected-which would be horrible?
They can undo whatever the last Senate did. But it's a bunch of work, like the house changing its chosen speaker, and no business happening until it gets sorted out.
Well, we have waited 4 years while the commies destroyed our country (I understand what you are saying) we could wait a little longer to get the Senate correct, I think.
My senator is Chuck Schumer....
Oh Lord! Praying for Patriot's stuck with Watermelon Head 🙏
Fell Sorry for you
Don't forget Mitch lavished millions on rino candidates while giving nothing to MAGA candidates like Kari Lake. He was blatantly undermining Trump with that too. Call your senators and tell them if they vote for a new leader behind closed doors we're going to assume it was so they could help Mitch damage Trump.
Thanks for the reminder flair frens! 😺 u/mods
Just quoted POTUS vote with #RickScottmajorityleader and urge everyone to do this, the call text, email and contact your Senators on Social Media
Apparently this moved up vote is against the bylaws of the GOP so it should not be going ahead at all.
Time to dig dirt on the turtle!
We have enough...married to Elaine Chao, his handler who's family in China is powerful..
It's time for us Texapedes to huddle and figure out who we're going to replace Cornyn with for 2026.
He sells us out way too often, and I can't recall a single MAGA thing I've seen him fight for.
How about David Covey who ran against Dade Phelan? He only lost by a couple of hundred votes and POTUS endorsed him?
let him, end of the day guys like Flynn know where the bodies are buried. Let him try it, its time to stop playing cute with these germs.
Anyone who "hates Trump" has something BIG to hide, something for which they could be imprisoned.
His wife is Chinese right?
Not worried in the least. The rats are in full retreat and this is a covering action. Scott will be the next majority leader.
Didn't Trump endorse him at the last election he contested? Trump had certainly made some terrible mistakes in the past Not sure why McConnell is involved in picking the new Senate leader. The new senators won't even be sworn in until January 5.
Point out your plot holes elsewhere!
(Simpsons reference)
Sorry but I don't watch the Simpsons so I have no idea what you're talking about.
I still don't know how the fu#k he was able to get Trump's endorsement then Stan him in the back. What an absolute piece of sh1t McConnel is. Who's behind him pulling the strings and finding him. Apparently he controls a large sum of donations that he provides only his supporters. Where is her getting the money from and from whom
Look at who Mitch is married to - a Chinese (spy) sorry I mean National.... plus he stroked out numerous times - how the hell is he still in the Senate!???
I wrote my senators.
Yay! 👏
They are compromised.
Senator Ron Johnson: https://x.com/i/status/1855240422995492970
John must be good then
reads full tweet
We get a dream team and this shit starts again,so many hills to climb so little time.
What if Kari Lake takes the job?