🚨 Diddy Staffer Testifies: 'Obama Child Rape Tapes Will Tear DC Apart' - A whistleblower who worked behind the scenes at countless of these parties, witnessing and even participating in some of the most degrading secret acts of the entertainment elite.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
from what I've read, Bob Hope was the original pdiddy, secretly recorded parties that gradually get wilder and drunker until finally they bring the minor out, project Monarch for MIC blackmail files
There was a book that I read years ago called "Thanks for the Memories" and she talked about Bob Hope and the MKultra program and the author was used by them. I think the author was Brice Taylor. Another book is the Transeformation of America by Cathy Obrien on the MKUltra program and project Monarch.
Ok wow! Next thing we know a recording of George Washington chopping down a cherry tree will appear.
Is our history all wrong?
actually, it is!
Wait until you find out he broke Betsy Ross’ cherry.
Made me lol not sure why downvotes
Yes. I read both of those myself.
Free pdf copies are probably still available on line.
Yeah - heard that too - un f-ing believable isn’t it all?
It is high time to correct history regarding hollywood - from its inception.
Douglas Fairbanks, Busby Berkeley, Will Rogers ... How far back you wanna go?
Fatty Arbuckle..there are chilling stories about him too.
I actually learned about him and his proclivities in film school.
I hated having my warm fuzzy Bob Hope memories ruined. Dammit.
If you know about the real Bob Hope, and then watch some of his shows for the soldiers, you can see that the women are MKultra. They are beautiful but very wooden and not relaxed and normal.
Raquel Welch, Morgan Fairchild, and Brooke Shields would likely disagree. I see the "memories" of MKUltra "survivors" Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor as nothing more than deep state plants whose mission is to besmirch the reputations of some of America's greatest political and moral leaders, who accomplished great things, not the least of which was taking down the USSR, and who happen to be long dead and not in any position to defend themselves. I marvel at anyone who gives these guttersnipes any attention - especially those around here who like to think of themselves as critical thinkers.
You know, I hadn’t thought of this. And I always wondered about JFK because he seems to be so integral to whatever this operation is, and yet in one of those books he’s just as much a part of that toxic system as the rest of them.
I've never heard that until now. Wow, that's crazy, but not surprised at this point.
I'd wait for a real news source...
Yep. Still waiting on arrests. Until then just clickbait.
If true, the hunters are fast becoming the hunted.
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape. Q
We obviously need receipts. But, we won't be at all surprised if true.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
TPV Bullcrap Disinfo Clickbait
OP, how can you post this obvious bullsh*te?
Long-time fake news creator Baxter Dmitry
Fact-checked by "ThePeople'sVoice Community"? Really?
Sensationalist Fake Headline appealing directly to awakened biases and hopes
Four paragraphs of fake news assertions with ZERO source (Oh, yeah, "our Whistleblower)
Source? Not required? Do you think that TPV is Q? I think not.
Source? A whistleblower who goes to ..... one of the oldest and mos prolific Clickbait Fakenews operations out there. Yeah, sure.
2011-2014 (YourNewsWire.com, placeholder and practice site for news blog)
2014-2018 Active as Yournewswire.com
2018-2023 Active as NewsPunch
2023 - present Rebranded as The People's Voice
Founders: First 'legally married' Gay Couple in the UK
Fake Sensationalist Headlines Aimed to Exploit Biases with no traceable Sources +
Several Followon Fake Assertions with no traceable sources that expand on the Fake Headlines +
Copy/paste OR Rewrite of actual information that APPEARS to give veracity and validity to the Headline and Fake Claims by association =
TPV formula
TPV, by attaching actual public knowledge information under the headline and fake assertions (in this case, Obamas captured on film, the Federal Authorities have the film, etc), TPV makes it appear as if their fake news is legitimate.
It's a total shellgame and they do it 100% all the time.
Sure, the Obamas might well have been part of the Diddy list, and no one here believes they are not capable of satanic ritual or pedophile rape, etc, etc, BUT what TPV is peddling is fabricated disinformation designed specifically to target us, our audience and those who have awakened to or are awakening to the reality of the pedocontrol elite system.
It's garbage.
Folks, Our Champion won in a massive landslide that clearly established the mandate of the people. We won massively, and are winning even more massively now.
Do we really need this sort of fake crap disinformation rag as a source of information on GAW?
That's like going to a garbage bin with dog poop in order to find materials for the evenings dinner meal.
Testifed where and when?
I think there is a Grand Jury going on right now, possibly in New York.
Gaetz and Kash activated
What do you think happen at the Playboy Mansion? There were tunnels under it too
Right after the Election 5th I was reading stories of Obama had left the country to Dubai, now, I can’t find any?
Interesting but Ima take this channel with a grain of salt....it is NOT stuff I would share outside of ANON circles at this point in time.
Can’t wait for this sick shit to end
Big mike probably getting them tight braids in a kenyan hut while obongo's trying to get his Kenyan citizenship papers.
Can't wait to see them Tribunaled...
Yet another conspiracy theory graduates to conspiracy fact. Where does it end?
With hundred to thousands of politicians, celebs, and uncivil servants being tried, convicted and given a choice of a cigarette and/or a blindfold in cuba
Remember, this information is about as reliable as the information in this post.
That is to say: not very.