Change all military bases and ships back to original names plus the Washington Redskins and all sports teams and bring back all statues and monuments. It’s going to be a busy 2025!
Aunt Jemima too. was not racist at all. That one was the worst change.
She was a real woman who liked being the brand. And it actually was pretty good racial progress that whites would buy a product branded with a black person.
Progressive racists just shouted "Omg a black person is the brand of a product, that's evil".
I remember hearing a black woman in the grocery aisle loudly complaining about them being removed from the boxes and asking "how it is progress for us to have LESS black mascots?"
Like the Cleveland Indians, whose name was never even slightly offensive. An argument could be made that the logo needed an update, but the name was fine.
As an Alaskan, I am totally AGAINST this change! Denali was the original Native Alaskan name for the mountain. McKinley never set foot in our state, and Alaskans have always called the mountain Denali, which means "The Great One". The change to Mt. McKinley was the wrong move - leave it as Denali! Obama made many bad decisions, but this wasn't one of them.
Naming mountains after murdered Presidents is likely a Deep State backhanded “honor” just like putting enemies of the bankers on the paper FedRes notes and coins. I think McKinley was on the $500 FedRes Note before it was phased out. Enemies of the Central Bankers:
Trump is likely using this to get “McKinley” name back into the news cycle per his plan for “McKinley-style tariffs”.
Completely agree. We need to find more ways to honor American Indian culture, not less. They are an integral part of the history of this continent and this great nation.
I was stationed in AK, and zero folks who I met who lived there called it McKinley. Always Denali, and is was before BHO did his thing in 2015. People from Ohio (where McKinley was born) really want to it to be named McKinley, and people conflate this dumb shit with the woke agenda, when all it EVER was, was just dumb political grand-standing by Ohio Congressman Ralph Regula since 1975(!).
Change all military bases and ships back to original names plus the Washington Redskins and all sports teams and bring back all statues and monuments. It’s going to be a busy 2025!
And Land O Lakes Indian girl and Aunt Jemima!
They got rid of the Indian. But kept the land.
Don't forget Uncle Ben!!
Aunt Jemima too. was not racist at all. That one was the worst change.
She was a real woman who liked being the brand. And it actually was pretty good racial progress that whites would buy a product branded with a black person.
Progressive racists just shouted "Omg a black person is the brand of a product, that's evil".
I remember hearing a black woman in the grocery aisle loudly complaining about them being removed from the boxes and asking "how it is progress for us to have LESS black mascots?"
Nancy Green- she was a STAR!
Nancy Green - the original and real Aunt Jemima! (none of this AI Aunt Jemima crap)
Like the Cleveland Indians, whose name was never even slightly offensive. An argument could be made that the logo needed an update, but the name was fine.
As a NE Ohio native I was so upset to see them go after Chief Wahoo and the name “Indians”.
However, I for one was a fan of the proposed (joke obviously) name, the Cleveland Steamers
Bring the statues back!!!
All I need to say.
We need “Barack Hussein Obama National Landfill”.
Barack Hussein Obama Nuclear Waste and Traitor Disposal Center
0bama. 0 for a total ZERO
halfrican…not even a whole.
Can't wait!
I still wonder why that Punisher skull graphic had to be so freakin' tall.
I don't mean the skull itself. I mean all the black.
It was probably a picture of Barron wearing a shirt and the shirt was just yuge.
As an Alaskan, I am totally AGAINST this change! Denali was the original Native Alaskan name for the mountain. McKinley never set foot in our state, and Alaskans have always called the mountain Denali, which means "The Great One". The change to Mt. McKinley was the wrong move - leave it as Denali! Obama made many bad decisions, but this wasn't one of them.
Naming mountains after murdered Presidents is likely a Deep State backhanded “honor” just like putting enemies of the bankers on the paper FedRes notes and coins. I think McKinley was on the $500 FedRes Note before it was phased out. Enemies of the Central Bankers:
Trump is likely using this to get “McKinley” name back into the news cycle per his plan for “McKinley-style tariffs”.
We have the best narrative deployments, don’t we, folks!
As an Alaskamo, I am totally FOR this change back! Alaskans have always called the mountain McKinley.
Next they are going to try and change Nome, Alaska back "NAME" Alaska.
Completely agree. We need to find more ways to honor American Indian culture, not less. They are an integral part of the history of this continent and this great nation.
Exactly. People need to crack open a history book
Good move. As long as we're on the subject of Alaskan mountains, can we talk about Mt. Hayes?
I don't care what we call it as long as we mine it.
Please as long as you're at it, rename one of the toilets to the Barack 0bama Memorial Shit Spout.
I was stationed in AK, and zero folks who I met who lived there called it McKinley. Always Denali, and is was before BHO did his thing in 2015. People from Ohio (where McKinley was born) really want to it to be named McKinley, and people conflate this dumb shit with the woke agenda, when all it EVER was, was just dumb political grand-standing by Ohio Congressman Ralph Regula since 1975(!).
“Denali” is transliterated Russian (into a native language?) for “Big Mountain”. It could be two words combined, such as de-nali, or den-ali.
…I never knew the name had changed in the first place.
Me either
Got to change Cavasos back to Ft hood!
Didn't Ft. Bragg get changed too?
Yeah. Ft. Liberty. Gay. Hope it's changed back to Bragg.
And Ft AP Hill in Va.
Change Ft. Johnson back to Ft. Polk!
It will be as if Obama was never here.
In other words...
Suck it like you do with big mike?
Now do the military bases!
This is tough one. I agree the mountain should never have been changed to Denali. I also think it never should have been named McKinley.
surprised Hussein didnt rename the mountain Mount Big Mike
BarryGirl actually wanted to name it brokeback
Heckin' BASED
Washington Red Skins?
I hope 47 keeps on doing things likew this. Just ware them out making them reeeeee!