I'd say closer to 40 here. But that's because my uncle was deep into this stuff and would talk to my dad about it all the time, and I paid attention. To me, this has all been reality as long as I can remember.
Aye, it is. Although, within my own close knit friend and family circles it hasn't been so lonely. For that I am thankful. Individuals on the same wavelengths tend to gravitate towards each other. Yet, your sentiment is beyond amazing to witness and we haven't seen what the GAW zenith will encompass.
We were told many times that we will be tired of winning. This insinuates that even the most in tune of us will be harmonized further with additional truth we not yet know. Bring it on, not for me, not for you, not for the anons and operators. For the normies. Our lives will be infinitely better once they have been brought back into the light.
At the age of 10 yrs in 1967, I begged my mother to take me out of the Catholic church, because I caught them lying. At the age of 12 my best friends father had a monthly newspaper delivered called UFO Nachrichten... (News) in German. From then on I used the central library and read ALL SF books I could find... probably more than 700 of them, I found out early, that only SF could show me information I was after. Since then, I was waking up bit by bit, and noone around to share my new reality. As I heard of Q in Steve Quayle´s Site, I found many people that where waking up as well... I´m now 67Y/O and still trying to wake ppl up, but now with much more confidence.
For me it was 2012 when I saw Robbie Parker grinning and smirking his ass off on CNN when his "daughter" supposedly was shot to death in a supposedly gruesome mass shooting at Sandy Hook. That was total cognitive dissonance. Then when I mentioned this to an Australian friend, he dared me to find video of a plane striking the Pentagon on 9/11.
I got a late start, so it's only been 12 years for me. I just recently told my daughter about that Illuminati card game though. Wild stuff.
Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is an out-of-print collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994 by Steve Jackson Games, based on their original boxed game Illuminati, which in turn was inspired by the 1975 book The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea
I was always a 'prepper' type, even as a child. I guess I'm a newbie compared to some. 1999 got me really researching into Y2K and possible impacts. I sold most of my stocks in my retirement funds, which helped me out in the 2000 crash. Then there was 9-11 and I was off to the races. It's hard to remember what it was like before being awake but I liked Clinton and certainly aligned myself with the Democrats (even though I'm, Canadian). How times have changed.
Awake to things like adrenochrome and the global satanic presence and infiltration? That would be almost exactly 7 years for me. Before that, I lived in a different world.
1994 here….Used to work selling Budokan Pepper Spray at the Gibraltar Trade Centers in SE MI. Met an older gentleman named Fred…. He warned me I could never unsee if he shared his knowledge…. He did not lie.
1994 for me
Whitewater, docs from it was OKC bombing.
Followed by Chinagate and BC selling ICBM chip tech to china.
Found the Clinton connection to Iran Contra and dug into that.
9 11 happened and I had direct dealings that day with FBI, knew it was an immediate lie.
I spent years on 9 11 and the ties to zionist, pnac, clean break seccuring the realm. Researched the talmud, elders of zion. Israhell apartheid.
From 01 to 05 it felt overwhelming. No matter how much one read and tried to share info, it felt hopeless.
I got depressed and took 2 years off. It wasn't until Ron Paul ran in 08 I felt we could make a difference. I remember the primarys being rigged against RP with diebold machines. I can talk about that time for days.
I'm former mil and run in some tier 1 circles. I remember in 2013 hearing about a possible mil coup to oust the mocha messiah. I'm pretty sure that was what we all know as Q, back then.
What's interesting is i thought Ron Paul could save us. I had no idea how big the corruption was. Now seeing how 45 was done his first term, they would have ate RP alive. The tea party was grass roots, i lived on the daily paul, rys2sense, whatreallyhappened. Not many places to hang out and discuss back then.
I Ran for mayor of my corrupt suburban chicago town and tried to make a difference. Illinois is just too corrupt and I started to lose faith again. But imo, without RP, we don't get to 45.
2017 and pol fbianon and Q got me interested again.
20 years ago I was depressed and never thought I'd see the world change for the better in my life time, or the zionist and israhell exposed.
Yet here we are. I know anyone who has been at this for 20+ years is definitely tired. Some rough ups and downs, but soon this movie ends.
I will be so rewarding, all those years of hard work finally paying off. Many of us were anons before there were anons.
Hats off to anyone who's been in the fight this long. It's occupied many years of our lives.
Sorry it was such a long arduous task and journey. Hoping that seeing some justice being served, is making life easier to live I get it though, I was angry for so many years. So angry about the injustice. God bless you.
I've only woken up since the 2020 election steal. Cannot imagine how frustrating and infuriating it must have been to be in-the-know for so many years and have others think you are a 'conspiracy theorist' and worse.
I'll put you on a path that isn't discussed here much.
Elections have been rigged a long time. 2020 was just the breaking point for most.
It didn't start with digital machines until 08.
They rigged both elections for the mocha messiah. There's more to him than his mom being clowns in America and a commie. Brennan gave him his cover when he was CoS in SA.
I hope that fag gets exposed to the fullest.
So many layers to him still not known.
Yes, it’s true. I’ve been considered the crazy person in my family for years. I think I bought my first frequency, healer at least 10 years ago. Now they’re finally talking about the rife machine on the regular 😂
Once Biden became president, that’s when I entered into the acceptance stage. I knew that the situation was much bigger than me or anybody on this planet, and that God was in control. I didn’t understand why he allowed Biden to become president, but now after four years, and seeing the madness that we’ve seen, I understand. A lot of people here talk about the precipice, and we had to reach that in many factions of life, including the LGBT, illegal immigration, and the economy. I get it now. Enough people had to see the truth of the evil, and have it affect their everyday lives, before America could ever go back to what it once was. It’s great glorious freedom.
During the Clinton years I began to become suspicious. I was 35 when he took office. TWA 800, Waco, and 9/11 at the start of GWB’s term got me asking questions. I got some answers, but not the big picture. I began reading Q a few months after the posts began. I was skeptical until the GHWB funeral. I’ve been awake ever since.
On my journey to being awake, I remember when Bush made Spanish our second language. I was so mad at him about that because I knew it was not in our best interest. And here we are. 🤨
Spanish is one of the "top" languages worldwide and one of the six United Nations official languages. What I mean by "top" is in terms of value per unit of effort in learning it.
As a counter-example here in UK one of our official languages is Welsh - it is difficult to learn and then after years of study you could only use it in Wales, a small country, or a tiny number of Welsh expat colonies. No disrespect to them but why bother?
I'm learning Spanish as I am a frequent visitor to Spain. The bonus is that I could also communicate if travelling right across the Americas. I don't get your comment about Spanish somehow not being in your best interests.
His point, I'm assuming, is that people immigrating to American should learn the language of the country they are immigrating to, not the reverse. I don't speak Spanish nor should I have to in order to live here. Now of course that isn't necessary in most places "YET". But there are some areas that Spanish is the predominate language spoken instead of English. English should be the official language so that our schools and other institutions aren't forced to be bi-lingual, which drives up costs and a wedge between Americans. This is all just part of the divide and conquer strategy, imo.
Oh right I had not picked up on that. I speak English, since I was born in England, but we (United Kingdom) do have a few other languages such as Gaelic. It's not like Canada though where their languages are legally-mandated English and French it's more of a "de jure" thing.
Just had a look and English is not the authentic "official language" of the USA so not sure why Spanish should be disallowed in some way. The Americans I have met are usually proud of their Polish, German, Italian, whatever, heritage.
It’s not that Spanish should be disallowed, it shouldn’t be an official second language. Just like the other person said, it’s now required in school. That causes a lot of problems and it’s more expensive for that. If people want to live in America, they should speak English. End Of!
Well I don't blame you guys for the confusion because I just made exactly the same embarrassing mistake. All my life I assumed that English was the official language of the UK but this thread got me thinking and I did some research - guess what, I was wrong upthread. Even in England, English is not any kind of official language it's just the most widely spoken. I believe exactly same in USA.
Because Spanish was not implemented as a second language in America for our best interest. It was implemented to make it easier for people to illegally enter our country. That’s the only reason they did that.
Sure if you travel to Spain or you want to speak to other people in Spanish, you can do that. I’m not against it. But you shouldn’t have to do that to live in your own country. I would say 50% of Spanish-speaking citizens that immigrate to America never learn English. Never.
According to Q! There have been oathkeepers in the Oval Office since 1963! We stand on the shoulders of Giants! Many planted seeds for trees that they knew they would never get to enjoy it's shade!
I used to play this and other Steve Jackson Games with my brother back then the following is view of the original version the one in video is the newest edition I believe.
But to answer the OP's question 1973 Birch Society type at bus stop in front of a midwest court house...I was problem in Jr High and High School for some of my teachers as a result. It's been weird about how close to right he was about some things.
Well over 40 here, since the early 80's or earlier. My dad was former MI and was influential in me questioning everything. GHWB picked for VP was when I knew it was all rigged.
To Be honest, it started for me right after Kennedy was assonated. Even with the church! I started doubting a lot of things. Never believed Walter Kronkite about what he was selling on the news about nam, either.
I remember for being awake somewhere around 1970. I was seven years old and I was watching the news and I became so angry and infuriated. I knew everything was fake, and gay and a lie. I also knew what they were portraying was not what the world should be. I wouldn’t in my bedroom and I slammed my door. I made a decision at that point in time to not watch mainstream media news. From there on out, it was just a gradual awakening as time went on. Looking back I get more infuriated because at the age of seven, you should be enjoying your childhood and not worrying that there’s a bunch of fucktard in the world. Amirite 😵💫
Just had my 60th bday and 40 wedding anniversary this year. This started for us when in 1988 my friend found a book in a laundry mat called the unseen hand by Ralph Epperson. The first 15 pages were missing and the cover. We both read it and we’re never the same again.
There was shortwave radio where you could experience free speech. Not just Bill Cooper there was other shows on WRNO and news letters.
It has been a long slow process and I’ll admit over the years I would “turn off” my conspiracy brain just to stay sane but it’s always there causing suspicion and doubt in the official narrative. Right now us OGs can rejoice bc finally people who can see are everywhere.
Got my first dial up Win95 at 27 yrs old, an Acer w CD-ROM lol and down the rabbit hole I went, many without even realizing it out of natural curiosity. David Ike, Wilcock (in his infancy), ufology, Bill Cooper, websites like beforeitsnews, whatdoesitmean, veterantoday, etc, many others long before landing at voat, then (here).
Been misguided many times along the journey, will happen again no doubt... but that's simply part of the journey, our growth, and will make the final habbening that much moar sweet
The fact check portion that says "Most of cards shown in video are fake ones" is complete BS. They even provide the link to all the cards that are shown in the video. I individually verified every card shown: https://www.ccgtrader.net/games/illuminati-nwo-ccg/limited/
In the mid 80s I started reading up on who really got JFK (High Treason), then (Veil). On a jobsite, I talked to an old guy who seemed to like some of my early digs. He gave me a bunch of his back issues of Spotlight and JB Society newspapers. When I got back to the jobsite next day, I told him I was floored, wow. All that stuff is going on? ! ?
I'm 71 years old and I've been awake since before I was a teenager. My Army MSG combat vet dad started waking me up in 1963 when the CIA killed JFK.
I'm 71, also and have been awake since 1963 and JFK. I can still remember watching the news with my Dad.
Remember Cuba, too. Used to have a box of "necessities" under my bed... early version of a bug out bag.
I'd say closer to 40 here. But that's because my uncle was deep into this stuff and would talk to my dad about it all the time, and I paid attention. To me, this has all been reality as long as I can remember.
Are you me?!
Remarkably similar story here. Been awake since I was a tadpole nearly 40 yrs ago as well.
Haha, isn't it weird, going from being virtually alone in these views, to practically the entire world catching up with you?
Aye, it is. Although, within my own close knit friend and family circles it hasn't been so lonely. For that I am thankful. Individuals on the same wavelengths tend to gravitate towards each other. Yet, your sentiment is beyond amazing to witness and we haven't seen what the GAW zenith will encompass.
We were told many times that we will be tired of winning. This insinuates that even the most in tune of us will be harmonized further with additional truth we not yet know. Bring it on, not for me, not for you, not for the anons and operators. For the normies. Our lives will be infinitely better once they have been brought back into the light.
Funnily enough, the original version of Illuminati! (slightly different from the game in the OP) came out in 1982.
Sadly Steve Jackson and Steve Jackson Games are pretty woke, even after being raided by and almost put out of business by the FBI in early 1990.
Doesn't surprise me considering he published the NWO script of our false reality. He's one of them.
I knew the press was seriously compromised in the 80s. After ruby ridge and Waco I was awake.
Also the OKC bombing.
At the age of 10 yrs in 1967, I begged my mother to take me out of the Catholic church, because I caught them lying. At the age of 12 my best friends father had a monthly newspaper delivered called UFO Nachrichten... (News) in German. From then on I used the central library and read ALL SF books I could find... probably more than 700 of them, I found out early, that only SF could show me information I was after. Since then, I was waking up bit by bit, and noone around to share my new reality. As I heard of Q in Steve Quayle´s Site, I found many people that where waking up as well... I´m now 67Y/O and still trying to wake ppl up, but now with much more confidence.
For me it was 2012 when I saw Robbie Parker grinning and smirking his ass off on CNN when his "daughter" supposedly was shot to death in a supposedly gruesome mass shooting at Sandy Hook. That was total cognitive dissonance. Then when I mentioned this to an Australian friend, he dared me to find video of a plane striking the Pentagon on 9/11.
I got a late start, so it's only been 12 years for me. I just recently told my daughter about that Illuminati card game though. Wild stuff.
Closer to 50.
Generational JBS here. My Dad and his WWII / Korean War buddies learned this stuff from the Birchers.
Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is an out-of-print collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994 by Steve Jackson Games, based on their original boxed game Illuminati, which in turn was inspired by the 1975 book The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea
The Illuminatus Trilogy PDF
I was always a 'prepper' type, even as a child. I guess I'm a newbie compared to some. 1999 got me really researching into Y2K and possible impacts. I sold most of my stocks in my retirement funds, which helped me out in the 2000 crash. Then there was 9-11 and I was off to the races. It's hard to remember what it was like before being awake but I liked Clinton and certainly aligned myself with the Democrats (even though I'm, Canadian). How times have changed.
Awake to things like adrenochrome and the global satanic presence and infiltration? That would be almost exactly 7 years for me. Before that, I lived in a different world.
Sometimes I wish I never saw this world for what it is. Depressing at times. I guess I would rather know and be able to navigate it than don't know.
The blessing that comes with knowing is being able to say no to it.
1994 here….Used to work selling Budokan Pepper Spray at the Gibraltar Trade Centers in SE MI. Met an older gentleman named Fred…. He warned me I could never unsee if he shared his knowledge…. He did not lie.
Awake since Ruby Ridge and Waco.
When was Elian Gonzales and the Cuban Boat Lift?
25 years ago https://babalublog.com/2024/11/26/the-25th-anniversary-of-the-rescue-of-little-cuban-rafter-elian-gonzalez-and-his-arrival-in-the-u-s/
1994 for me Whitewater, docs from it was OKC bombing. Followed by Chinagate and BC selling ICBM chip tech to china.
Found the Clinton connection to Iran Contra and dug into that.
9 11 happened and I had direct dealings that day with FBI, knew it was an immediate lie.
I spent years on 9 11 and the ties to zionist, pnac, clean break seccuring the realm. Researched the talmud, elders of zion. Israhell apartheid.
From 01 to 05 it felt overwhelming. No matter how much one read and tried to share info, it felt hopeless.
I got depressed and took 2 years off. It wasn't until Ron Paul ran in 08 I felt we could make a difference. I remember the primarys being rigged against RP with diebold machines. I can talk about that time for days.
I'm former mil and run in some tier 1 circles. I remember in 2013 hearing about a possible mil coup to oust the mocha messiah. I'm pretty sure that was what we all know as Q, back then.
What's interesting is i thought Ron Paul could save us. I had no idea how big the corruption was. Now seeing how 45 was done his first term, they would have ate RP alive. The tea party was grass roots, i lived on the daily paul, rys2sense, whatreallyhappened. Not many places to hang out and discuss back then.
I Ran for mayor of my corrupt suburban chicago town and tried to make a difference. Illinois is just too corrupt and I started to lose faith again. But imo, without RP, we don't get to 45.
2017 and pol fbianon and Q got me interested again.
20 years ago I was depressed and never thought I'd see the world change for the better in my life time, or the zionist and israhell exposed.
Yet here we are. I know anyone who has been at this for 20+ years is definitely tired. Some rough ups and downs, but soon this movie ends.
I will be so rewarding, all those years of hard work finally paying off. Many of us were anons before there were anons.
Hats off to anyone who's been in the fight this long. It's occupied many years of our lives.
Sorry it was such a long arduous task and journey. Hoping that seeing some justice being served, is making life easier to live I get it though, I was angry for so many years. So angry about the injustice. God bless you.
Thanks for the kind words. This is what's great about GAW, never before has there been a forum so active, with so much knowledge and discussion.
It provides us all a place. I'm 48 so I know life pre net.
I feel for all those awake before me. They had no where to go. I know how isolated I felt.
Lord knows we're all the black sheep. Labeled as conspiracy theorist. Now we're not alone.
I've only woken up since the 2020 election steal. Cannot imagine how frustrating and infuriating it must have been to be in-the-know for so many years and have others think you are a 'conspiracy theorist' and worse.
Found the game on Amazon.
I'll put you on a path that isn't discussed here much. Elections have been rigged a long time. 2020 was just the breaking point for most. It didn't start with digital machines until 08. They rigged both elections for the mocha messiah. There's more to him than his mom being clowns in America and a commie. Brennan gave him his cover when he was CoS in SA. I hope that fag gets exposed to the fullest. So many layers to him still not known.
Benfords law is a great start with election graphs.
mocha messiah 😂 I never liked him, amazing that he bamboozled so many people. I'm glad they are starting to realize what a scumbag he is.
2020 opened my eyes and now I realize rigged elections have been going on for quite a while, it was quite the waker-upper.
Yes, it’s true. I’ve been considered the crazy person in my family for years. I think I bought my first frequency, healer at least 10 years ago. Now they’re finally talking about the rife machine on the regular 😂
How long did it take you to get to the acceptance stage? I am still angry and it colors my view on life, I hate to admit.
Once Biden became president, that’s when I entered into the acceptance stage. I knew that the situation was much bigger than me or anybody on this planet, and that God was in control. I didn’t understand why he allowed Biden to become president, but now after four years, and seeing the madness that we’ve seen, I understand. A lot of people here talk about the precipice, and we had to reach that in many factions of life, including the LGBT, illegal immigration, and the economy. I get it now. Enough people had to see the truth of the evil, and have it affect their everyday lives, before America could ever go back to what it once was. It’s great glorious freedom.
Thank you for that fren ❤️ I need to look at it that way too and change my POV on our situation.
During the Clinton years I began to become suspicious. I was 35 when he took office. TWA 800, Waco, and 9/11 at the start of GWB’s term got me asking questions. I got some answers, but not the big picture. I began reading Q a few months after the posts began. I was skeptical until the GHWB funeral. I’ve been awake ever since.
On my journey to being awake, I remember when Bush made Spanish our second language. I was so mad at him about that because I knew it was not in our best interest. And here we are. 🤨
Spanish is one of the "top" languages worldwide and one of the six United Nations official languages. What I mean by "top" is in terms of value per unit of effort in learning it.
As a counter-example here in UK one of our official languages is Welsh - it is difficult to learn and then after years of study you could only use it in Wales, a small country, or a tiny number of Welsh expat colonies. No disrespect to them but why bother?
I'm learning Spanish as I am a frequent visitor to Spain. The bonus is that I could also communicate if travelling right across the Americas. I don't get your comment about Spanish somehow not being in your best interests.
His point, I'm assuming, is that people immigrating to American should learn the language of the country they are immigrating to, not the reverse. I don't speak Spanish nor should I have to in order to live here. Now of course that isn't necessary in most places "YET". But there are some areas that Spanish is the predominate language spoken instead of English. English should be the official language so that our schools and other institutions aren't forced to be bi-lingual, which drives up costs and a wedge between Americans. This is all just part of the divide and conquer strategy, imo.
Oh right I had not picked up on that. I speak English, since I was born in England, but we (United Kingdom) do have a few other languages such as Gaelic. It's not like Canada though where their languages are legally-mandated English and French it's more of a "de jure" thing.
Just had a look and English is not the authentic "official language" of the USA so not sure why Spanish should be disallowed in some way. The Americans I have met are usually proud of their Polish, German, Italian, whatever, heritage.
It’s not that Spanish should be disallowed, it shouldn’t be an official second language. Just like the other person said, it’s now required in school. That causes a lot of problems and it’s more expensive for that. If people want to live in America, they should speak English. End Of!
Well I don't blame you guys for the confusion because I just made exactly the same embarrassing mistake. All my life I assumed that English was the official language of the UK but this thread got me thinking and I did some research - guess what, I was wrong upthread. Even in England, English is not any kind of official language it's just the most widely spoken. I believe exactly same in USA.
Thank you I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Because Spanish was not implemented as a second language in America for our best interest. It was implemented to make it easier for people to illegally enter our country. That’s the only reason they did that.
Sure if you travel to Spain or you want to speak to other people in Spanish, you can do that. I’m not against it. But you shouldn’t have to do that to live in your own country. I would say 50% of Spanish-speaking citizens that immigrate to America never learn English. Never.
Do any of you other old timers remember that table top rpg called Paranoia! ?
This has been planned out for longer than that. Is any of what we see outside of our own little circles not a simulation?
According to Q! There have been oathkeepers in the Oval Office since 1963! We stand on the shoulders of Giants! Many planted seeds for trees that they knew they would never get to enjoy it's shade!
Since Jr. high, '62.
The longer you've been awake, the more you realize that the good guys deserve our support.
They also deserve a good swift kick in the nuts for their decades of silence and coverup, but they deserve our support too.
I used to play this and other Steve Jackson Games with my brother back then the following is view of the original version the one in video is the newest edition I believe.
It's fun.
But to answer the OP's question 1973 Birch Society type at bus stop in front of a midwest court house...I was problem in Jr High and High School for some of my teachers as a result. It's been weird about how close to right he was about some things.
Well over 40 here, since the early 80's or earlier. My dad was former MI and was influential in me questioning everything. GHWB picked for VP was when I knew it was all rigged.
9/11 and the Patriot Act for me.
To Be honest, it started for me right after Kennedy was assonated. Even with the church! I started doubting a lot of things. Never believed Walter Kronkite about what he was selling on the news about nam, either.
I remember for being awake somewhere around 1970. I was seven years old and I was watching the news and I became so angry and infuriated. I knew everything was fake, and gay and a lie. I also knew what they were portraying was not what the world should be. I wouldn’t in my bedroom and I slammed my door. I made a decision at that point in time to not watch mainstream media news. From there on out, it was just a gradual awakening as time went on. Looking back I get more infuriated because at the age of seven, you should be enjoying your childhood and not worrying that there’s a bunch of fucktard in the world. Amirite 😵💫
Yes. I listened to Rush ♥️
Just had my 60th bday and 40 wedding anniversary this year. This started for us when in 1988 my friend found a book in a laundry mat called the unseen hand by Ralph Epperson. The first 15 pages were missing and the cover. We both read it and we’re never the same again.
There was shortwave radio where you could experience free speech. Not just Bill Cooper there was other shows on WRNO and news letters.
It has been a long slow process and I’ll admit over the years I would “turn off” my conspiracy brain just to stay sane but it’s always there causing suspicion and doubt in the official narrative. Right now us OGs can rejoice bc finally people who can see are everywhere.
I woke up on 9-11. Anyone could see that was a demolition.
For the beginning, since birth. Of course I didn't know or understand all of it.
Got my first dial up Win95 at 27 yrs old, an Acer w CD-ROM lol and down the rabbit hole I went, many without even realizing it out of natural curiosity. David Ike, Wilcock (in his infancy), ufology, Bill Cooper, websites like beforeitsnews, whatdoesitmean, veterantoday, etc, many others long before landing at voat, then (here).
Been misguided many times along the journey, will happen again no doubt... but that's simply part of the journey, our growth, and will make the final habbening that much moar sweet
Uh, the game Illuminati by Steve Jackson Games was originally released in 1975.
It resurfaced as a customizable card game in the 90s.
The fact check portion that says "Most of cards shown in video are fake ones" is complete BS. They even provide the link to all the cards that are shown in the video. I individually verified every card shown: https://www.ccgtrader.net/games/illuminati-nwo-ccg/limited/
Awake since "loose change" Quintessential anti narrative - 9/11 movie
In the mid 80s I started reading up on who really got JFK (High Treason), then (Veil). On a jobsite, I talked to an old guy who seemed to like some of my early digs. He gave me a bunch of his back issues of Spotlight and JB Society newspapers. When I got back to the jobsite next day, I told him I was floored, wow. All that stuff is going on? ! ?