It's afraid. IT'S AFRAID!
- N C S W I C -
I smell fear from the cabal. I smell fear from the elite. It is ripe and tasty, and is giving me such a desire to see the whole corrupt plague of nightmare fuel-ridden demons destroyed entirely. I can smell the blood in the water.
- nervous laughs from Obama next to Trump. He knows he's gone and fucked up with trying to get trump killed. He knows he's on the Diddy tapes.
- Elon is going full hulk mode on the UK single handedly, and is by far doing more damage to Kier Starmer's career with kier's career history, as amazing as that is. All of it over the Rape of Britain too. Kier is an example of failing up to the top post, so let's see if Elon can bring him tumbling down.
- the fires in la burning all the places by the infamous PB mansion tunnels. Actors and celebs who lived in paradise now see hell upon them. Yes it is likely arson, but seeing the level of devastating destruction (and having lived through fire too) it looks like an act of God upon the earth in scale. And I could not think of a more deserving set to face it. And I have faced losing my home to fire myself, so I know the pain well.
- trudeau is out on his arse. Niff said for that POS
- resignations all over the place within the fbi and other alphabet agencies. Good riddance to them all, hope the white hats reserve them all a cell in gbay.
- ally Carter on Diddy tapes is driving nails in hard onto all of the scum. That girl is fire. I pray for her safety and that she helps us to see justice, not just pain.
- the administration has to reward the worst of the lot with freedom medals to make them all look good again. It's like the Obama Nobel peace prize for being the first black president of America, being followed up by making Pakistani kids scared of blue skies via predator drones. The smell test is terrible
my bingo card is full, and loads of shit happening never even made it on the card. The next 11 days are going to be a mad, mad ride. I honestly didn't think the world would get crazier than it has the past 4 years, but every time I think we are at the precipice some cabalite comes around playing a game of "hold my beer".
Stay safe, people. May God be with us all in the coming days and months ahead.
Well written, I agree, somethings up. I had a conversation with my wife a few days ago, and she listed all the habbenings and asked "what's up with that? It's crazy." My answer was "well, it looks like there is some kind of plan unfolding, isn't it?".
She asked me if I still trust the plan, and I still do and always will. The crazy part, and I swear by God what I say is true:
I went to bed, had a recap of this conversation in my mind, thought about trusting the plan, was drifting away, and I woke up by exactly one bright flash and one strike of thunder. I sometimes ask God ask God about Q, he never rejected it, and now gave me a very clear sign of having faith.
Call me a crazy liar, but it happened exactly like that.
"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."
Godspeed frens.
About 20 years ago I asked God what he thought of politicians and if most of them were good. He shocked me and responded very strongly, “No!” A few had a good heart but the rest not only had nothing to do with him, they wanted to hurt the heart of God. This greatly shocked me and didn’t fit in my grid. He also said at that time the medical community already had the cure for cancer but they hid it with malicious intention.
Andrew Whalen had dreams about Q but I will have to look it up. He had no idea what it was except God said to look up praying medic’s videos of Q and he would give the church ways to pray that would help the church.
I for one don't think you're lying for saying you were awakened by lightning and thunder
Fairly common occurrence
Nice synopsis, God wins!
Ally talked about the Getty Museum 12 level tunnel system from hell. I so look forward to her vindication. Now if only the opening of containers of humans would begin.
Ally said there were tunnels all over the place. Easy to get lost. Even cities underground.
She also said as a trafficked child for Diddy, she was Denzel’s Party Favor and abused.
God Bless Ally and Keep Her Safe.
Oh no, not Denzel! He is reported to be part of a group of people who are forming an independent film studio that is being reported that they are forming it because of the evils of Hollywood.
Denzel's Freedom Medal enters the chat.
Bill Nye got one? Wow! What in the hell did that guy do other than appearing like a nerd on TV? He's not even a scientist!
They got medals for being pedophiles. I was really disappointed in Denzel. I thought he was upstanding. I don't know if Michael Fox is one.
George Soros got one:
1979 NEWSWEEK - George Soros: “I’ve made it my life’s mission to destroy the United States”. I hate this country and I hate all of the people in it!”.
<insert “Sex Junk” music video that he made for children>
"Earth Penetrating Tomography" can show a lot of tunnels and other things ( MAPS - Underground Tunnels
I hope Trump is being very active right now catching this filth of humanity.
Liz Croken says there was an underground subway system in LA about 100 years ago:
Perseverance. Resilience, Stay Strong. Faith Over Fear!
If God is with you, who can be against you?
The fires are reminiscent of Babylon coming down. The utter and total destruction of these areas is beyond scale. THOUSANDS of houses have been turned to a white ash. The hydrants having zero water, it's almost like God saying "let it all burn".
Nero fiddled as Rome burns.
Someone needs to make a meme of this with Newscum.
I thought of Sodom and Gomorrah when I saw the pictures
Yes there was an AI photo. SODOM instead of Hollywood sign on fire in the Hills
Nice! I haven't seen that one yet
Not US, but remember there is catastrophic flooding in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest site in Islam.
Love it! God bless you all my brothers and sisters in Christ. “Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous, Do not be afraid, Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9
I can feel it coming from them too.
As dangerous as it makes these coming days, their fear brings me calm.
It's their turn to feel like the world is ending.
The only good thing about the firestorms in Cali is that some people are finally, finally waking up. This video, showing a woman confronting Governor Newscum in the street and he flat-out lies to her face, is going viral.
"They will not be able to walk down the street."
Wait till this happens…
Excellent breakdown and Amen to God being with us, we always need Him
Crazier? Even as much as you enumerated it is soft pedaling the destruction that's coming down on the heads of these devils.
I’m wondering with the fires burning everything in Cali will help expose all those tunnels. How else could they get into all the homes or the Getty to find them without proof that they exist? Did the Getty museum burn or did the fire somehow miss it?
A wild animal backed into a corner will fight until it's last breath for survival. I don't think the DS will just lay down and say "OK, you guys win" and then slink off into anonymity. They will collect all the resources available to them and come back fighting. How will the WHs get rid of every single one of those cockroaches? They won't, but once the truth comes out the cockroaches won't like the light.
Ya know, speaking of PB Mansion, there sure seems to be a lot of dirt and construction all over the place at 10236 Charing Cross Rd. when you pull it up on goo-goo maps satellite view. Almost like a crime scene(?).
Correction to the Obama being the first black president. He is the first multi-racial/bi-racial president. Remember, his mama was a white woman named Stanley Ann Dunham.
Amen to that!
You may get tired of winning!