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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Isaiah 66:1&2
1 Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest? 2 All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.
The silver lining for these cold temp & snow cover where it isn't normally ... could be a drastic reduction in the vicious mosquitoes, fire ants and other annoying bugs. :)
Maybe, last week it was mid forties to fifty degrees and I saw a mosquito dancing at my bathroom window trying to get inside. Growing up I heard the cold weather kills bugs. If that’s the case why do we have them every year? Also heard it’s not a cold enough winter to kill em. Guess I’ll see about April on that theory. It’s been at twenty degrees every most nights this month. I think they go dormant over the winter. Just like bees, they don’t die over the winter.
The bugs and stuff in the south aren't acclimated to the blanket of snow, slow melt and extended cold. We can hope their numbers have diminished some :) lol
Hope so also. That makes sense. It’s possible the old timers said this because we used to have very cold winters and several big snows. I haven’t researched this and won’t. If I see stinging bugs even on TV I get cold chills and sorta freak out. Goes back to my science class doing a bug project and my teacher had dead stinging bugs pinned to a board. I can deal with spiders and snakes better & I despise them also.
It all depends on how big the spider is and what direction the snake is going... 😂😂😂😂
I believe their eggs can freeze and thaw...
But I saw on last week too.
I was guessing that there was a frozen egg on the firewood that I brought in but I could be wrong .
That makes sense. At the moment I have Chinese bugs that look like ladybugs. The come inside in the fall and die or leave around spring. At least they don’t bite.
Hi, been on this board for a couple of years, love it here. I LOVE how the last few days have gone, but im scared. I know the bad guys wont go quietly, twitter is doomersville, and its only the trust in the plan that makes me feel better that things are going as they should. Im so relieved that patriots are in control but im not as comfy as i thought id be. is this normal? am i being paranoid? just looking for some reassurance i guess or positive re enforcement. i dont doom, and i dont want to start, just trying to get a read on how everyone else is doing.
Knowing that it will get real scary is healthy. After all, we want 95% of humanity to wake up to the most unbelievable truths that turns our entire reality upside down.
At the same time, its important to keep in mind that Q Plan is the culmination of God's plan. Even the worst haters of Trump and the most twisted TDS cannot "debunk" the Trump's assassination attempt. Its been proven mathematically that he moved his head, after the assassin pressed the trigger. Use this fact to comfort yourself that God is on our side.
My only worry is whether this Great Awakening is the final awakening or do we have to repeat this again in another few decades / centuries.
I hope not, feel bad for anyone having to do this. I'm on year 7 ig Q like most of us. Hopefully it won't be necessary.
We may hit a rougher patch up ahead, but then it will get even better. If you trust the plan, you know that N isn't there for nothing--- it stands for Nothing (at all, nope, no how, no way) Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
And now we are getting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We'll make it! Stay strong.
Thank you, I am, I will
joyful and hopeful anticipation: the perfect Christian situation!!!
It's OK to feel that way - we were born imperfect it's our nature to question the inevitable. I feel that way often! 😃
For me it's all part of coming closer to my faith, as it is written. I hope and pray it is the same for you as it has felt like a solution when I let it work.
So I've started looking back into MKULTRA insofar as regarding to SSRI development as a personal theory. Even back then the tax grifting is so bad.
Subproject 62 had a $1000 check for research purposes on LSD and RF emissions on anthropods, and the researcher with the NIH spends 115 dollars on "entertainment", and another 23 on "small arms and ammunition". Seriously, WTF, can't even be efficient with the boot stomping.
The culture war is wearing on me.
I saw the rainbow flag in a YouTube thumbnail and started to get angry and roll my eyes.
It wasn't the rainbow flag.
It was a TV test pattern.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 23rd — Evening Reading
"We will remember Thy love more than wine." — Song of Songs 1:4
Jesus will not let His people forget His love. If all the love they have enjoyed should be forgotten, He will visit them with fresh love. "Do you forget my cross?" says He, "I will cause you to remember it; for at My table I will manifest Myself anew to you. Do you forget what I did for you in the council-chamber of eternity? I will remind you of it, for you shall need a counsellor, and shall find Me ready at your call." Mothers do not let their children forget them. If the boy has gone to Australia, and does not write home, his mother writes-"Has John forgotten his mother?" Then there comes back a sweet epistle, which proves that the gentle reminder was not in vain. So is it with Jesus, He says to us, "Remember Me," and our response is, "We will remember Thy love." We will remember Thy love and its matchless history. It is ancient as the glory which Thou hadst with the Father before the world was. We remember, O Jesus, Thine eternal love when Thou didst become our Surety, and espouse us as Thy betrothed. We remember the love which suggested the sacrifice of Thyself, the love which, until the fulness of time, mused over that sacrifice, and long for the hour whereof in the volume of the book it was written of Thee, "Lo, I come." We remember Thy love, O Jesus as it was manifest to us in Thy holy life, from the manger of Bethlehem to the garden of Gethsemane. We track Thee from the cradle to the grave-for every word and deed of Thine was love-and we rejoice in Thy love, which death did not exhaust; Thy love which shone resplendent in Thy resurrection. We remember that burning fire of love which will never let Thee hold Thy peace until Thy chosen ones be all safely housed, until Zion be glorified, and Jerusalem settled on her everlasting foundations of light and love in heaven.
My guess is that the "Stage Set" marker will happen in the next few months when all of Trump's picks are confirmed. Q likened the stage to a chess board, so Trump is currently placing his chess pieces on the board. When this marker is hit, the public exposure of major Deep State players will be around the corner. Then 11.3 will occur.
Good analogy
Anyone think there is any way Trump would make an executive order requiring any RINOs running for election (or reelection) to change their names to Karen (for a female) or Darren (for a male)? Sure would make primary voting easier.
DOGE comms spotted!
kek, there's even a 17 in there
I started asking grok.com some questions to see for myself about it. Here's what response I got
More ..
However, the integration of AI also brings challenges such as ethical concerns, job displacement, privacy issues, and the need for regulatory frameworks to ensure its use benefits society equitably. Thus, while AI is needed, it must be developed and implemented with careful consideration of these broader implications.
Still more...
In essence, while AI can perform many tasks autonomously, it remains a tool designed, developed, and deployed by humans for human purposes. The symbiotic relationship between humans and AI highlights the importance of human involvement at every stage of AI's lifecycle.
Last one for today...
What is God to AI?
In conclusion, "God" to AI is not a theological or spiritual concept but rather a metaphor for the human creators, the rules of its programming, or the data it learns from. AI does not "believe" in God; it simply processes information based on how it's designed to do so by humans. Any religious or spiritual discourse involving AI is a projection of human understanding, curiosity, or exploration into the realm of technology.
Sony (who owns Crunchyroll) has announced they will stop producing physical media (Blu-Rays, DVDs) in February.
You will own nothing, and you'll be happy.
It’s ok, they’re mostly making turd piles anyway.
Hahaha they’re trying to go for impeachment again!
Thursday Poem...Robinson Jeffers - The Purse-Seine
Meta’s New AI Translates Speech in Real Time Across More Than 100 Languages....It's accurate and nearly as fast as expert human interpreters.
Island Royalty...A new biography of a Caribbean revolutionary
Worst Of Babylon Bee
10 Things Found By Trump's Team When Cleaning Out The White House
Aw, Man: Columbia Student Just Graduated With DEI Degree
Sad: With Border Closed, This Murderer Now Forced To Do All His Murderin' In Mexico
Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer Disappointed He Can No Longer Work From Home
Late-Night Comedians Excited They Can Make Jokes About The President Again
Whenever the news flow gets spicy, my twitter feed gets filled with food porn recipe videos. Am I the only one?
And what the heck is going on with John MacAfee’s account? I hope he’s alive somewhere but a currency?🧐
i had to click and see why 'bill cosby' was trending on x. lol. i was not disappointed. https://x.com/DogRightGirl/status/1882958854075580851
There were a whole bunch of illegal Mexicans in my hotel and yesterday they disappeared. Don't know if they moved jobsites, self deported or ICE came through but I'm much happier without them staring at my girlfriend and truck full of tools.
USPS needs DOGE'd. They're a worthless bunch.
Yes they are! Sometimes I order from Walmart, I like that they don’t use USPS. If it’s something in the local store in stock they use ordinary citizens delivering in their car. I think fedex for other orders. Also I don’t have any problem with FedEx delivery, I see many complaining about them. Of course USP is awesome here. I’ll probably have an issue after bragging on them.
UPS is great, never an issue. I've only used FedEx a couple times and they were fine too. Buuuuut USPS can go pound sand. They are terrible. UPS can get a package to me 3 days at most from the time they get it. USPS takes a week and a half. Insufferable overpriced federal morons.
About a year ago I saw a shared post on the local news channel. It was about USP & local people complaining. The comments were sad but also hilarious. The best one was a guy got a wedding invitation mail from across town (small town nothing big). He got it 28 days after it was mailed and the day after the wedding. Sign up for informed delivery with USPS. You get an email daily showing your mail and packages. Mail is scanned and you see the photo. If I don’t receive something, even junk, I click didn’t receive. I’m not taking up for them! My mail lady is working two routes. During holidays I got mail at 9PM. I complain about everything. I’ll give the local manager a compliment though. I didn’t get a package a few months ago. They keep saying lost or something. After a week she found my package.
I ran across this rabbit hole on one of my favorite YouTube channels.
(of the Sun)
The YouTube channel deals with symbolism in movies and TV. I highly recommend it. Most of it is undeniable once you see it over and over again in movies and TV. With my new eyes, I often quickly spot it in new movies and TV. Some of it deals with Trump and Freemasons. Some of it I do not agree with.
As I have posted before, Q is the mathematical symbol for heat. Once I knew that, this became one of my favorite Q drops and it does fit with the assertion above.
The fox ticker under Vance talking shows that Fox is still not on our side
Hey pedes Im looking for a site that I used in the past where I could search like... a company or npo or organization and it would give you details about its corruption and ties to corruption...
I think I'm explaining it well enough that someone might know what I'm talking about...