During the first week of his administration, President Trump issued a number of directives concerning the federal workforce. Among those directives, the President required that employees return to in-person work, restored accountability for employees who have policy-making authority, restored accountability for senior career executives, and reformed the federal hiring process to focus on merit. As a result of the above orders, the reform of the federal workforce will be significant.
The reformed federal workforce will be built around four pillars:
- Return to Office: The substantial majority of federal employees who have been working remotely since Covid will be required to return to their physical offices five days a week. Going forward, we also expect our physical offices to undergo meaningful consolidation and divestitures, potentially resulting in physical office relocations for a number of federal workers.
- Performance culture: The federal workforce should be comprised of the best America has to offer. We will insist on excellence at every level — our performance standards will be updated to reward and promote those that exceed expectations and address in a fair and open way those who do not meet the high standards which the taxpayers of this country have a right to demand.
- More streamlined and flexible workforce: While a few agencies and even branches of the military are likely to see increases in the size of their workforce, the majority of federal agencies are likely to be downsized through restructurings, realignments, and reductions in force. These actions are likely to include the use of furloughs and the reclassification to at-will status for a substantial number of federal employees.
- Enhanced standards of conduct: The federal workforce should be comprised of employees who are reliable, loyal, trustworthy, and who strive for excellence in their daily work. Employees will be subject to enhanced standards of suitability and conduct as we move forward. Employees who engage in unlawful behavior or other misconduct will be prioritized for appropriate investigation and discipline, including termination.
Each of the pillars outlined above will be pursued in accordance with applicable law, consistent with your agency's policies, and to the extent permitted under relevant collective-bargaining agreements.
If you choose to remain in your current position, we thank you for your renewed focus on serving the American people to the best of your abilities and look forward to working together as part of an improved federal workforce. At this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency but should your position be eliminated you will be treated with dignity and will be afforded the protections in place for such positions. If you choose not to continue in your current role in the federal workforce, we thank you for your service to your country and you will be provided with a dignified, fair departure from the federal government utilizing a deferred resignation program. This program begins effective January 28 and is available to all federal employees until February 6. If you resign under this program, you will retain all pay and benefits regardless of your daily workload and will be exempted from all applicable in-person work requirements until September 30, 2025 (or earlier if you choose to accelerate your resignation for any reason). The details of this separation plan can be found below.
Whichever path you choose, we thank you for your service to The United States of America.
Upon review of the below deferred resignation letter, if you wish to resign:
- Select “Reply” to this email. You must reply from your government account. A reply from an account other than your government account will not be accepted.
- Type the word “Resign” into the body of this reply email. Hit “Send”. THE LAST DAY TO ACCEPT THE DEFERRED RESIGNATION PROGRAM IS FEBRUARY 6, 2025.
Deferred resignation is available to all full-time federal employees except for military personnel of the armed forces, employees of the U.S. Postal Service, those in positions related to immigration enforcement and national security, and those in any other positions specifically excluded by your employing agency.
DEFERRED RESIGNATION LETTER January 28, 2025 Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from employment with my employing agency, effective September 30, 2025. I understand that I have the right to accelerate, but not extend, my resignation date if I wish to take advantage of the deferred resignation program. I also understand that if I am (or become) eligible for early or normal retirement before my resignation date, that I retain the right to elect early or normal retirement (once eligible) at any point prior to my resignation date. Given my impending resignation, I understand I will be exempt from any “Return to Office” requirements pursuant to recent directives and that I will maintain my current compensation and retain all existing benefits (including but not limited to retirement accruals) until my final resignation date. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my remaining time at my employing agency. Accordingly, I will assist my employing agency with completing reasonable and customary tasks and processes to facilitate my departure. I understand that my acceptance of this offer will be sent to the Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) which will then share it with my agency employer. I hereby consent to OPM receiving, reviewing, and forwarding my acceptance.
Upon submission of your resignation, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your email. Any replies to this email shall be for the exclusive use of accepting the deferred resignation letter. Any other replies to this email will not be reviewed, forwarded, or retained other than as required by applicable federal records laws. Once your resignation is validly sent and received, the human resources department of your employing agency will contact you to complete additional documentation, if any. OPM is authorized to send this email under Executive Order 9830 and 5 U.S.C. §§ 301, 1103, 1104, 2951, 3301, 6504, 8347, and 8461. OPM intends to use your response to assist in federal workforce reorganization efforts in conjunction with employing agencies. See 88 Fed. Reg. 56058; 80 Fed. Reg. 72455 (listing routine uses). Response to this email is voluntary. Although you must respond to take advantage of the deferred resignation offer, there is no penalty for nonresponse
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would see something like this happen to the sick, bloated fed govt.
Pinch me. This must be too good to be true. Am I only dreaming?
I hope a lot of them resign.
Or retire. I'm just over a year away with current VERA/VSIP policy in place. But with a few tweaks on the early-out rules, I'm more than willing to GTFO now, most especially because I work in an org infested (and run) by smoothbrains libtards.
Yes indeed
"Don't let the door hit ya
Where the Lord split ya"
This is how a highly successful businessman with a lifetime of experience approaches fixing something like the federal government.
You are not dreaming. Unless, it's the Revival of America dream.
It will be hard for many people to deny that God loves America in the future. God is blessing America for the sake of the world. But the first step is, America must become healthy again, must live up to the promise of its founding.
We are in the days of the American Restoration. May the world swiftly follow.
I hope every single one of them is panicking right now. Useless parasites are about to discover the real world.
Well I unfortunately have to deal with a lot of civil servants and their red tape. The vast majority are useless, we refer to them as the reject shop for a reason.
You are conflating bureaucrats with people who do physical jobs. We are talking about desk jockeys, who’s greatest risk is a paper cut.
Open your eyes, they go there for job security and perks, not to work.
The 80/20 rule is more like 95/5 these days due to unions.
Just noticed you are a handshake, highly likely a fed, frantically typing while on the citizens dime.
Seems like a reasonable offer, generous in fact. That’s the price of clearing out dead wood.
Extremely generous. 8 months pay and full benefits? Many private sector jobs don’t offer packages this good for anyone but Board Members and the CEO.
I do think my company did something similar but a little less, like 6months pay with some reduced benefits for layoffs one year.
Yup...usually 6 months pay is the standard
It's maybe 60-70% dead wood, though. That will be a problem.
You could not do this without massive increased expenses, financially, and time-wise, for trials, hearings, and all that proper practice and objective law and order require.
This is the optimal way. Revenge always costs a lot more to the initiator than he or she first imagines.
This is actually the best way to handle it and removes a lot of the teeth from the action.
The media and Reddit will go full retard over it, but they're totally lost.
kek, battle of the handshakes...
Personally, I 100% agree with you. I'm confident Trump knows this and appreciate this. I mean, he's not beyond publicly praising those he disagrees with or who he might personally think are scum. He puts the public purpose first. Always.
The more people who being to think and act like Trump, the better America and the world will be.
Sadly, the irrationality of the Marxist/Globalist population sometimes finds its counterpoint in the irrationality of those who (feel like) they are opposed.
This is the hallmark of those who have failed, as of so far, to escape the Hegelian mind trap of [(Fake) US vs THEM].
An officer that doesn’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re”. Of course.
Most likely another panicked desk jockey civil servant trying to convince yourself more than anyone of your worth.
Don’t worry, you and your hard working buddies will get a great management position in the private sector, because you’re worth it.
How’s your CV looking fed?
Also, it’s spelled “grammar”.
Can confirm this is happening. 95 % of my employees are in the office every day. We have a few that worked out deals years ago and the organization allowed remote work in order to keep their strong performance. It’s a shame these guys are going to suffer the consequence but they are completely understanding, albeit disappointed.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I've worked partly remote since 2010 and 100% remote since 2020. I love it. I'm happier and more productive. I love not wasting 3 hour each day driving to work. Maybe if I could afford one of those expensive houses near the office or tolerate a small apartment, maybe I would have a different opinion. But I like living in the sticks, on a farm, 2 hours from the city, and will continue to work from home.
Are you saying you are an employee of the federal government?
Service to a government (a public organ whose purpose is to serve the public) is necessarily different from private sector work.
If this doesn't affect you, then rock on...
In my experience, they are vastly different.
you do know how to feel about it
I'm 67 miles from my office. I am fine driving in and I too live in the sticks.
We organized a van pool and share the cost which is $100/mo.
Wow!! This is EXCELLENT!!!
I particularly like this part:
EXACTLY the same as your average American working for a corporation.
I'm not personally a fan of "at will", with the caveat that if you fire a person for no legitimate reason there is no way for them to understand what they did wrong and improve.
If a legitimate reason is stated, it's fine but I think there should be a responsibility to be up front with someone about why they're being let go as a point of mutual respect and decency.
Quick edit: In line with "at will", I also want to clarify that the use of legitimate means the real reason rather than some BS non-reason or no reason given whatsoever.
I don't think anyone is a "fan" of it...
But why should govt workers have immunity that YOU don't have?
Level the field and what's standard for us, aka performance based employment, should be standard for them as well.
You don't get special treatment and "tenure" just because you have a .gov email address.
This makes me soooo happy! Insert Trump Dance!
I think they should be laid off with no severance package, like the rest of us working Joes in the private sector.
I expect some of them will be, if they don't take the buyout. Letter specifically said your job wasn't guaranteed if you came in and worked from the office.
I feel like I am in shock. We have waited for these types of actions for so long it is hard to believe they are actually happening. It's surreal....
Every day something new and amazing comes from from this administration!
I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow...
...Not to mention what they have planned for America's 250th birthday!!!
This email was sent to a friend of mine that is a Fed employee. He and his team are Trump supporters. I had to remove the email address so I don't know what to give you for "sauce"
Thanks for the clarification fren.
Good move by removing POC info.
“Good move by removing POC”
I like Racist. I'm an excellent driver. Every Sunday I like to watch the racist. I likes it when they crash....sometimes they'll get out and swing at each other and use bad words....
Your fed friend took a big risk sending this to you, then, if they did that. All federal workers know that their computers are monitored, including incoming and outgoing emails, and thumb drives (to download any files). Please thank your friend for doing this.
Not really, He is easily in the top 5%. He 100% supports what President Trump is doing.
That's fine. Let me be clear: There are guidelines in place at federal agencies regarding government information, and part of those guidelines include securing information, including via email.
I hear you. Still there is no way this email is in any way expected to be kept secret.
The email was published in mainstream media and alternative news outlets as well.
Specifically... https://www.opm.gov/fork
If you have Reddit check out /fednews many have posted the email
Ooohh boy! That site is going crazy. If you cut through all the chase, it boils down to:
Choice 1: Work from office
Choice 2: Voluntary retirement with 8 months pay
Yet the crazies are going crazy, even while claiming only 6% of people work from home. Make it make sense.
How does one say ¡afuera! in commie-speak? I want to be sure they understand.
That is a thing of beauty.
I can agree with the sentiment here. But I'm not sure it will have the intended effect.
You see, the federal workforce (from what I've experienced around the Washington DC metro area) is worse than most people can imagine. I was a federal government contractor for more than 10 years, working with, for, and embedded with various federal agencies. I saw more waste, fraud, and abuse in my time than I ever care to see again in my life. If the good people of Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania saw what I saw, there'd be marches on D.C. with torches and pitchforks.
Non-federal workers have no clue how biased and corrupt the entire system is. From hiring to "workload" to raises and promotions, there is nothing like the federal workforce. First, if you check all the right boxes, you're in. You should be a female, or a black/Latino/other POC, or disabled, or ex-military. The more boxes you can check, the better off for you in the hiring process. So, from the start, the federal workforce is rigged to hire people who do not know the meaning of "work" in a commercial sense of the word. When a normal person uses the word "lazy" to describe a federal worker, they're using their own definition of the word "lazy." A normal person needs an entire new vocabulary to describe a federal worker. They're not "lazy" because they simply don't know what work is. In a real sense, then, it's not them, it's you. I mean to say: In my experience, half of the federal workforce I saw would hardly be fit to work at Walmart or your local Home Depot. And some of these people are making BANK.
The normal people I know who entered the federal workforce soon exited because the entropy was so crushing. And, conversely, I know of feds who left and entered the commercial/contracting world (where you do actually have to work!) and left within days or weeks because they simply did not know how to work.
Kudos for Trump and team to try this, but the federal workforce around D.C. is known as the largest welfare state to ever exist. What other meaningful, legitimate jobs can some of these people have?
Edit: The federal workforce is NOT a commercial business. Trying to run it like one ... I have my doubts it can work.
Fricken common sense!!! I bet the workers will be furious. It’s going to save the tax payers so much money. Btw it sets a precedent for the entire country of who America is and what is expected. Every business will benefit.
Wonder how many workers have multiple names they use for remote jobs? Those who identify as they/them should be looked at first.
Learn to code.
I can confirm this is 100% legit. I receive the updates due to my position. I hope they ask us to prove our performance of our position descriptions as there's some stretch of truths between what can be done on paper vs on the job.
I'm 100% in support of this! My position directly affects your life and safety and I'm in the top 10% of skills, so I am not worried. I am nervous about the new employees who are on probation right now. I have 2 employees in that status who are among the best we've ever hired and I would trade 5 legacy employees for these 2 without thought.
I hope that if the rif begins that it starts with a physical test of skills.
Just want to add, I saw my SIL’s email this morning, and it’s titled “Fork in the Road”. Fitting title I thought for government employees.
If he doesn’t get rid of all the foreigners taking all the jobs like the H1B, this policy is hollow.
Clear and to the point. This needed to be done ages ago and amazing how Trump is doing first couple weeks in office. How long have we asked for Gov to be run like a business; and now we are finally seeing it play out.
Valuable employees are valuable anywhere. The 20% who do 80% of the work, will be going elsewhere. Only the lazy and over promoted will stay.
I didn't have an email when I was in the Marine Corps. I want my USMC.gov email address!
Q-3599 is one of 5 drops with the flux capacitor [Y] and it poses a question much like this letter does, with a check box marked [Y] for Yes.
A Higher Loyalty [Y].
Hunters become the Hunted.
Interesting what comes after -- especially considering Q-963 predicts the Superbowl team colors and also has a flux capacitor [Y]
(I wonder if there's anything about 88mph in that 88 Fed. Reg. 56058)
88mph in 88 Fed. Reg. 56058 🤔😄😂🤣🤣🤣👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Elon posted a “Fork in the Road” referencing the resignation policy. A fork in road would look like a Y
True. Nice catch.
Why even give them this? Get fired like the rest of the country, I think it is disgusting.
Was going to say I didnt see this.. Friday strange test email came down from something labeled "HR" type in YES if you see this.. then CPO dude sent email saying HR its a good source? Monday 2nd test, type YES again, even if you did before.. Tuesday there was "HR (Non DoD source) Fork in the Road" Was going to hit delete, but.. I opened it. there was this letter, with a tad more info
Is Feb 6 comms if some sort?
I guarantee you many in Fed govt won’t even hear about the policy until well after the 6th.