I research to help myself and others. What I do is not merely entertainment.
As long as we have this tool-the internet we must use it to protect, advance and educate humanity.
I used to mix it in with some water or tea, but I got to the point where I could just down a shot of it then chase it with water so it was so acidic in my stomach.
That skeeves me out so bad I really can’t watch. Ugh! I don’t doubt it! I just did a month of Ivermectin because I thought this might be true. I’ve been around horses, dogs and cats my whole life so why not consider this. Btw I worm them monthly with ivermectin so why don’t we do this as well?
I do the same thing with them. I switched between IVR and Fenben. I should do that myself. You can also use Espom Salt, cheaper.
My dog is 19 and he just went for a 8 mile hike last weekend. When I first got him, I don't even want to see the amount of worms coming out of him using Cina. Took me 3 years to deworm him.
This outfit in NC sells pure powder or capsule FenBen. I buy here in USA as I don’t trust what comes out of India or elsewhere. They offer other healthcare products & network with a number of natural health pros to offer support for those battling cancer.
In my country it is almost impossible to get ivermectin. I checked fendbendazol and it seems to be available in pet stores etc. It is available prescription free for animal use only, but I read that some buy it for themselves. Is it like that in the US as well (or wherever you are from)?
Excellent post—thank you. I really hope that this medication will be available to us OTC, or even by normal Rx. The amount of shit that was said about these drugs in the name of defending/enforcing big pharma meds was really disastrous. I can’t even begin to imagine the quality of life for so many lost souls had they been offered these as a treatment.
Parasite Pill 2.0 is a must read. It explains why we are seeing deviant behaviour in humans. It explains transmission. Parasites are very devious and resourceful.
Consider downloading it. It becomes hard to find on the internet.
Horsehair worms phylum Nematomorpha, creepy worm parasites that leave their victims scarred both physically and emotionally. Also known as horsehair worms, these disgusting parasitoid animals can be found in nearly every corner of the globe terrorizing their hosts and sucking the life right out of them.
Many horsehair worms can even grow to be as heavy as insect hosts they inhabit. Highly invasive, these creatures can take over a host's bodily functions, even going as far as rewiring their victims' brains.
Parasitic horsehair worms primarily target invertebrates like insects but scientists believe that the worms are increasingly becoming a concern for humans as well. Studies documenting the risk of horsehair worms infecting humans have been published recently and the results are more than a little disconcerting.https://www.ranker.com/list/horsehair-worm-parasites/eric-vega
Be aware that they can hide the name of bug flour when you are checking ingredients under another name. Many medications can have several other names. Just like Remdesivir can be called Veklury.
Yeah, it's alright... indoctrination goes deep. But, yeah, stress is either just a symptom of separation from God; or just plain faked to get money from the government/get out of work
According to Bob Beck illness causing organisms can be killed by electricity. The blood electrifier applies current to arteries in the wrist. PEMF uses a rapidly changing magnetic field to induce voltage inside the body. That is the state of my recent research into medbed technology.
Ok, I actually use a PEMF bed regularly. Seqex brand. I do a 30-45 minute treatment once a week. It's ok but I think I need to use it every day. I think what most people think of as a med bed is perhaps more powerful.
I now believe fungus are the most difficult to root out, and I think that's because you must have a healthy immune system first in those places where it has rooted itself.
The protocol caused my eyesight to deteriorate. I reported this and was treated like a shill! So I can't recommend the protocol - or at least with a warning.
…And for the love of God, listen to God and stop eating pork - the #1 parasite infested meat, that’s still full of toxins even if you manage to kill the parasites by cooking.
The ignored books that are “definitely for other people”. I do not agree.
Deuteronomy 14:8 - And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it [is] unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.
What “food” is matters, though. “God only gave the Law to Israel.”
Who “Israel” is matters. If Christians are “grafted in”, God gave the Law to Christians, too. (“Israel”, biblically, is also spiritual, and not hereditary)
I am speaking against modern church teachings. I do not, however, believe that a Christian in 120 AD would disagree with me.
There are practical reasons to obey the law. Not all of them are easy to understand, but it is significantly easier to follow the parts I’m aware of that are rejected than to follow most of the parts that are preached on regularly.
I intermittently offer to take on objections insofar as what I know (which is not everything, for I am an amateur). Parasites just happen to be one of the more obvious areas where this is applicable. Not eating mercury-filled bottom-feeding aquatic cockroaches is another. Keeping the prophetic feasts by which the Messiah was identified and by which he will be known again is another. Proper weights and measures (money), not accepting or giving bribes, dealing with your brother when one of you has violated the other. It’s all OT.
Or we can keep using the Family Court system and Federal Reserve Notes, which are clearly beyond reproach.
We all would have known better if we didn’t assume it was written for somebody else.
… then we wonder why there’s so little of raising the dead or healing the lame to walk again or the blind to see when Jesus (not his name) promised we would do greater miracles than he did in his time here.
I only recently found out about bribes being a biblical prohibition when we started doing it as part of playing a board game, and it completely ruined the mechanics of the game and put everyone at each others’ throats. Then the scriptures popped into my head and the lightbulb went on!
Actually the NOW brand is a solid one supported by both my naturopathic doctor (who worked right next to a natural food store) and my business partner who runs an apothecary in WA. They all told me the NOW brand. There's another one, something research group but I cannot remember.
If it's essential oils, you want Revive or Young Living.
I contracted Lyme Disease and doctors were totally useless. After 18 months of them not diagnosing it and ignoring the fact that it was getting into my HEART, and had stripped away a third of my body weight, and I was having deadly seizures, I took matters into my own hands. Quickly discovered through basic research that Native American peoples used Black Walnut Husk oil to solve this problem, and people all over the world use it as well as Wormwood and a few other powerful herbs many of which mentioned here. I began taking both of these in raw form and it saved my life. Turmeric is also essential, eat it on your eggs, etc. to prevent these infections. Doctors OFTEN misdiagnose these infections as cancer, because of the weight loss and increased white blood cell count.
The allopathic medicine doctors are useless. I use a naturopathic doctor and they use a biofeedback machine. He can tell you if there's any parasites and what kind just hooking that to your head and your feet. Not using any pharmaceutical drugs with tons of side effect either.
If you try to go to a doctor with evidence of parasitic infection they’re likely to diagnose you with “delusional parasitosis”. They’ll prescribe antipsychotics. If you remember the “morgellons” phenomenon you’ll understand. Some people really are “bugsy”. People will show up at doctors with baggies or jars or whatever claiming they’re worms, or eggs, or whatever. They’ll have photos on their phone that don’t show what they think they do. It’s weird. Lots of people that do coke, or meth or even aderall, or heavy drinkers, or former heavy drinkers get delusional fixations about these things. Often their spouse or other partner will confirm these delusions, so taking them along to bolster the story to a doctor is useless. Have literally seen this happen. Actual parasitic infection misdiagnosed as delusional. Very frustrating to those involved. Better off going to a vet.
Live as clean and orderly a life as you can, and use the known remedies to keep it under control.
Also maybe look into diatomaceous earth. More “magic dirt” . Even if it is often delusional it can’t hurt to address it as an issue.
Some of this is fear propaganda. Now, anyone here who has seen my posts knows that I am a proponent of Ivermectin and fenbendazole. I also educate people on diseases that are parasitic infections like malaria. Parasites are an issue and our medical institutions have gone above and beyond to obfuscate harm from parasites. The way they use bacterial, fungal, and parasitic interchangeably for starters. They have abuse people over Lyme (released bio weapon from Lyme CT) Morgellons- where they used to say it is a psychiatric issue- boy is that a rabbit hole!!
However, we are not hosts to all parasites,
I have an old dog who has never been on heartworm meds- eats, horse shit, chicken shit, dead deer, carrion, raw meats (pork, beef, venison, eggs, offal) drinks crik water, road, yard, paddock puddles. Passed his heart worm test! How is that possible with all the heart worm drug advertising??
Without Old Yeller would we vaccinate against rabies?
National Geographic is a far left rag. Why would they use this panic tone? Why now? They hate people; it’s why NG pushes climate change, depopulation agenda, DEI, and animal/ planet worship.
I remember hearing a story when i was a kid from my mom and dad,it was bout my oldest brothers wife's younger siblings,they said when they were young like 3 or 4 i guess that there mom would put country ham in there underwear at night when they were sleeping and the worms would come out for a late night snack ,TRUE STORY.
Think about it, why are so many people having such incredible and unexpected results(fixing age-related cognitive issues is just the latest posts/comments I remember but there has been quite a few others) from a single ivermectin dose...................
You got a good long list. Thanks.
I research to help myself and others. What I do is not merely entertainment. As long as we have this tool-the internet we must use it to protect, advance and educate humanity.
You got it. That's why I talked about homeopathic sometimes also. I love sushi. LOL
I LIKE the SAMPLER plate at lunch @ my local sushi house...UUUUUUMMMM, UUUUUUUMMMM, GOOD I tell ya'!!!!!!!
1 Tbl spoon of apple cider vinegar keeps the doctor away!!!!!! Keeps the arteries clear and helps the immune system rather well...
I need to get back to drinking ACV.
I used to mix it in with some water or tea, but I got to the point where I could just down a shot of it then chase it with water so it was so acidic in my stomach.
No idea why I stopped drinking it every day.
Yes. Apple Cider Vinegar is a great thing.
GSE (GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT) https://draxe.com/nutrition/grapefruit-seed-extract/
Another excellent one to add to this exceptional list!
Thank you for this list.
Best parasite related rabbit hole:
Apricot seeds/ apple seeds: arsenic- not enough to kill but parasites hate it. And apple a day….(eat the entire thing. Seeds, cortex, skin and flesh
Something lovely to wake up to… 😂
I don't like it but at least we know what to do.
I know, I have overly dry lips, tired, have sleep problems, am constipated a lot - wtf thanks brain_dead!
That skeeves me out so bad I really can’t watch. Ugh! I don’t doubt it! I just did a month of Ivermectin because I thought this might be true. I’ve been around horses, dogs and cats my whole life so why not consider this. Btw I worm them monthly with ivermectin so why don’t we do this as well?
I do the same thing with them. I switched between IVR and Fenben. I should do that myself. You can also use Espom Salt, cheaper.
My dog is 19 and he just went for a 8 mile hike last weekend. When I first got him, I don't even want to see the amount of worms coming out of him using Cina. Took me 3 years to deworm him.
Wow 19! That’s impressive!
Thanks. When I got him he was 9 and full of parasites. I have to deworm him for a long time.
Have you seen Mary? https://youtube.com/shorts/5OLR__OOPLs?si=0SFq0fL1hgbQR0dw
When you realize you need to clean the bathroom more often: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cJ1x5EfWsHQ
The Hallway: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bnCSb5GQoWk
Haha! Whew was concerned about what the bathroom video might reveal but my bugs are way smaller…😏
We don't do it because John D Rockefeller said not to, and because (they) say not to.
...this was clearly a sales pitch of some sort. i've no doubt parasites are a problem, but this is naked fear-mongering...
And there’s zero chance it was in any way produced or sponsored by National Geographic.
they stole a quote from the Poor Man's Playboy, likely out of context, but that looks to be about it...
Do yourself a favor and compare fenbendazole to ivermectin, noting all of the nasties that Ivermectin doesn't kill ....
A helpful guide: https://www.fenbendazole.org/fenbendazole-information/fenbendazole-dosage-guide/
Thanks for that. I have fenben too so I’ll do a 3 day dose.
Here's a chart I found enlightening: https://i1.wp.com/heritageacresmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/NOV-24-1.jpg?fit=1024%2C710&ssl=1
Does the X show what is or is not effected by each medicine?
Fenben used to be available OTC in the UK then the govt withdrew it and made it prescription only about 10yrs ago
Where do I get fenben?
TSC...Right next to the Ivermectin. "Pancur" brand blue/white box.
Thanks, but could you clarify? What is TSC?
tractor supply
Nearly every farm store sells it...
This outfit in NC sells pure powder or capsule FenBen. I buy here in USA as I don’t trust what comes out of India or elsewhere. They offer other healthcare products & network with a number of natural health pros to offer support for those battling cancer.
Thank you.
In my country it is almost impossible to get ivermectin. I checked fendbendazol and it seems to be available in pet stores etc. It is available prescription free for animal use only, but I read that some buy it for themselves. Is it like that in the US as well (or wherever you are from)?
Excellent post—thank you. I really hope that this medication will be available to us OTC, or even by normal Rx. The amount of shit that was said about these drugs in the name of defending/enforcing big pharma meds was really disastrous. I can’t even begin to imagine the quality of life for so many lost souls had they been offered these as a treatment.
I sure hope so.
Parasite Pill 2.0 is a must read. It explains why we are seeing deviant behaviour in humans. It explains transmission. Parasites are very devious and resourceful.
Consider downloading it. It becomes hard to find on the internet.
classic, I share that with people still to this day
Oh wow it is bad. Thanks.
Homeopathic Cina works well also. I use 200C for my dogs
Mark 9:44
(Public announcement, ICYMI) Bugs have their own parasites:
🦟 Praying Mantis with horsehair worm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO8A5aGw_jw
🦗 Cricket with horsehair worm: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/04nLAR0JDSk
Horsehair worms phylum Nematomorpha, creepy worm parasites that leave their victims scarred both physically and emotionally. Also known as horsehair worms, these disgusting parasitoid animals can be found in nearly every corner of the globe terrorizing their hosts and sucking the life right out of them.
Many horsehair worms can even grow to be as heavy as insect hosts they inhabit. Highly invasive, these creatures can take over a host's bodily functions, even going as far as rewiring their victims' brains.
Parasitic horsehair worms primarily target invertebrates like insects but scientists believe that the worms are increasingly becoming a concern for humans as well. Studies documenting the risk of horsehair worms infecting humans have been published recently and the results are more than a little disconcerting. https://www.ranker.com/list/horsehair-worm-parasites/eric-vega
Be aware that they can hide the name of bug flour when you are checking ingredients under another name. Many medications can have several other names. Just like Remdesivir can be called Veklury.
Cricket Flour = "Acheta"
Insect Flour = "Entomophygy Flour"
Here's some eyewash: https://x.com/Catshealdeprsn/status/1851466557005717639
What great education you provide. Thank you so much.
Thanks, fren. Like wise. 🐞
I regret that I have only one updoot to give.
It's ok. We know about parasites here.
True, to me, this is scary, very scary.
No need to be scared. God is still in charge. There's a whole host of medication or herbs or homeopathic you can take
I will look into it. I have been saying this for a while, but I think Ivermectin is more "readily" available now (at least I hope so).
Because Ivermectin cures all illness, at least when used correctly in a medbed. Modern medicine is fake
Yes. I am seeing the good result.
IMHO, "illness" is one of three things:
The wages of sin
A secret bioweapon
I'm yet to be convinced of anything else
I will add one. 4. Stress
True, though that's overwhelmingly either:
From a lack of adequate faith
Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted.
Yeah, it's alright... indoctrination goes deep. But, yeah, stress is either just a symptom of separation from God; or just plain faked to get money from the government/get out of work
Where do you find these med beds?
Centres will soon be opened for free by the military.
Socialised medicine kills.
PEMF beds are commercially available now. As are red light beds, hyperbaric oxygen chambers. Not a cure for all diseases. https://greatawakening.win/p/19AKAwGrlQ/what-if-medbeds-are-not-literal-/c/4ZHmT39fyL5
According to Bob Beck illness causing organisms can be killed by electricity. The blood electrifier applies current to arteries in the wrist. PEMF uses a rapidly changing magnetic field to induce voltage inside the body. That is the state of my recent research into medbed technology.
Ok, I actually use a PEMF bed regularly. Seqex brand. I do a 30-45 minute treatment once a week. It's ok but I think I need to use it every day. I think what most people think of as a med bed is perhaps more powerful.
1-800-MED-BEDS. Ask for Simon or Charley.😬
NG probably running this to cover for the vax.
You know, you are probably right. This looks like an old segment though.
The parasite we forget to talk about: fungus
Poor gut health is disastrous. Parasites, worms or fungus, combined with corrupted food industries… it’s bad.
Besides Parasite Pill 2.0 I want to mention Cosmic Death Fungus (CDF). I can’t link to the pdf now but will try to add it tomorrow.
Edit - Cosmic Death Fungus v2.02 - 247 page pdf
Thank you so much for the info.
https://www.docdroid.net/QysFFcg/cosmicdeathfungus-pdf#page=17 More recent info on 4chan to be found by searching.
I tried it and don't think it helped much of anything. But I blame powdered NAC for giving me a cavity. And I caught covid while on the protocol.
I now believe fungus are the most difficult to root out, and I think that's because you must have a healthy immune system first in those places where it has rooted itself.
The protocol caused my eyesight to deteriorate. I reported this and was treated like a shill! So I can't recommend the protocol - or at least with a warning.
There are many antiparasitical remedies.
Whole hosts of them.
…And for the love of God, listen to God and stop eating pork - the #1 parasite infested meat, that’s still full of toxins even if you manage to kill the parasites by cooking.
[They] lied. It is not “food”.
I've heard this before. Do you know where in the Bible it is. Isn't it interesting how they push bacon.
The ignored books that are “definitely for other people”. I do not agree.
Deuteronomy 14:8 - And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it [is] unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.
Thanks so much.
When pigs roamed and ate human shit for lack of toilets....Makes sense. Like many other food laws fixed by refrigeration.
Not sure why you got down voted. Isn't this in the Bible?
Because the modern church teaches that we can eat all things, based on, for example:
Romans 14:2 - For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
What “food” is matters, though. “God only gave the Law to Israel.”
Who “Israel” is matters. If Christians are “grafted in”, God gave the Law to Christians, too. (“Israel”, biblically, is also spiritual, and not hereditary)
I am speaking against modern church teachings. I do not, however, believe that a Christian in 120 AD would disagree with me.
There are practical reasons to obey the law. Not all of them are easy to understand, but it is significantly easier to follow the parts I’m aware of that are rejected than to follow most of the parts that are preached on regularly.
I intermittently offer to take on objections insofar as what I know (which is not everything, for I am an amateur). Parasites just happen to be one of the more obvious areas where this is applicable. Not eating mercury-filled bottom-feeding aquatic cockroaches is another. Keeping the prophetic feasts by which the Messiah was identified and by which he will be known again is another. Proper weights and measures (money), not accepting or giving bribes, dealing with your brother when one of you has violated the other. It’s all OT.
Or we can keep using the Family Court system and Federal Reserve Notes, which are clearly beyond reproach.
We all would have known better if we didn’t assume it was written for somebody else.
… then we wonder why there’s so little of raising the dead or healing the lame to walk again or the blind to see when Jesus (not his name) promised we would do greater miracles than he did in his time here.
I only recently found out about bribes being a biblical prohibition when we started doing it as part of playing a board game, and it completely ruined the mechanics of the game and put everyone at each others’ throats. Then the scriptures popped into my head and the lightbulb went on!
What else is in there?
Got you.
Is there a list of reputable brand of vitamins/suppliments to buy ?
There are seriously too many brands available! Thanks
I buy the NOW brand
Thank you fren. The market is over-flooded with brands. Some, I'm sure, are made by the same company. Its beyond ridiculous.
Actually the NOW brand is a solid one supported by both my naturopathic doctor (who worked right next to a natural food store) and my business partner who runs an apothecary in WA. They all told me the NOW brand. There's another one, something research group but I cannot remember.
If it's essential oils, you want Revive or Young Living.
I keep hearing that if you live long enough, you'll get colon cancer. Why is that?
There's big push to normalize cancer and hide the truth.
Most elderly constipated. Just watch your diet and exercise and be regular, you won't have that problem.
I contracted Lyme Disease and doctors were totally useless. After 18 months of them not diagnosing it and ignoring the fact that it was getting into my HEART, and had stripped away a third of my body weight, and I was having deadly seizures, I took matters into my own hands. Quickly discovered through basic research that Native American peoples used Black Walnut Husk oil to solve this problem, and people all over the world use it as well as Wormwood and a few other powerful herbs many of which mentioned here. I began taking both of these in raw form and it saved my life. Turmeric is also essential, eat it on your eggs, etc. to prevent these infections. Doctors OFTEN misdiagnose these infections as cancer, because of the weight loss and increased white blood cell count.
The allopathic medicine doctors are useless. I use a naturopathic doctor and they use a biofeedback machine. He can tell you if there's any parasites and what kind just hooking that to your head and your feet. Not using any pharmaceutical drugs with tons of side effect either.
If you try to go to a doctor with evidence of parasitic infection they’re likely to diagnose you with “delusional parasitosis”. They’ll prescribe antipsychotics. If you remember the “morgellons” phenomenon you’ll understand. Some people really are “bugsy”. People will show up at doctors with baggies or jars or whatever claiming they’re worms, or eggs, or whatever. They’ll have photos on their phone that don’t show what they think they do. It’s weird. Lots of people that do coke, or meth or even aderall, or heavy drinkers, or former heavy drinkers get delusional fixations about these things. Often their spouse or other partner will confirm these delusions, so taking them along to bolster the story to a doctor is useless. Have literally seen this happen. Actual parasitic infection misdiagnosed as delusional. Very frustrating to those involved. Better off going to a vet.
Live as clean and orderly a life as you can, and use the known remedies to keep it under control. Also maybe look into diatomaceous earth. More “magic dirt” . Even if it is often delusional it can’t hurt to address it as an issue.
Where to source fenben?
I use ReynoldMeds.com, you can get fenben and Ivermectin. I also use DE for my dogs. Black Walnut tincture, Artemesia are all good too.
Thx. I found it easy. Thought it’d be hard to find.
I am glad.
Some of this is fear propaganda. Now, anyone here who has seen my posts knows that I am a proponent of Ivermectin and fenbendazole. I also educate people on diseases that are parasitic infections like malaria. Parasites are an issue and our medical institutions have gone above and beyond to obfuscate harm from parasites. The way they use bacterial, fungal, and parasitic interchangeably for starters. They have abuse people over Lyme (released bio weapon from Lyme CT) Morgellons- where they used to say it is a psychiatric issue- boy is that a rabbit hole!! However, we are not hosts to all parasites, I have an old dog who has never been on heartworm meds- eats, horse shit, chicken shit, dead deer, carrion, raw meats (pork, beef, venison, eggs, offal) drinks crik water, road, yard, paddock puddles. Passed his heart worm test! How is that possible with all the heart worm drug advertising?? Without Old Yeller would we vaccinate against rabies? National Geographic is a far left rag. Why would they use this panic tone? Why now? They hate people; it’s why NG pushes climate change, depopulation agenda, DEI, and animal/ planet worship.
This propaganda, if true, is pushing people to Ivermectin. I think this was an old NG.
Main parasite killers:
Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Olive leaf extract (Oleuropein), MMS/CDS (chlorine dioxide)
Best parasite related rabbit hole:
Thank you.
I remember hearing a story when i was a kid from my mom and dad,it was bout my oldest brothers wife's younger siblings,they said when they were young like 3 or 4 i guess that there mom would put country ham in there underwear at night when they were sleeping and the worms would come out for a late night snack ,TRUE STORY.
OMG. I cannot even believe this. How gross.
99+ percent of ALL diseases/ailments.........
Think about it, why are so many people having such incredible and unexpected results(fixing age-related cognitive issues is just the latest posts/comments I remember but there has been quite a few others) from a single ivermectin dose...................
I would not go that far to say 99+ but certainly a bunch of them.