Young girl with heart conditions denied being added to transplant list over vaccination status, family says
A mother has spoken out after she said her 12-year-old adopted daughter was denied a spot on the heart transplant list because of her vaccination status.
This BULLSHIT has to be ended.
I wonder if they are accepting unvaXXXed hearts for transplant into myocarditis homes?
I had emergency surgery in 2020. The ONLY reason they did it was because the vax wasn't out yet. In 2021 the same hospital was turning people away for vax status.
That's bullshit! However, she is probably better off. If she got a transplant at that hospital, they'd probably give her vaccinated blood during the surgery. She needs to find another hospital.Is there a hospital out there which respects the unvaccinated? Can you get an Unvaccinated heart? We need to keep this poor girl and her family in our prayers.
I agree she is safer because if this.
Healthcare needs its own DOGE. RFK Jr. sounds like he is ready for that.
He'll hand temporary control of HHS to Elon on day one.
Exactly why I removed myself from the organ donor's list during Covid. They want to deny me medical care? Fuck em. The last thing you want is these vaccinated Covid nuts looking at your body as a potential cash cow organ farm if something happens to you. Protect yourself from these Covid zealots and clotting mRNA mutants
Removed my name as well. I thought Congress made a law or something that it is illegal to deny medical care for any reason due to the illegals supposedly dying years ago because hospitals were turning them away. Now they deny unvaccinated individuals healthcare?
The cabal values illegals more than they value people smart enough not to take their death jab.
I think they value illegals more than citizens. 😮💨
Yup. My fam makes sure they are are not "on the list"
The pandemic is over People!
“Pandemic” ….
Did it really happen
Scamdemic more like it.
I am calling it for what it is, a False Flag Operation. Other False Flag Operations include the Black Plague because the Government let conditions get horrific and the Spanish Flu because World War I didn't kill enough people.
Vaccination increases the chances of organ rejection.
Yep. Induced artificial immune response right before getting a foreign tissue added to your body is a recipe for disaster.
I don't agree with transplants, they kill one to "save" another
A young person is critically injured in an accident and dies in the ER. Their heart is perfectly fine if consent is given to save it for transplant. You're against this????
Do a little research and you'll see all of the instances where organ donors were purposely allowed to die or where families were pressured into discontinuing care so someone's organs could be harvested.
Organ harvesting is big money for the hospitals so they will go out if their way to do them.
There was a recent high profile news story where the hospital administrator (not doctor) kept insisting on doctors sedating a "brain dead" patient for transplant organ surgery. The doctors kept pushing back because brain dead patients don't need to be sedated to avoid walking away. Administrator kept pushing and pushing, patient woke up anyway.
100% odds that administrator has killed people the same way before, just with patients who weren't so healthy they could literally ask why they were in surgery. And there has to be a reason for why.
I do not doubt that happens. Hospitals are doing a lot of questionable things these days. But I also believe that there are instances where somebody who has died can save a life. In those cases I support it. Not where people are pressured to stop treatment of a loved one. If there's an option it should be conveyed to the family but pressure should not be applied.
Unfortunately, hospitals and the people who run them have ruined the transplant program.
Don't be mad at the person's reaction to the corrupted transplant program that removes their names from the donor list, be mad at those who corrupted the system so badly that people opted out of the program.
I removed my name almost 20 years ago when these stories first began to come out.
If the person dies, the organ dies. Organs are taken from live people … no anesthesia either… yeah I’m against murdering someone for someone else.
That is not entirely true as, with exception with the brain, there is a short timeline of one hour (heart) to one day (kidney) for dead donor transplants to occur.
Not true
Nope. Try again.
Burn it down in the name of science
“Science” as in Fauci and Gates
Clearly. Actual science and not just "science" has proven the vaccines are dangerous and children are better off without it even if you accept every one of their claims. Heart damage is peer reviewed, proven, and even admitted to by the vaccine manufacturers.
This hospital is not following science, they are following something else.
Cleveland clinic did the same thing...Ronald McDonald House kicked out healthy families cause they wouldn't jab
I really cannot believe the level of stupidity that comes from hospitals! You (hospital workers) got fooled! Admit it, and work to make your past errors in judgement right!
There aren't many left who didn't buy in lock stock and barrel. They're in an echo chamber of stupidity.
I took my name off of the organ donor list when I got my driver's license renewed last year for multiple reasons, this being one of them. The ladies at the DMV were talking amongst themselves in front of me about how they were out of the forms again, couldn't believe how many people were filling them out, and said something like 80 that week alone, if I remember correctly - been a bit. She told me to give her a minute while she printed one off for me, and then asked her coworker if she had put in a request to their manager for more forms.
Me too
Dear God, please cure this 12 year old soul, and allow her heart to be good as new. There is a reason that you created her. Amen
...vaccinated vs. unvaccinated - lines are being drawn
thats bullshit time for a housecleaning in hospital administration
Pediatric Cancer Support Care denied for the same reason. This is true
That’s because they value sex change operations over saving lives. They must lose their license to operate as a hospital and the government must withdraw all federal funding. Being unable to accept Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement for services rendered is a death knoll to hospitals. They are not following the science. They are living in their own demented world where the COVID shot prevents nothing, but injury and death.
I see another Executive Order incoming here…
God I hope so! We have to be defended against hospitals now
🙏Amen! It can’t happen soon enough! Then bring on the trials for crimes against humanity. For all those denied care, those injured & killed from the jabs and tortured & killed by hospital protocols.
Whoa. I thought this nonsense had stopped
This is wokeness destroying medicine. If these charlatans really "trusted the science" they would have spent a few hours looking at all the evidence now freely available regarding the Covid vaccines. They would have seen the thousands of cases of vaccine injury and death that were the direct result of this vaccine. All the documented cases, studies that have occurred globally that should have been sufficient to pull this vaccine out of use. Instead of trusting the science they willfully ignored the science. What they are doing is not only unethical but should serve as a glaring reminder of why We The People can NO LONGER TRUST our medical institutions. They would rather perform destructive gender disfiguring surgery on children than a life saving surgery. They would rather listen to and trust the choice of a 10 year old to say they want to change their sex than listen to and trust that same 10 year old saying they didn't want to risk their life with a potentially deadly vaccine.
I hope the good people in Cincinnati take this matter up with a passion. This medical school and hospital system benefits from tax breaks, public and private grants and the goodwill of the community. When they become so tone deaf and unable to see what is plainly visible to hundreds of thousands of people including doctors, researchers, practicing clinicians, regarding the C19 vax, it's time for a cold hard dose of reality be given to them. Perhaps the Cleveland Clinic would be a better choice? Surely, there is a hospital that will do the right thing and give this poor child a heart transplant.
This woke bullshit has to end immediately. Can someone please alert President Trump to this matter? He needs to make Cincinnati Children's Hospital a clear example to the rest of the medical establishment in the U.S. that they either do the right thing or lose all federal funding. Maybe they'll understand the science of MONEY if not medicine. Either way, the Cincinnati community needs to make their feelings known. This hospital needs a public relations nightmare to happen STAT.
Here's a clue about how they think. The bullshit needs to end NOW.
Is there a vaccine for the woke mind virus?
There is a vaccine and his name is Jesus Christ.
But they'll dance in a hallway or parking lot, what more could we ask for.....
"At Cincinnati Children’s, clinical decisions are guided by
scienceprofit,researchpropaganda, andbest practiceskeeping clientele," the hospital wrote. "We tailor care plans to eachpatientpayment in collaboration withtheir familythe insurance company to ensure thesafest,most effectivetreatmentway to profit from others illness and misfortune."This shit just infuriates me.
Prayers for her and her family.
So basically, they're saying they won't try to save her life without first being given the opportunity to end it.
Damn, well said.
They probably have an Israeli to give the heart to.
"I believe that any hospital which refuses to place patients on the transplant list simply because they have not received a vaccination should lose its funding and be held accountable for crimes against humanity."
She is anti Pharma Profiteering, she has to go.
They only give out hearts when they are certain they will be destroyed by spike proteins and clots? Well thats one way to get patients locked in to costly dependency on the hospital for life.. which wont be long.
What a nightmare for a hospital to create healthy patients that have no further need of the hospital!
I wasn't aware that personal and corporate enrichment at the expense of someone else's health was a "science".
That is just Deep State criminal!!
We had to go to Duke University Hospital for my wife's liver transplant in 2023 as Atlanta wanted her to be fully vaxxed. They treated her very well.
We don't hate the medical system enough. DEATH PENALTY for those who do this. Period.
Guided or blinded?
What's worse getting denied surgery foe being unvaxxed... or taking advice and service from the retarded doctors and nurses who took the covid jab.
The crimes against the people are everywhere and severe often leading to death, mutilation, suicide and abject poverty - absolute horrors on a daily basis , but if any of us has a problem with that and calls for violence against the violence, we’ll, that’s a bridge too far. You’re banned from speaking here.
I know some things that are guided by science.