Treat corrupt politicians as enemies of America - because they are - and prosecute and punish them as hard as federal laws allow treason to be punished. There really isn't a more direct form of treason than a lawmaker accepting bribes to subvert the constitutional lawmaking process directly from within at the highest positions of authority. Treason isn't just an apt charge, its necessary because teh punishment is actually severe enough to make sure very few criminals take the risk after a few initial executions make it clear what happens.
I have a feeling that would quickly help the cowards find other means of employment.
Going after a Native American Indian is rassissist. She'll come after DOGE will all the Indiginous Tribes tagging along. hahaha. Will President Trump require all these 'funds' to be clawed back by our government?
Audit every politician. the fact that they all somehow make millions of dollars more than they are paid and AREN'T regularly audited like drug dealers is a huge red flag. Trwat them like everyone else with more money than income. If its legitimate, the taxpayers will appreciate that effort to ensure lawmakers aren't criminals. If it's not legitimate, freedom itself appreciates the effort and hinestly we really need to start prosecuting corrupt politicians as enemies of the US to encourage retirements of bad incumbents and better candidates for the future.
Starting with Pocahontas is a good visible place to begin. her publicly acknowledged graft already blocked someone legitimately eligible for the money she stole from an education, and that was before she started making millions in mysterious overpayments during government service.
Iam baffled, they got rid of that new guy, Santos? lying on his resume right? These other fuckers lie/lied all the time, pocahontas big time scammer. Why are they still there?
Yes, of course.
Question is, what will be done about it?
Treat corrupt politicians as enemies of America - because they are - and prosecute and punish them as hard as federal laws allow treason to be punished. There really isn't a more direct form of treason than a lawmaker accepting bribes to subvert the constitutional lawmaking process directly from within at the highest positions of authority. Treason isn't just an apt charge, its necessary because teh punishment is actually severe enough to make sure very few criminals take the risk after a few initial executions make it clear what happens.
I have a feeling that would quickly help the cowards find other means of employment.
We the People can remove 1/3 of the Senate in 21 months. And all house members.
Scalp her net worth!
Shut her casino down!
Ohhh...I like this one! 😺
Where are you finding these?
The basement of the Alamo...
Race on over to Part 6
How did I MISS PART 6!?!
ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT...I get the memography....JEEZZZ you guys are killing me here!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
TaQo you win hands down. Your meme's are amazing. I'm jealous.
You’re gonna make u/TaQo change cats!
American Indian in NJ...
Just got paid in cats.
Long night partying and gambling...
Came home drunk. Passed out.
Wife woke me up looking for the cats.
She said, "What did you do with the cats??!!"
And I say ....
Hey ya ya ya....hay ya ya ya
Where THEY go 1 THEY go all. Investigate all of Congress as to personal wealth. Liz ain't special despite what she says.
Going after a Native American Indian is rassissist. She'll come after DOGE will all the Indiginous Tribes tagging along. hahaha. Will President Trump require all these 'funds' to be clawed back by our government?
How.... is what she will say...
Hell Yes
Hell Yes.... find out where all the wampum came from
Yes, for her and many many more Congress critters.
Nancy Pelosi is clutching her pearls.
She started it all...
While everyone else looked the other way.
I voted for Trump. That’s all you need to know. ACCOUNTABILITY IS WHAT WE WANT. I WANT BUTTS
Audit every politician. the fact that they all somehow make millions of dollars more than they are paid and AREN'T regularly audited like drug dealers is a huge red flag. Trwat them like everyone else with more money than income. If its legitimate, the taxpayers will appreciate that effort to ensure lawmakers aren't criminals. If it's not legitimate, freedom itself appreciates the effort and hinestly we really need to start prosecuting corrupt politicians as enemies of the US to encourage retirements of bad incumbents and better candidates for the future.
Starting with Pocahontas is a good visible place to begin. her publicly acknowledged graft already blocked someone legitimately eligible for the money she stole from an education, and that was before she started making millions in mysterious overpayments during government service.
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, at between $7.5 million and $12 million
Those who preach accountability, surely must be open to accountability.
ALL SENATE and CONGRESS past and present. Republicans and Democraps
Yup, she’s a screamer.
Where do I sign. She's been an embarrassment to my state for too long
The White Man Is Going To Take Her Lands and assets! /s😂💥😂💥
Take her land and send her to the Reservation Gitmo.
Take away her money and supply her with some blankets
Small pox blankets
Iam baffled, they got rid of that new guy, Santos? lying on his resume right? These other fuckers lie/lied all the time, pocahontas big time scammer. Why are they still there?
While the investigation is on going she should be forced to wear an Indian headdress until the investigation is over.
It can’t happen quickly enough!!
Yes, Republican or Democrat, investigate all.
Tucker Carlson News asking its audience if they want an audit of Elizabeth Warren is definitely not a biased poll or circlejerking. Definitely not.
Seriously? You have to ask?
Poke Pocahontas? Lemme have a beer and think about that....
Fake account... it's a fan page trolling for engagement clicks.
Of course!!! She is a theiving predator.
🎼🎵🎶🎶 Bitter, bitter, bitter old crone,
How does your garden grow?
With embryo skulls and little dog tails
And omnibus riders stacked all in a row🎵🎶🎵
She probably got rich from all the Indian Casino money… yeah, I’m sure that’s it.