I get the feeling that he's going to move this issue over time. I don't know if he'll mandate it by law - the States are responsible for their elections, aren't they?
But I listening to him here, I think he already has a plan, and he's going to make it so that they have no choice. Passing a law is not the only way. I expect him to outmaneuver the enemy on this one, just as he has with almost every other issue (every issue?).
Walk softly and carry a big stick. Donald J Trump Geotus has a very big arsenal of big sticks...
Edit: Sticky request. This issue is KEY to the future. Eyes on.
Trump needs to release all the evidence collected on vote fraud using Dominion equipment and then ban the use of electronic machines for collecting or counting votes. Beyond that, states can collect and count votes how they wish.
Not sure about state elections, but federal elections should be controlled at the federal level. Of course any federal election compromised by cheating also falls under federal scrutiny, which will have a large ripple effect on state elections. Remove the cheating system, and most blue states will turn red.
federal elections should be controlled at the federal level.
The founding fathers didn't seem to think so, and they were pretty darn smart. They knew a lot more about what they were doing that most people today.
DJT is in the mode of slicing and dicing the federal government because it has become a behemoth with ludicrous levels of power thanks to infiltration and deep state. Giving MORE power to the federal govt is not the solution, I think. There is a reason why states have sovereign rights.
BUT, the federal govt can push them in the right direction. And DJT will do that. But ultimately, the ONLY solution to today's plethora of problems is the People standing up to be sovereign people over govt, both fed and state.
I didn't word that very well. I understand that the states conduct / control their elections, but I always thought the federal government could set some standards / requirements for federal elections. Like requiring voter ID, which isn't forcing states to do anything they shouldn't already be doing.
It's a tricky area, because it's important that states have their individual sovereignty. I don't know if there is any constitutional method to require ID, unless it were in fact a change to the constitution itself. A change to the constitution would have to be agreed up by states, and then they become bound by it.
It will be interesting to see what Team DJT does in this area.
Centralized power is dangerous, even with good intention.
Elections should NEVER be controlled by the fed period.
Having said that, yes, most states are beholden to the fed for funding, so that should be enough for most of them to bring them in line. Outliers will be the ones that have blatant fraud and cheating, so he can go the rout of pushing to replace the governor with a patriot.
And, I'm pretty darn sure that DJT and the White Hats have not put the country through 8 years of turmoil (including 4 years in hell) without a plan to do exactly what can be done.
Doesn't matter who votes. Only who counts them. Paper ensures there's physical proof and a trail. Put all voting and counting on cam as well just as another layer. Public cameras already everywhere anyway, shouldn't even be a thing. Trump already pushing this gives me some hope for mid terms to help the state hostages.
I do believe we are to be free and it cannot happen without the basics as he proposes. Only cheaters don't want a ref and replay.
If you can't vote on election day via paper ballot then you shouldn't have a vote. The military can vote on their bases. Not sure about the voting ability of people on vacation or expats.
Not getting to vote because of your situation Trumps cheating!
Voting ability of people on vacation: None. That's how it was for a very long time. You're out? Can't vote. It's not like europe where voting happens whenever. Voting in the US is very regular. Plan around it.
Voting for expats: Arguably none as well. You don't live here, why should you have a say in what happens here? Come back, become a resident again (you're already a citizen), then you have a say.
But that is a harder argument where there are counter arguments, plus there is probably a constitutional barrier to that.
As a person who will likely be a tropical snowbird I can live with what you wrote. I plan on escaping winter abroad then returning when its toasty. So I can leave AFTER the Election.
I returned in 2020 In Sept Just in time to get my SS going and to Vote, I'd been abroad living in our home. It was the lockdown COVID crap that convinced me to return and I'm glad I did, both filing for SS and Voting from abroad is a pain in the butt. If you file for SS abroad you have to return an I'm alive form that may or may not arrive yearly...
So if I chose not to be able to vote because of fair elections rules I'm good, or I can just return to vote.
Hopefully he can somehow make this mandatory... The issue is that elections are state controlled and I doubt Democrat governors will want to weaken their chances of reelection.
I think he already has a plan. I don't think he needs to (and maybe cannot) make this mandatory. But he has a plan already to make it so that they all make the right choice. Bank on it.
This needs a bit of clarification. Here in my area, we vote on paper ballots, but the ballots are then fed into a scanner and immediately shredded. From then on, it's all in the hands of whoever "counts" the electronic votes.
A weekend followed by a Monday national holiday; all results tabulated and announced on traditional Tuesday
One-day voting on a weekday guarantees that both random excuses and legitimate unworkable schedule conflicts will result in millions of Americans not being able to vote
Libs always cry and whine that "Voter ID is voter suppression because blacks are too stupid to get a voter ID." But they aren't; so that's FAKE voter suppression. One-day voting is, by contrast, undeniably, actual voter suppression.
Appealing to reason and fairness doesn't work with the marxists. The left can't win without cheating, censoring, cancelling, silencing, coercing, attacking, accusing, projecting, violence, destruction, deception, manipulation, etcetera. Their "ideas", not conceptually but practically, are generally unreasonable and flat-out wrong and nobody who has a lick of common sense and a modicum of intelligence could ever embrace such tripe.
President Trump knows this full well, is talking in a soft-spoken tone here and I expect the left will respond by screeching about voter rights/suppression. Let them start riling up their brainwashed constituency about "dictatorship" and "tyranny" and their usual litany of emotional triggers to elicit more animosity. The further they can drive their sheeple away from reason and common sense and towards fear and unhinged emotionalism, the greater a grip they'll have on their sheeple's psyches. Until the disclosures begin in earnest.
Personally, I don't think the average leftist will care that their side committed egregious voter fraud in 2020 or any other year, for that matter (and continues to do so). The leftists I know will just say that it's the right that's always been cheating and lying so they have to do this to balance the scales. The average leftists don't care that they're cheating their ways into political positions so this appeal by PDJT isn't serving to awaken the sheeple. But it will give the minions in media and politics a reason and opportunity to step into the forefront once again to rail against this issue. Now tie these same minions into Epstein Island (and all the horrors that encompasses) money laundering (usaid and others) and I'm sure many other crimes and the sheeple who are still able to be saved from their matrix will recoil in horror at having supported these minions. Just mho. Psychological warfare.
Can people that mailed in their ballots, vote again, in person, on the day of elections, since the mail in ballots are counted after the election date?
He asks them nicely and then makes it mandatory by law!
I get the feeling that he's going to move this issue over time. I don't know if he'll mandate it by law - the States are responsible for their elections, aren't they?
But I listening to him here, I think he already has a plan, and he's going to make it so that they have no choice. Passing a law is not the only way. I expect him to outmaneuver the enemy on this one, just as he has with almost every other issue (every issue?).
Walk softly and carry a big stick. Donald J Trump Geotus has a very big arsenal of big sticks...
Edit: Sticky request. This issue is KEY to the future. Eyes on.
Trump needs to release all the evidence collected on vote fraud using Dominion equipment and then ban the use of electronic machines for collecting or counting votes. Beyond that, states can collect and count votes how they wish.
Pretty sure he can cut off all federal funding for any reason.
He has made our elections a national security issue with an EO. He now has great latitude.
The fact that in so many federal (and state) documents and law the use of the phrase "election day" is used he will win in court.
I remember when I first heard the term election season. It stood out. It was like finger nails on a chalk board.
Not sure about state elections, but federal elections should be controlled at the federal level. Of course any federal election compromised by cheating also falls under federal scrutiny, which will have a large ripple effect on state elections. Remove the cheating system, and most blue states will turn red.
The founding fathers didn't seem to think so, and they were pretty darn smart. They knew a lot more about what they were doing that most people today.
DJT is in the mode of slicing and dicing the federal government because it has become a behemoth with ludicrous levels of power thanks to infiltration and deep state. Giving MORE power to the federal govt is not the solution, I think. There is a reason why states have sovereign rights.
BUT, the federal govt can push them in the right direction. And DJT will do that. But ultimately, the ONLY solution to today's plethora of problems is the People standing up to be sovereign people over govt, both fed and state.
I didn't word that very well. I understand that the states conduct / control their elections, but I always thought the federal government could set some standards / requirements for federal elections. Like requiring voter ID, which isn't forcing states to do anything they shouldn't already be doing.
It's a tricky area, because it's important that states have their individual sovereignty. I don't know if there is any constitutional method to require ID, unless it were in fact a change to the constitution itself. A change to the constitution would have to be agreed up by states, and then they become bound by it.
It will be interesting to see what Team DJT does in this area.
Centralized power is dangerous, even with good intention. Elections should NEVER be controlled by the fed period.
Having said that, yes, most states are beholden to the fed for funding, so that should be enough for most of them to bring them in line. Outliers will be the ones that have blatant fraud and cheating, so he can go the rout of pushing to replace the governor with a patriot.
I fully agree.
And, I'm pretty darn sure that DJT and the White Hats have not put the country through 8 years of turmoil (including 4 years in hell) without a plan to do exactly what can be done.
Let's hope...
Doesn't matter who votes. Only who counts them. Paper ensures there's physical proof and a trail. Put all voting and counting on cam as well just as another layer. Public cameras already everywhere anyway, shouldn't even be a thing. Trump already pushing this gives me some hope for mid terms to help the state hostages.
I do believe we are to be free and it cannot happen without the basics as he proposes. Only cheaters don't want a ref and replay.
Good lord! Don't tell me we're now quoting Stalin at GAW???!!
Wait.... Oh yeah. Even tyrants sometimes tell the truth!
Leftie news headline:
I wonder if any Dominion employees will be arrested? Some of them knew exactly what they were doing and what it meant in an election.
Also abolish Ranked Choice voting! Or at least make it clear that it doesn't count as same-day voting.
Ranked Choice always reminds me of the Monty Hall problem. Does anyone have an intuitive proof of how bad it is to explain to the normies?
If you can't vote on election day via paper ballot then you shouldn't have a vote. The military can vote on their bases. Not sure about the voting ability of people on vacation or expats.
Not getting to vote because of your situation Trumps cheating!
Voting ability of people on vacation: None. That's how it was for a very long time. You're out? Can't vote. It's not like europe where voting happens whenever. Voting in the US is very regular. Plan around it.
Voting for expats: Arguably none as well. You don't live here, why should you have a say in what happens here? Come back, become a resident again (you're already a citizen), then you have a say.
But that is a harder argument where there are counter arguments, plus there is probably a constitutional barrier to that.
When I was traveling abroad, getting/sending mail was complicated. I had to just cheer from the sidelines.
As a person who will likely be a tropical snowbird I can live with what you wrote. I plan on escaping winter abroad then returning when its toasty. So I can leave AFTER the Election.
I returned in 2020 In Sept Just in time to get my SS going and to Vote, I'd been abroad living in our home. It was the lockdown COVID crap that convinced me to return and I'm glad I did, both filing for SS and Voting from abroad is a pain in the butt. If you file for SS abroad you have to return an I'm alive form that may or may not arrive yearly...
So if I chose not to be able to vote because of fair elections rules I'm good, or I can just return to vote.
Those states that facilitate fraud are committing civil rights violations on the rest of us by depriving us of the validity and integrity of our vote
Exactly. It's a crime against all of us.
Oh baby. It’s starting!
He is 20 steps ahead of them and us.
Yeah, Commie Shapiro will jump right on that.
Hopefully he can somehow make this mandatory... The issue is that elections are state controlled and I doubt Democrat governors will want to weaken their chances of reelection.
I think he already has a plan. I don't think he needs to (and maybe cannot) make this mandatory. But he has a plan already to make it so that they all make the right choice. Bank on it.
I am JACKED to the TITS!!!!
This needs a bit of clarification. Here in my area, we vote on paper ballots, but the ballots are then fed into a scanner and immediately shredded. From then on, it's all in the hands of whoever "counts" the electronic votes.
3-day voting FTW
A weekend followed by a Monday national holiday; all results tabulated and announced on traditional Tuesday
One-day voting on a weekday guarantees that both random excuses and legitimate unworkable schedule conflicts will result in millions of Americans not being able to vote
Libs always cry and whine that "Voter ID is voter suppression because blacks are too stupid to get a voter ID." But they aren't; so that's FAKE voter suppression. One-day voting is, by contrast, undeniably, actual voter suppression.
3-day voting cures the problem - let's go for it
The key to our future.
Appealing to reason and fairness doesn't work with the marxists. The left can't win without cheating, censoring, cancelling, silencing, coercing, attacking, accusing, projecting, violence, destruction, deception, manipulation, etcetera. Their "ideas", not conceptually but practically, are generally unreasonable and flat-out wrong and nobody who has a lick of common sense and a modicum of intelligence could ever embrace such tripe.
President Trump knows this full well, is talking in a soft-spoken tone here and I expect the left will respond by screeching about voter rights/suppression. Let them start riling up their brainwashed constituency about "dictatorship" and "tyranny" and their usual litany of emotional triggers to elicit more animosity. The further they can drive their sheeple away from reason and common sense and towards fear and unhinged emotionalism, the greater a grip they'll have on their sheeple's psyches. Until the disclosures begin in earnest.
Personally, I don't think the average leftist will care that their side committed egregious voter fraud in 2020 or any other year, for that matter (and continues to do so). The leftists I know will just say that it's the right that's always been cheating and lying so they have to do this to balance the scales. The average leftists don't care that they're cheating their ways into political positions so this appeal by PDJT isn't serving to awaken the sheeple. But it will give the minions in media and politics a reason and opportunity to step into the forefront once again to rail against this issue. Now tie these same minions into Epstein Island (and all the horrors that encompasses) money laundering (usaid and others) and I'm sure many other crimes and the sheeple who are still able to be saved from their matrix will recoil in horror at having supported these minions. Just mho. Psychological warfare.
The amount of names he has to know and constantly relearn is insane.
Can people that mailed in their ballots, vote again, in person, on the day of elections, since the mail in ballots are counted after the election date?
No, not even n liberal Bay Area in CA
Awesome. I saw this this morning, made me smile
It says investigation into Maine following the governor stating she's not following the law about keeping boys out of girls sports
WINNING! I have been wanting this for so long! This is awesome!