AAAAAND.... ITS AIDS. Yale just confirmed what we've confirmed what most of us were banned from social media for saying for years. The mRNA shots are giving people AIDS.
🚔 Crime & ClotShots 💸

I have seen an uptick in big pharma ads pushing drugs to treat AIDs... I'm sure that is not a coincidence
I'm so looking forward to pharma commercials going away.
How about big pharma going away?
Didn’t RFK Jr do that?
I think he's said he will but it hasn't happened yet.
No, that's because they are listening to your phone and tailoring the ads just for you
Haha, kidding, kidding 😂😇🐸
Good one
Hmm that might mean Facebook is mistaken and thinks you're a liberal man actually.
"Tractor supply" on speed dial, LOL!!
I think the Aids Drug adds came out five or six years ago... They spent 40 years developing them, now they are creating a market for them since selling to those who go dirt chute spelunking will not cover the bill
Didnt rfk jr ban all these ads?
Wonder what Magic Johnson has been taking?
He’s been taking Beetlejuice IV
Glutathione shots. I will ask another member of the PM17 team to add more to this later.
That's a good question. He used to brag about his exploits. I can't imagine how many pissed off people there were after his HIV diagnosis was publicly exposed.
First line in the summary: "COVID-19 vaccines have prevented millions of COVID-19 deaths." Where is the science on that? What is this BS hyperbole so they can softly say "but...AIDS"
Same old play...create the “fake disease” [COVID-19 bioweapon] to herd the cattle into the “fake treatment” FREE vaccine which causes the REAL diseases [AIDS allows numerous diseases and cancers] which people must then PAY FOR to treat, but not cure.
If something is provided to you for FREE, then you are the product (target for modification or info harvest). No cost (to indiv)=no liability (of CORP) for “poor performance” generally in contract law. Entity that gave it away (gov’t) must sue CORPs for FRAUD on behalf of individuals.
Can't get published or even funded for a study in the first place if you don't toe the line.
FACT: COVID-19 shots are nasty bio-weapons that actually make you MORE likely to get COVID, to DIE from COVID, and cause literally hundreds of side effects including death -- with the carnage rolling out slowly, over time, with the various side-effects striking in random fashion, making it easy (with the help of a massive psyop involving EVERY source of Establishment news and "authority) to hide the truth from the public.
ALSO FACT: Your study WILL assert positive things about the COVID-19 jabs, no matter what the data shows, or you will be looking for employment in another sector.
Or worse.
That really does seem to be the situation. I expect RFK Jr. and the Trump administration generally to change that situation dramatically.
lol I love how they have to say that Covid vaccines prevented millions of deaths with no scientific backing.
Big picture “accelerated deployment of Covid vaccines prevented millions of deaths” is likely very true. Remember they were going for extermination of 80% of US population (~250M) and probably only got about 30% dead and injured (~100M).
Plus their Phase1 rollout and heavy handed operation prevented ~90% from complying with their Phase2 push of mRNA into flu and all other vaccines (monkeypox, smallpox, bird flu, swine flu, etc). They may have snuck mRNA bioweapon into other “injectibles” as a result in attempt to “make up” the targeted extermination shortfall.
I doubt Yale knows or cares about that. I am clearly talking about the scientific bases of the Covid vaccines saving lives.
Vs no one taking any COVID-19 vaccine or alternative, Yale statement clearly false as you note. They use fake comparisons to deliver their desired “study conclusion” as usual. Any evidence provided fails even basic scrutiny. This is why there usually is no relevant evidence provided. Total scientific principle inversion.
It did, just not in the way that's public knowledge. They were going to keep us locked down for a long time
I know but that is not what the Yale study is talking about
yep, I was just stating the counter point. o7
Yes, because you can't die from COVID if you die of a heart attack before catching COVID.
Looks like you didn't read past the summary. It's the second cited source. I don't trust the source, but it was cited.
The rewards of living in fear is this. Living in fear is living in sin. Those who know better / Pastors, Doctors, and such / have built a house made of hay. Let their rewards flow to them just as violently and more violently than they did to us who withstood their mockery. Vengeance belongs to Him, not man.
Just recently the very heterosexual and happily married prime minister Keir Starmer, decided to publicly be tested for HIV, encouraging others to do the same.
Almost as if they want to get people started on their magical new drugs.
“AIDS test” results likely get modified to desired outcome to force treatment for leverage or $$. I wouldn’t trust it. Think COVID-19 test. Same play, imo.
Prince William did the same a few years ago from memory.
All the "in the know" anons saw this coming. VAIDS was warned about from the very beginning. The shot pushers used propaganda and gaslighting to cloud the judgement of the shot takers. The shot takers prayed to the altar of $cience to make the inconvenient voices in the room go away. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Chickens would be coming home to roost if 100M of them had not been murdered over fake “bird flu”. /s
Cue pawn stars meme for affordable eggs:
mRNA jabs for chickens incoming...
yep I realized after some inner mind deduction about 4 years ago this COVID crap was AIDS.
...conspiracy theorist...
Conspiracy analyst.
Most correct.
Conspiracy therapist…
And…we told you so…years ago…
Except that a lot of people chose to take care of their families and risk the shot when they didn't have any other choices.
Beyond blood boiling, someone better be f’ing perp walked
I’ve been shouting “the covid vaccine was aids” out my car window at any pedestrian that cares to listen for years now. Did my best to warn them.
Almost as if the 80s was a test run.
Lol this comment triggered u/jscholl10
He sent me a bunch of private messages whining about how I should have believed the propaganda about the poison vaxxes.
AIDS was created by evil Fauci and his merry band of geeks and misfits.
Merry band of bill gates. Allegedly.
I think it's literally going to go on like this for the next decade. Every six months or so we're going to get a new confirmation on something horrible from the Jab. I'm seeing more and more reports from good doctors that people who keep getting boosted are suffering from "immune exhaustion" where their immune system is so out of whack, it doesn't respond to much of anything.
Fun fact: More people have died from Influenza this season than anyone died from C19 at the peak. A lot of these doctors are attributing immune exhaustion to influenza just tearing up the populace. Though I suspect there may be very little difference from immune exhaustion to AIDS. Both amount to basically the same thing.
As a traveling salesman I hardly ever saw an ambulance. Now I see at least 3 a day. Sometimes it could be 6, 7 or even 8
No one died of "covid". It was the flu renamed a scary name and the sheeple fell for it just as planned.
Woah, we were right?? That like, never happens! (except it does nearly every time...)
Funny how the powers that be ban a topic just to find out it was truth all along
I don't think Fauci leading the response to the AIDs epidemic a few decades ago was a coincidence. Future proves past.
Oh no. This is terrible.
Not contagious AIDS, though. But people have wacked immune systems.
I am sure they shed spike proteins, but they don't pass the mRNA to make us start producing spike proteins, right?
Where does this study mention anything about HIV or AIDs? I didn't see any mention of it
so that's why they put aids dna in the china virus
…the gays and the straights and the whites and the spades…AIDS AIDS AIDS