It probably goes much higher than that. It probably leads to the ultimate elites - the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. These are probably the real owners of the non-Fedral Reserve. Lots of probablys that need to be clarified.
We should be asking Elon Musk - Who owns the Federal Reserve. That is a tightly controlled secret.
IMO part of the 2008 crash was a Fed ownership hostile takeover. I don't know if a new bank took out older ones, or if they just downsized Fed ownership. but thats my suspicion for why 2 banks were killed before the entire process by which they were executed was switched off.
Lehman Bros was an old powerful bank that was wiped out by competitors, as was Bear Stearns. They weren't JUST failing because of their naked shorting exposure, they were actively taken down by predators in the financial industry... who then made their captive agency the SEC suddenly make shorting bank stock - and ONLY bank shorting - illegal. Because those weakened banksters didn't want to be taken down the same way, but they still needed to profit of the collapse they caused by shorting every other company.
They even made naked shorting illegal after 2008, but made sure their SEC has never actually enforced the law because they commit that specific crime every single day... the law only exists to make sure they themselves aren't bankrupted the same way they took down Lehman and Bear. Lehman stock is still active by the way... 17 years after the company disappeared the comapnys stock is still active on the stock market which is very unusual. And it occasionally surges during unusual shorting events like the Gamestop thing. The interesting thing about naked shorting is it still needs to be paid back which can bankrupt the institution holding the shorts who owe more than the stock they need to buy to eliminate the debt. But an interesting way around that is to simply trade t he debt to the failed company and store its record of naked shorting in its own stock forever. The original company can't complain because it has already been eliminated. The killer simply hides the evidence of the murder in the corpse of their victim forever and hopes no one notices the corpse can't be buried and remains active, a zombie showing signs of life every time the killer is in distress.
One last observation: "Q" is the official wall street ticker symbol for a Bankrupted company. "Symbolism will be their downfall"
They even made naked shorting illegal after 2008, but made sure their SEC has never actually enforced the law because they commit that specific crime every single day... the law only exists to make sure they themselves aren't bankrupted the same way they took down Lehman and Bear.
Ahhhh so that’s when that happened. I was thinking it had been legal in the past.
VW's naked short situation started the collapse. The biggest banks never closed - they negotiated a closed-door deal between governments and Porsche to instantly sell everything - releasing all shorts - once they had legal control over VW. This was because the Porsche secret takeover process was probably very illegal - they quietly gained total ownership beyond short sellers ability to even pretend to close their naked positions (that were legal at the time) and no one knew until Porsche went public.
Then shortly after the big banking collapse was likely also a naked shorted to death situation, until the SEC made it impossible to short a bank.
Before 2008 naked shorting was illegal. Its what caused 1929 (on top of other issues like leveraged housing etc, basically everything you saw pre 2008 and right now). If you ever rewatch the Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places, the Randoph & Mortimer hedge fund crooks lost everything because they were overleveraged on bad insider trading info and naked shorting. They literally lost more than everything because thats how shorting works always, and naked shorting is even worse.
the Gamestop thing proved naked shorting is alive and well - literally the only possible way for the SEC to release proof the company was more than 200% short was if there was massive wide scale institutional crime at all levels happening.
The banks still own the SEC and its a criminal organization - the proof is not even one person or bank has been investigated for that naked shorting crime, and even during the faked hearings Congress held they avoided the entire topic of naked shorting and diverted the discussion to safe legal topics like "gamification" etc.
1929 will repeat. The recently fired SEC chairman was personally responsible for repealing Glass Steagall, which was the law passed after the Great Depression that was supposed to stop it from repeating. the only reason to repeal that was to make sure another Depression was possible.
NeonRevolt did have one in 2017 or so when everyone was searching for the origin of Qs [P]. Its scrubbed. I have it on a thumb drive thats been misplaced but is somewhere around the house.
From memory, after the French Revolution and the execution of Louis and Marie, their minor son was imprisoned in France. At some point during the next few years loyalists effected his escape to England. George III then moved the young Prince to estates he owned in North Carolina (maybe Virginia but I think NC).
The Princes business manager was a man named Payseur whose name he took. Together they began a business empire first with mining, natural resources and railroads but branching out into manufactured goods and financial services. Some of these companies would be very recognizable even today. From memory one was AT&T.
A huge web of companies was built with the former Prince becoming one of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. NeonRevolt disappeared along with his research and the info is very hard to verify. But it was extensive including all the ties between companies and principles taking me several hours to get through.
I have also seen this bloodline tied to the Carolingians (Charlemagne, the father of modern Europe). This bloodline claims the blood of Christ and claims the antichrist will be born to them.
All conjecture of course, take with a grain of salt.
Edit: Its possible Ive mixed up the Carolingians with the later French dynasty the Merovingians. Napoleon comes into the mix over the rivalry between these bloodlines.
6 biggest banks in US directly own FR, reportedly, with JPM Chase or Goldman Sachs supposedly the lead bank. More interesting is what entity owns them, and then what entity owns that entity? Bank of International Settlements supposedly controls all Central Banks from Switzerland with Rothschilds supposedly controlling BIS, but I think it is the 13 family consortium really controlling BIS with Rothschilds as the face only.
...the power resides in Basel Switzerland among the top bloodlines which has been rumored to have switched from one bloodline to another. The power ' right to issue ' is debt
Really? This lady... no, it's much more powerful people.
People like Lynn De Rothchild, Soros, Warren Buffet, Rockefeller family, Bill Gates, Larry Summers, Builderberger, city of England, Vatican, ect - those are the power players, and I'm sure there's a few more hidden, especially the foreign players so they can all be incahoots with each other and push the same global narrative.
When I was just 13 (49 years ago) my dad told me about the rat bastards, I think essentially 7 families that run the fiat monetary systems. And how they are the architects of almost all wars. My father was friends with real patriots way back then. For years I told people about the fake money and puppet politicians here in USA. Most everyone laughed, said I was crazy, etc.... enter the internet.... I had a friend preaching to me about the FED and how it is theivery, etc. I laughed. I said I told you all about this stuff 8 years ago! 😁 But if you can read about it online, NOW you believe it? Hey, man, better late than never. NCSWIC
Everytime the slaves start figuring it out they either try to murder a bunch of us (vaccines, hospitals) or crash the financial system to impoverish us (steal assets), and force us to spend time and energy just trying to survive (2001, 2009, 2020, 2025). [Great Depression 1929-1934 is most glaring example of the latter where oligarchs had vacuumed up >90% of all US assets before FDR stepped in].
FDR was their toy who was allowed to take control so it would cover their moves as he triumphantly handled the situations. He was another corrupt asshat of the DS, only they shined him up more than the others. No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.
Jury still out on who’s turd the person(s) known as FDR really was. Starting to suspect there may have been multiple FDRs and a massive battle going on behind the scenes from 1932-1945, ending with temporary Patriot defeat (Truman, Hiroshima, CIA, Israel, etc.).
I think the immigration thing is being used to take flak for these policies. You know what else these kind of state EOs do? They would prevent NG response in relation to mass casualty events by terror groups that have been imported here.
Different possibility…. I often wonder these days, if White Hats are controlling some of the democrats in congress. They do such obvious and boneheaded things. They are making themselves look stupid on a daily basis.
Copied & pasted... because you know, good stuff can get yanked without notice:
The Democrat Party EXPOSED
“Everybody keeps asking who's controlling the Democrats? Well, we think we figured it out and it's not who they are saying it is. Julia Spiegel ever heard of her? Yeah, me neither, and Democrats hope to keep it that way”
“She is the CEO of Governors Action Alliance. Her assistant Clow at her direction according to the FOIA'd emails cited in the Daily Signal recently sent out this email: ‘Please join for a briefing on Executive Action Governors can take and protect sensitive data and prepare for potential National Guard deployments sensitive data, national Guard deployments.’”
“In that briefing, governors were apparently directed to sign a pre-drafted executive order that said, quote, no assistance to deployments over objection of the office of the governor. And that state personnel shall provide no time, money, facilities, property equipment, personnel, or other resources for purposes of assistance to any National Guard unit of any other state that is deployed to the state.
If the officer or the governor of this state, which was a fill-in-the-blank thing right there, has objected to such deployment. Basically you're on your own and don't listen to the federal government I'd like who drafted that more unelected people.
These, orders that are going out, the governors are signing basically say, don't help Trump with anything. Even though 70% of America wants illegals who commit crimes outta here and close to 80% of people want you to stop transing the kids.
Nope. They don't care because the woman who is the former counsel, legal counsel to Gavin Newsom says, so forget the fact that 77 million people who voted for Trump forget the federal laws or the fact that these issues are not supported by even the majority of some of the Democrat states.”
Yes, "Spiegel" is a surname of German origin, meaning "mirror" in German, and it can also be found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with a history tracing back to the 12th century.
Meaning and Origin:
"Spiegel" is a German word for "mirror" and the surname is a metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors.
Historical Context:
The name has roots in the German-speaking regions, with mentions of the Spiegel family as barons of Desenburg and Peckelsheim in Hessen as early as the 12th century.
Jewish Communities:
The surname is also found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with some traditions suggesting its origin from a house sign in Frankfurt am Main (Judengasse) depicting a mirror.
Wouldn't it be so unfortunate if they all step on lego by accident and got struck by lightning while flocks of birds poop-flood on them. Don't mess with God.
She is, more than likely, controlling the governor of MD, Wes (Less) Moore. He has really taken off on the Marxist agenda. All he wants to do is tax and spend. I hope our president, Trump, really hurt Moore by saying the FBI building isn't moving to Maryland. It might WAKE him up! Although it really doesn't affect Moore personally.
I certainly hope so.
I have just been listening to a local radio station and there is a judgeship election about to happen, on April 1st I think, in Washington state (early voting is taking place now). The match is between a liberal and a conservative. The announcer said that Musk and Soros are pouring money into this race. They, the announcers, believe Trump should hold a rally there for the conservative. I am not certain, I hope the conservative wins as they make it sound like if the liberal wins we could be in hot water again.
In an era of heightened political polarization, recent revelations have shed light on the Democratic Party’s behind-the-scenes efforts to counter President Trump’s administration through a mix of covert strategies and legal maneuvers. Documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request have exposed a 126-page playbook that outlines how Democratic governors, shadowy liberal groups, and unelected operatives are working in tandem to resist federal policies. This coordinated effort raises serious questions about accountability, transparency, and the true power dynamics within the Democratic Party.
At the center of this operation is the Governors Action Alliance (GovAct), a coalition co-chaired by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Colorado Governor Jared Polis. GovAct’s stated mission is to “fortify democratic institutions,” but its methods suggest a more aggressive agenda. The playbook reportedly includes pre-drafted executive orders designed to obstruct federal immigration enforcement and other Trump administration policies. Julia Spiegel, GovAct’s CEO, appears to be a key figure in this effort, directing governors to implement measures that effectively block cooperation with federal authorities. For conservatives, this represents a troubling overreach by unelected officials who are shaping policy without voter input. Sauce
It probably goes much higher than that. It probably leads to the ultimate elites - the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. These are probably the real owners of the non-Fedral Reserve. Lots of probablys that need to be clarified.
We should be asking Elon Musk - Who owns the Federal Reserve. That is a tightly controlled secret.
4-6 bankers. JP Morgan is one of them.
IMO part of the 2008 crash was a Fed ownership hostile takeover. I don't know if a new bank took out older ones, or if they just downsized Fed ownership. but thats my suspicion for why 2 banks were killed before the entire process by which they were executed was switched off.
Lehman Bros was an old powerful bank that was wiped out by competitors, as was Bear Stearns. They weren't JUST failing because of their naked shorting exposure, they were actively taken down by predators in the financial industry... who then made their captive agency the SEC suddenly make shorting bank stock - and ONLY bank shorting - illegal. Because those weakened banksters didn't want to be taken down the same way, but they still needed to profit of the collapse they caused by shorting every other company.
They even made naked shorting illegal after 2008, but made sure their SEC has never actually enforced the law because they commit that specific crime every single day... the law only exists to make sure they themselves aren't bankrupted the same way they took down Lehman and Bear. Lehman stock is still active by the way... 17 years after the company disappeared the comapnys stock is still active on the stock market which is very unusual. And it occasionally surges during unusual shorting events like the Gamestop thing. The interesting thing about naked shorting is it still needs to be paid back which can bankrupt the institution holding the shorts who owe more than the stock they need to buy to eliminate the debt. But an interesting way around that is to simply trade t he debt to the failed company and store its record of naked shorting in its own stock forever. The original company can't complain because it has already been eliminated. The killer simply hides the evidence of the murder in the corpse of their victim forever and hopes no one notices the corpse can't be buried and remains active, a zombie showing signs of life every time the killer is in distress.
One last observation: "Q" is the official wall street ticker symbol for a Bankrupted company. "Symbolism will be their downfall"
Interesting. Thank you so much for this info. I am not that smart to figure this out.
Ahhhh so that’s when that happened. I was thinking it had been legal in the past.
Makes sense. Use the weapon, then shut the door.
Moon wen?
VW's naked short situation started the collapse. The biggest banks never closed - they negotiated a closed-door deal between governments and Porsche to instantly sell everything - releasing all shorts - once they had legal control over VW. This was because the Porsche secret takeover process was probably very illegal - they quietly gained total ownership beyond short sellers ability to even pretend to close their naked positions (that were legal at the time) and no one knew until Porsche went public.
Then shortly after the big banking collapse was likely also a naked shorted to death situation, until the SEC made it impossible to short a bank.
Before 2008 naked shorting was illegal. Its what caused 1929 (on top of other issues like leveraged housing etc, basically everything you saw pre 2008 and right now). If you ever rewatch the Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places, the Randoph & Mortimer hedge fund crooks lost everything because they were overleveraged on bad insider trading info and naked shorting. They literally lost more than everything because thats how shorting works always, and naked shorting is even worse.
the Gamestop thing proved naked shorting is alive and well - literally the only possible way for the SEC to release proof the company was more than 200% short was if there was massive wide scale institutional crime at all levels happening.
The banks still own the SEC and its a criminal organization - the proof is not even one person or bank has been investigated for that naked shorting crime, and even during the faked hearings Congress held they avoided the entire topic of naked shorting and diverted the discussion to safe legal topics like "gamification" etc.
1929 will repeat. The recently fired SEC chairman was personally responsible for repealing Glass Steagall, which was the law passed after the Great Depression that was supposed to stop it from repeating. the only reason to repeal that was to make sure another Depression was possible.
… dude. Gary Gensler CREATED derivatives, then used their fallout to repeal Glass-Steagall???
Make her famous
I did on X. Fren, you spread the words elsewhere.
Don't forget the Payseurs (if I even spelled it right, they are ultra secretive)
Oh right. I remember.
This is one name I’d like to see a deep dive on.
NeonRevolt did have one in 2017 or so when everyone was searching for the origin of Qs [P]. Its scrubbed. I have it on a thumb drive thats been misplaced but is somewhere around the house.
From memory, after the French Revolution and the execution of Louis and Marie, their minor son was imprisoned in France. At some point during the next few years loyalists effected his escape to England. George III then moved the young Prince to estates he owned in North Carolina (maybe Virginia but I think NC).
The Princes business manager was a man named Payseur whose name he took. Together they began a business empire first with mining, natural resources and railroads but branching out into manufactured goods and financial services. Some of these companies would be very recognizable even today. From memory one was AT&T.
A huge web of companies was built with the former Prince becoming one of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. NeonRevolt disappeared along with his research and the info is very hard to verify. But it was extensive including all the ties between companies and principles taking me several hours to get through.
I have also seen this bloodline tied to the Carolingians (Charlemagne, the father of modern Europe). This bloodline claims the blood of Christ and claims the antichrist will be born to them.
All conjecture of course, take with a grain of salt.
Edit: Its possible Ive mixed up the Carolingians with the later French dynasty the Merovingians. Napoleon comes into the mix over the rivalry between these bloodlines.
I haven’t seen a good dive on them yet. It’s like people claim the name, then… nothing else. The name drop is all that’s necessary.
They do seem to have existed, at any rate.
Yep, the power/money Elites, Black Rock and such.
We have not got to the bottom yet. Just one more layer.
6 biggest banks in US directly own FR, reportedly, with JPM Chase or Goldman Sachs supposedly the lead bank. More interesting is what entity owns them, and then what entity owns that entity? Bank of International Settlements supposedly controls all Central Banks from Switzerland with Rothschilds supposedly controlling BIS, but I think it is the 13 family consortium really controlling BIS with Rothschilds as the face only.
...the power resides in Basel Switzerland among the top bloodlines which has been rumored to have switched from one bloodline to another. The power ' right to issue ' is debt
Even these guys are middle managers at best. The real controllers are completely out of the public eye.
Exactly. She’s a bit too young to be the head controller unless she’s the actual Anti-Christ haha.
It’s gotta be coming from the top Elites with all the cash and Control world-wide.
Poor btich... apparently she didn't get the memo.
Really? This lady... no, it's much more powerful people.
People like Lynn De Rothchild, Soros, Warren Buffet, Rockefeller family, Bill Gates, Larry Summers, Builderberger, city of England, Vatican, ect - those are the power players, and I'm sure there's a few more hidden, especially the foreign players so they can all be incahoots with each other and push the same global narrative.
She is their spoke person.
When I was just 13 (49 years ago) my dad told me about the rat bastards, I think essentially 7 families that run the fiat monetary systems. And how they are the architects of almost all wars. My father was friends with real patriots way back then. For years I told people about the fake money and puppet politicians here in USA. Most everyone laughed, said I was crazy, etc.... enter the internet.... I had a friend preaching to me about the FED and how it is theivery, etc. I laughed. I said I told you all about this stuff 8 years ago! 😁 But if you can read about it online, NOW you believe it? Hey, man, better late than never. NCSWIC
Everytime the slaves start figuring it out they either try to murder a bunch of us (vaccines, hospitals) or crash the financial system to impoverish us (steal assets), and force us to spend time and energy just trying to survive (2001, 2009, 2020, 2025). [Great Depression 1929-1934 is most glaring example of the latter where oligarchs had vacuumed up >90% of all US assets before FDR stepped in].
FDR was their toy who was allowed to take control so it would cover their moves as he triumphantly handled the situations. He was another corrupt asshat of the DS, only they shined him up more than the others. No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.
Jury still out on who’s turd the person(s) known as FDR really was. Starting to suspect there may have been multiple FDRs and a massive battle going on behind the scenes from 1932-1945, ending with temporary Patriot defeat (Truman, Hiroshima, CIA, Israel, etc.).
If it turns out that FDR actually was on our side…
I’m not sure how that’d get written into the script. One heckuva job to do it.
Yes. Still not clear on FDR, but it looks like some of the more nefarious cabal plans got countered by FDR or whoever was playing him.
You have one smart dad. You said 7, I read 6.
You want to look at these names
Again, copied and pasted to make sure "diggers" have a chance in case it gets yanked:
Other names if you want to do some research:
Julia Spiegel - American Civil Liberties Union National Supported legal matters on suing Trump. She may be running the show.
Allegra Chapman - former assistant general attorney of New York She is now the managing director of “Governor’s Safeguarding Democracy”
Emily Kirby - Former general counsel for NC gov.
Smart. Thank you so much.
Who's her boss?
I want to know who's her boss' boss & their boss. Is it the "final boss" or just another hologram while they slip out the back, scott free ...
Whoever ran the Federal Reserve.
Sadly for that wench, that's not at all how it works for Trump using the NG.
They will do anything to stop him.
Lead of the criminal enterprise!
Who died and put them in charge? Cannot believe it.
She is merely a puppet of much bigger string holders.
There is a power that is trying to control the uni-party and the world. We all know who it is, it's been discussed here many times and mentioned by Q.
This is one of the layers.
I think the immigration thing is being used to take flak for these policies. You know what else these kind of state EOs do? They would prevent NG response in relation to mass casualty events by terror groups that have been imported here.
Wow. Good observation. Thanks.
Different possibility…. I often wonder these days, if White Hats are controlling some of the democrats in congress. They do such obvious and boneheaded things. They are making themselves look stupid on a daily basis.
I wondered that also.
Copied & pasted... because you know, good stuff can get yanked without notice:
The Democrat Party EXPOSED
“Everybody keeps asking who's controlling the Democrats? Well, we think we figured it out and it's not who they are saying it is. Julia Spiegel ever heard of her? Yeah, me neither, and Democrats hope to keep it that way”
“She is the CEO of Governors Action Alliance. Her assistant Clow at her direction according to the FOIA'd emails cited in the Daily Signal recently sent out this email: ‘Please join for a briefing on Executive Action Governors can take and protect sensitive data and prepare for potential National Guard deployments sensitive data, national Guard deployments.’”
“In that briefing, governors were apparently directed to sign a pre-drafted executive order that said, quote, no assistance to deployments over objection of the office of the governor. And that state personnel shall provide no time, money, facilities, property equipment, personnel, or other resources for purposes of assistance to any National Guard unit of any other state that is deployed to the state.
If the officer or the governor of this state, which was a fill-in-the-blank thing right there, has objected to such deployment. Basically you're on your own and don't listen to the federal government I'd like who drafted that more unelected people.
These, orders that are going out, the governors are signing basically say, don't help Trump with anything. Even though 70% of America wants illegals who commit crimes outta here and close to 80% of people want you to stop transing the kids.
Nope. They don't care because the woman who is the former counsel, legal counsel to Gavin Newsom says, so forget the fact that 77 million people who voted for Trump forget the federal laws or the fact that these issues are not supported by even the majority of some of the Democrat states.”
Time to find out how "we the people" are funding this group and cut off their funds.
Elon please.
This tells me that whomever is really in charge, they are aware of what national guard deployments might really be for.
Yes. It's an interesting video.
Spiegel? What type of name is that?
Greaseman Minelli knows...
Via google ai twat:
Yes, "Spiegel" is a surname of German origin, meaning "mirror" in German, and it can also be found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with a history tracing back to the 12th century.
Meaning and Origin:
"Spiegel" is a German word for "mirror" and the surname is a metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors.
Historical Context:
The name has roots in the German-speaking regions, with mentions of the Spiegel family as barons of Desenburg and Peckelsheim in Hessen as early as the 12th century.
Jewish Communities:
The surname is also found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with some traditions suggesting its origin from a house sign in Frankfurt am Main (Judengasse) depicting a mirror.
Steven Spielberg comes to mind.
Wouldn't it be so unfortunate if they all step on lego by accident and got struck by lightning while flocks of birds poop-flood on them. Don't mess with God.
That would make my day.
She is, more than likely, controlling the governor of MD, Wes (Less) Moore. He has really taken off on the Marxist agenda. All he wants to do is tax and spend. I hope our president, Trump, really hurt Moore by saying the FBI building isn't moving to Maryland. It might WAKE him up! Although it really doesn't affect Moore personally.
All the dems are going down in flame.
I certainly hope so. I have just been listening to a local radio station and there is a judgeship election about to happen, on April 1st I think, in Washington state (early voting is taking place now). The match is between a liberal and a conservative. The announcer said that Musk and Soros are pouring money into this race. They, the announcers, believe Trump should hold a rally there for the conservative. I am not certain, I hope the conservative wins as they make it sound like if the liberal wins we could be in hot water again.
If they are using mail in voting, you won't have a chance.
Sad, but most probably true.
Wait, is this like a few weeks ago when the white house suddenly said some random lady in Mexico was FOR REAL in charge of DOGE?
I have not heard of that one.
Democratic Governors Create Coalition To Push Back Against Trump Policies
Alliance responsible for determining when state lockdows would be lifted c19
The Governors Action Alliance (GovAct) is an umbrella group that oversees Governors Safeguarding Democracy and the Reproductive Freedom Alliance, a pair of state-governor coalitions that support left-of-center and Democratic Party-backed policies. In September 2024, GovAct received $500,000 in funding from Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund. GovAct is a project of Global Impact.