Anyone who was alive on that day (as I was) will remember forever where they were and what they were doing. I seriously doubt that he couldn't remember... I've never met a person yet, who was alive then, who can't tell me exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.
For me it was an announcement over the school intercom that made everyone go silent. School was cancelled for the rest of the week and the nation entered a somber period of mourning, and shock.
I was alive but don’t remember where I was. Wish I did. My excuse is I was an infant. I think I read that JFK Jr did not remember the funeral where he became famous for that salute.
Me too. I remember the announcement and going home early. I don’t remember being out of school for the rest of the week but it makes sense that we were probably out.
Every American who was age 5 or older when Kennedy was killed remembers exactly where they were that day, unless they have full blown dementia. Sometimes even then.
I know. It's one of my favorite things to ask them.
[edited to correct the autocorrect that didn't get stuff correct]
I know where he was. He was standing in front of the school book depository on the sidewalk. There's a picture of him there just after all the shots were fired.
Why he choose satanist Aleister Crowley's daughter to be the "carrier" of his demon sons. Alex Jones proved his theory, by having people compare pictures in their later years.
Have you seen the super strong connection between the Bush's and the Hinkley's? The son tried to assassinate Reagan. They all had dinner like a week before. The son was probably an mk ultra victim.
Not believable. Even I remember where I was be ausebit had such a big impact on everyone. I can tell him where he was, because there was a pic of him in Dallas. I guess he was insuring the deed was done.
While this is old news it is very important today. HW tried to say he was not a CIA agent. Everyone remembers where they were during the Kennedy assassination even if you were three and a half like me. But he doesn't? Then he became head of the CIA.
Yet he was never an agent? Really?
How does a job interview like that go?
Then he finally admitted it years later. When Reagan was President and he was vice president, HW was running a pedophile ring out of DC with Lawrence E King of the Franklin cover up. Start googling it because that monster built the shit after his father Prescott brought it here via Hitler from Nazi Germany. Operation Paperclip to facilitate the MKultra. Start googling this. That man should have been hung in his wheelchair, or actually before he ever needed one!
King of The ROT.
What was in those funeral envelopes?
Start googling these details and learn about this man who cannot remember where he was that day, even though there's a picture of him standing in the area.
At least in terms of what's publicly known, the Bush family was the biggest reason I could think of that Pompeo fought to keep these files secret. Still a lot of power and money there and plenty of living decendants.
If you watch the video JFK to 911, Everything is a Rich Man's Trick, he has footage of GHWB there that day, but it's not a clear shot of his face, but you see his hairline and posture and that matches up with him.
Do you remember where you were on 9/11, or how about the Challenger explosion? I was a H.S. freshman changing in the gym locker room when I heard the Challenger exploded, and getting ready for work at home when 9/11 happened. Where were you? It is simply impossible not to remember where you were at when JFK was assassinated in 1963.
The 1:18 mark of this video posted by POTUS. It intentionally zooms in on Ford and Bush just after showing the reporter hanging his head in anguish over the JFK assassination. Conveniently doesn't remember indeed.
Yesterday, I saw a picture of his son, George W. Bush, then 17, at Delay Plaza. I didn't post it because I could not attest to the reliability of the source.
Anyone who was alive on that day (as I was) will remember forever where they were and what they were doing. I seriously doubt that he couldn't remember... I've never met a person yet, who was alive then, who can't tell me exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.
For me it was an announcement over the school intercom that made everyone go silent. School was cancelled for the rest of the week and the nation entered a somber period of mourning, and shock.
Pretty much the same for me. As young as I was, I knew that something awful had happened, especially when school was cancelled.
Same here.
I was alive but don’t remember where I was. Wish I did. My excuse is I was an infant. I think I read that JFK Jr did not remember the funeral where he became famous for that salute.
Me too. I remember the announcement and going home early. I don’t remember being out of school for the rest of the week but it makes sense that we were probably out.
Like it was yesterday....
Bet the receipt from the dry cleaners losts "remove grass stains from the elbows of the jacket and knees of the pants"
he was in a supervisory role for that particular mission...
I was 5 and playing in the puddle of water our neighbor had backed into a firehydrant. HW Bush has a great excuse now burning in Hell.I.
cough -bullshit--/cough
Every American who was age 5 or older when Kennedy was killed remembers exactly where they were that day, unless they have full blown dementia. Sometimes even then.
I know. It's one of my favorite things to ask them.
[edited to correct the autocorrect that didn't get stuff correct]
Cool, I was 3. So I'm off the hook.
He never figured out that "Barbara" was a dude, either.
"George Bush just got elected president, and already his wife is on the dollar bill!"
--Jay Leno
That's literally an old man in a wig!
Actually- don't you think he looks like John McCain in drag?
Lots of witnesses remembered seeing him in Dallas.
I know where he was. He was standing in front of the school book depository on the sidewalk. There's a picture of him there just after all the shots were fired.
Why he choose satanist Aleister Crowley's daughter to be the "carrier" of his demon sons. Alex Jones proved his theory, by having people compare pictures in their later years.
Ever Wonder How Criminals at the Top Always Get Away With Everything?
Here's the playbook:
Destroy the evidence
Say "I don't remember"
These two easy steps make anyone [lacking a conscience and moral compass] virtually bulletproof in any court of law.
Even when a court knows that you destroyed the evidence and do remember, they can't do jack shit. Because it can't be "proven".
It's hard to believe that it's just that simple, but it's just that simple.
Trump didn't trust him either. I remember "A thousand points of light. Now what the Hell was that all about" 😉
It’s a major propaganda technique called “glittering generalities”. It is one of three, the others being “the big lie” and “much ado about nothing”.
Does any of this look familiar from the last few years?
What do you think? He was the shooter? Managing the operation? What?
Involved. Had knowledge. That's all we can guess at this point. I assumed he was involved in planning.
So he baked the cake, eh?
This would explain Jebb’s desperate look at the funeral when he read the mail…
Have you seen the super strong connection between the Bush's and the Hinkley's? The son tried to assassinate Reagan. They all had dinner like a week before. The son was probably an mk ultra victim.
RIGHT. if you wouldn't remember where you were on that day. The arrogance of these people is sickening. Nobody believes you
I was a Bush supporter. Those days are long gone. Thank god.
Yeah, I used to smash up cars with anti-war stickers back in the day. Now it turns out it was all fake and a DS plot.
Ironic, really.
Not believable. Even I remember where I was be ausebit had such a big impact on everyone. I can tell him where he was, because there was a pic of him in Dallas. I guess he was insuring the deed was done.
And our last president still doesn't know where he is. 🙃
He wasn't president!
While this is old news it is very important today. HW tried to say he was not a CIA agent. Everyone remembers where they were during the Kennedy assassination even if you were three and a half like me. But he doesn't? Then he became head of the CIA.
Yet he was never an agent? Really? How does a job interview like that go?
Then he finally admitted it years later. When Reagan was President and he was vice president, HW was running a pedophile ring out of DC with Lawrence E King of the Franklin cover up. Start googling it because that monster built the shit after his father Prescott brought it here via Hitler from Nazi Germany. Operation Paperclip to facilitate the MKultra. Start googling this. That man should have been hung in his wheelchair, or actually before he ever needed one! King of The ROT.
What was in those funeral envelopes?
Start googling these details and learn about this man who cannot remember where he was that day, even though there's a picture of him standing in the area.
I was in 2nd grade and I remember it
Was years ago when I heard we was involved . Funeral letters are telling.
At least in terms of what's publicly known, the Bush family was the biggest reason I could think of that Pompeo fought to keep these files secret. Still a lot of power and money there and plenty of living decendants.
I noticed the "holes" in his history years ago and still understood that he was in Dallas at some "key" point.
If you watch the video JFK to 911, Everything is a Rich Man's Trick, he has footage of GHWB there that day, but it's not a clear shot of his face, but you see his hairline and posture and that matches up with him.
Do you remember where you were on 9/11, or how about the Challenger explosion? I was a H.S. freshman changing in the gym locker room when I heard the Challenger exploded, and getting ready for work at home when 9/11 happened. Where were you? It is simply impossible not to remember where you were at when JFK was assassinated in 1963.
I was eight years old and I can tell you EXACTLY where I was that day, who was with me, and who told us that President Kennedy had been assassinated
The 1:18 mark of this video posted by POTUS. It intentionally zooms in on Ford and Bush just after showing the reporter hanging his head in anguish over the JFK assassination. Conveniently doesn't remember indeed.
Link doesn't work unfortunately
Are you sure? I just tried it and the post from Clandestine came up (hist repost of POTUS). Maybe you have to be logged in to X?
Just endless loading screen. No post.
He's the lead for 9/11 as well
Yup. Co-incidence that he was in office at the time?
Total BS.
Mystery solved! Contents of the "mysterious" letter President Trump gave to Bush family at the Poppy Bush's funeral.
Yesterday, I saw a picture of his son, George W. Bush, then 17, at Delay Plaza. I didn't post it because I could not attest to the reliability of the source.