⚖️ REVEALED: Chief Justice John Roberts Caught in Secretive, Invite-Only Club for Elite Judges and Lawyers That Includes James Boasberg, Beryl Howell, Amit Mehta and Ketanji Brown Jackson.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Does this put us any closer to “military is the only way”?
Military tribunals on the way.
Starting with corrupt judicial officials.
Looks like racketeering to me.
Another "secret society"? (If so, we know how JFK felt about them.)
Wait first....what's a woman?
You know if that moron is in the "club" it's focus is definitely not intellectual acuity.
I had a feeling that John Roberts's number was up. Kim Clement said there would be two judges that would step down and shock everybody. Let's make it Roberts and Brown because of this very thing.
At least recusal
you spelled removal wrong........
You spelled 'hanging' wrong....
Those would be my to top picks to exterminate.
Bad list: John Roberts, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Ketanji Brown. jmo
I'd add ACB to the bad list.
She's on probation for now. 🤔
So the four worst leftist women on the court need to go, only Barrett remains?
I'm ok with that.
I’ll bet he’s involved in lots of deep state activities.
The hive minds, I am sure they liken themselves to the modern day founders.
Any such gathering/"club" is an outrage for Judges/Justices. WTH?
A lot of cleansing of our judicial system is fixing to happen. Oh well, I guess the military will then take over the cases.
Remember the epic stank-eye young Barron Trump gave to then chief-justice-balding-dread-pirate-roberts way back during his Dad's first inauguration? 2017? Pepe-ridge Farns remembers...
I'm going to drop a contrarian point of view in an effort to discern and keep an open mind on this.
The headline instantly made me mad, and has all kinds of confirmation bias in it.
And this is exactly why I felt the need to stop, think, and look past the headline.
For some reason, this whole website it shut down. That in itself is probably a clue that the group is up to something not good.
Having said that, the organization doesn't necessarily appear to have been set up for a nefarious purpose. You can explore the website through the wayback machine here: https://web.archive.org/web/20250000000000*/https://www.innsofcourt.org/
You can read about the history here.
I wouldn't call this a "Secretive Invite-Only Club For Elite Judges" at all. It's a huge nationwide legal mentoring organization.
Many professions have organizations similar to this. It's a place to network and rub elbows, and egad, maybe meet someone that could help elevate your career.
These five people highlighted by the article author is simply a way to make it look like John Roberts is a secret commie Chief Justice (which he very well may be!), but it's guilt by association.
The real association is likely thousands of members from all political stripes nationwide (this org was started in Utah, not D.C.).
I have no problem going after John Roberts. He is a snake and a weasel and likely blackmailed, but this article is pretty trashy.
Sorry Kitty.
It sounds to me like a place where a lot of ex parte information can be passed around, and agreements can be reached apart from any oversight. Has John Roberts assured the Trump hating judges that when Trump's appeals reach the SC, he will block them? That seems to be what he indicated with his defense of Boasberg.
Exactly. Birds of a feather shit together.
If you read the website for the United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Trilatetal Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and hell, let's throw in Greenpeace, Red Cross, and USAID, and many more, you will find the same thing - complete whitewash on what they're actually doing.
"It's a huge nationwide legal mentoring organization"
It is invite-only. Fact. The branch website it's a blank page. Fact. Their members list is private. Fact. We only know about who's involved because James Boasberg is the face of the charity American Inn of Court Foundation. Fact.
You didn't explore their website on the wayback machine, did you?
Many other people are listed all over it, and if you create an account you can even search their member directory.
Why would they wipe it then?
+1 for contrarian opinion. USA’s legal tradition from British colonial rule included in some colonies the common law of England.
Law societies that focus on celebrating themselves and their traditions (instead of simplifying the laws and eliminating major fraud and unconstitutional schemes) promote harm and the destruction of America.
Colonial Virginia in 1658 decided to expel the professional lawyers, p. 47 https://scholarship.law.nd.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3513&context=ndlr and Quakers-led Pennsylvania did not like English common law.
https://scholarship.law.nd.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3554&context=ndlr p. 364 (16 of 31 in the pdf)
The writer of the first law article above thinks Virginia should not have banned the professional lawyers from being able to practice law in the courts. I think we need to do something like Virginia’s d3cision in 1958 and limit the attorneys of today.
Wasn't there some Shakespeare quote about lawyers long ago too? They've been trashed for a long time.
Henry VI , Part 2, Act 4, Scene 2. the main view = Shakespeare’s Butcher character was an unruly character who thought he could destroy the government by killing the lawyers who supported and upheld the just government. line 75 Henry VI , Part 2, Act 4, Scene 2
However, since attorneys have joined in with and have helped create huge bureaucratic schemes, the phrase kill all the lawyers gets borrowed to express the view that by getting rid of all the lawyers so we can end corruption.
Get a rope.
There was a stickied post earlier that linked to sleepy dudes substack that talked about just this happening. Roberts is going down and I’m glad. We’ve all known he’s been a bad bad dude and seems to always rule with the wrong side of the constitution. First arrest maybe? Strings are cut…just thinking here sleepydude
Justice Roberts is an outstanding ... operative of the cabal, who is compromised by the Mossad lead blackmail entrapment schemes fostered by Epstein.
The building the NGO is incorporated in is the same the District Court is in
Shit, meet fan.
NESARA is coming... it will happen.
What does NESARA have to do with this article?
That's easy, these judges will be replaced by those who are trained on actual constitutional law. It's only a matter of time before they're gone.
That still doesn't explain how NESARA has anything to do with this...
Look at one of the things that NESARA does, and you will see how it fits into getting rid of these corrupt judges once and for all.
NESARA doesn't do anything. I've been hearing about it since the 1990s, and none of the proposals have ever amounted to anything.
I don't know why you feel the need to be all mysterious about this.
It's a simple question.
We've all been hearing about it since the 90s but the fact is, that it keeps getting blocked by people in our government.
Q said darkness to light, these dark corrupt judges are being brought into the light for the world to see.
Once those who are blocking nesara, keeping the country from prospering are gone, then judges who are trained in the constitution will replace these, these activists. I'm not sure why this is so hard to put together.
What exactly do you think is constitutional about NESARA?
So this is the "real" Supreme Court it looks like.
hardly secretive if they have a web pg n it's on wiki-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Inns_of_Court
Ugh to all of this.