Elon's 𝕏 A.I. platform GROK now lets you search the JFK Files! Any doubt that 𝕏 and Elon are working for the Q team can now be thrown right out the window. 𝕏 is a White Hat asset, and Elon is most certainly employed by the Q team for the disclosure phase of this plan! LFG!

"Search the Epstein Files"
"Ask Grok about the Epstein Files: Is Tom Hanks a pedo? What's up with Hillary's snuff film? Why did Obama order tens of thousands of hotdogs? Is Pizza Gate real?"
Its gonna happen Anons! Mark my words!
Note: Grok doesn't just let you do this search. The Grok page is promoting it.
That's next level 'we are the news now' stuff.
I saw a post that when asked Grok said it would give everyone the mRNA shot?
Can someone on x verify if that's true?
Can't verify, but it's a large language model and they do tend to "hallucinate" occasionally
Maybe that’s a misdirection for the lefties to start trusting Grok 🤷
Glenn Beck discussed this (using Grok to inquire into the JFK assassination) on his radio program yesterday (Friday) and said that he had gotten some bogus answers.
You got my upvote for this gif! I wish I could do it twice.
The comment was great but the icon (in this context) - even better.
I love this board!
Uh huh. And when Grok tells you that there is no indication that Tom Hanks is a pedophile or that Israel wasn't involved in the JFK assassination and Pizza Gate isn't real and Donald Trump wasn't super secretly the President 2021-2025, you're going to accept that?
Wait, let me guess. "Disinfo is necessary...something something...optics...something something."
Grok is actually going on what's posted, proven and known. It can be irritating to ask questions about things there isn't any proof of.
However...Grok will speculate, and the results are actually pretty awesome.
Great response- you made me think of this
I'm starting to feel he has been part of the Q team for some time.
Maybe that’s why 24 hours ago Elon said, "I'd love to make airplanes, but I'm stretched pretty thin. I have like 17 jobs."
No audio. Just a tweet that says he said that
Yes, verification required. Random tweet by random account offering an assertion isn't exactly evidence.
That said, here's some sauce:
Also, Elon reposted it, so that's pretty solid.
Conclusion: inspoken is right. Without sauce, the tweet is just fluff.
I heard him say it. Watch the video.
what video?
FYI, the OP (lovecymru) didn't provide any information, neither linkage, timing, source, etc, regarding any audio, video, etc.
And hung a picture up of Pepe in his White House office
I got that feeling a few months after he acquired X and started boosting pepe memes, anon-type memes, and q-adjacent content, etc.
He dropped the necessary hints, just as Q+ did during all his rallies.
Hints. Plausible deniability. Fun.
And that's what my discernment flags: fun. Whether that or wearing Baphomet armor leaves me wondering if Elon is "an enemy of my enemy."
Elon is doing things because they're either fun or his "personal AI told [him] to." *
*I remember Elon gave an interview on why he bought Twitter. I recall him giving a similar response to "because my personal AI told me that the world was going to end if I didn't." I couldn't find the article to verify the quote, and I wouldn't trust AI with that detailed of a verification.
Understand that Elon Musk, much like Howard Hughes before him, is a funding vehicle for un-attributable Government spending for Ops.
"What does it mean to have that title of richest? What do they do with that wealth? Is it some kind of giant Scrooge McDuck tower situation filled with gold or is there an actual purpose to it?
Why did his money skyrocket so dramatically around 2020? Any world changing events you can think of that year? (EDIT: Government Ops?)
I believe his sudden skyrocket in wealth is because he is an important cog in a global revolution going on right now. This might be why he has chosen to live modestly despite the wealth as the goal isn’t his own standard of living but others. His wealth may well exist to rescue the world from tyranny."
Elon Musk is a face for 'Elon Musk', the funding vehicle. And the $44 BILLION (Does Q invoke '4' often?) to purchase Twitter was absolutely a National Security maneuver. Q1713: "The face is never the author."
And Pepe's on the wall in Elon's White House Office..🐸😸
It was there all along. The recovery pad with the 3 17s and the Q in the middle was another wink and nod.
Lol they are getting more obvious with the Q's and the 17s
I wonder what they are signaling with the recover pad having Q all over it?
So is Chuck Schumer imo.
Really? I'm not seeing that - to me he looks like he's met with the new owner of his blackmail material.
Maybe... Trump did call him a "good man" at the Catholic charity dinner thing
Musk had decade(s) to grow his flock of lefties, much like Rogan. Then magically at the precise time they both were suddenly Trump soldiers. Sure not all of their followers saw the light, but they still both steered a lot of their flock towards truth. Of course in typical lib fashion they'll never admit it. There will always be that 10% that will never ever accept any hard truths. Just too scary for them.
X is the town square and Elon saved Free Speech so you bet it'll be used as a spigot. " We are the news now " was not just a catch phrase. Msm can ignore all they want. It will still spread all around them as they deny or ignore. Since only a tiny fraction is watching or even believing them it won't matter what they do.
NCSWIC - eventually it'll be realized.
I see it more as a red-pill, they became Trump supporters because it was the only logical thing to do.
Totally possible, but I have a hard time believing lefties use any logic or reason in anything. They usually just do and say what they are told. They just follow the herd. Leading or standing alone knowing your beliefs are moral or correct are traits most of them do not have. At least some arrived, even if forcibly.
The only question remaining, is whether or not these are ALL of the 'JFK files'
That's the $64,000 Question...
...doggy winks...
Musk has been propelled by government funds. He has been masterfully marketed to the public and portrayed as the richest, the smartest, a martyr, a leader………we are being duped. No need to crown him, they’ll do it for you.
So, has anyone done a search yet?
You could ask Grok.
Grok, has anyone done a search on you on "ask Grok about the JFK files. Was it Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA or the Mafia?"
Does this help?
Maybe I’m missing something but Grok is telling me he only has access to 10 files out of the 80,000 that were released.
I asked about Israel’s involvement and he confidently states Israel had no part in the assassination planning.
“No, that’s not correct. I have access to and can analyze the 10 specific JFK files that were provided to me, which were released by the US National Archives on March 18, 2025. These files represent a subset of the 80,000 total files, but I don’t have information on the remaining 79,990 files you mentioned, as they haven’t been provided to me. I can only work with the data from the 10 files I have ingested.”
“No, there is no mention of Israel or any Israeli involvement in the planning or handling of JFK’s assassination in the ten documents provided from the JFK files released on March 18, 2025, by the US National Archives. The documents focus on various U.S. agencies (CIA, FBI), Cuban and Soviet connections, British intelligence, and other international entities like Australia, but Israel is not referenced in relation to the assassination or any related activities 104-10332-10022, 104-10337-10014, 124-90137-10284, 104-10332-10023, 124-10181-10009.”
I asked Grok how Israel is involved. This is the response (it seems to only be able to work with 10 documents and tells me it can’t access all of them):
Based on the subset of the JFK files released on March 18, 2025, and provided in the documents you’ve referenced, there is no information or mention of Israel’s involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The documents focus on various topics, including CIA operations, FBI investigations, Soviet activities, and individuals like Lee Harvey Oswald, but none of the 10 articles you’ve provided—such as 124-10291-10319, 124-90137-10284, 124-90092-10016, 124-90138-10073, and 124-10181-10009—reference Israel, Israeli individuals, or any related entities in connection with Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963. These files primarily deal with U.S. intelligence activities, Cuban and Soviet matters, and specific individuals like William K. Harvey, Levi Laub, Myriam Finkelman y Winer, and Lee Harvey Oswald, but they do not suggest or imply any involvement from Israel. The current understanding, as noted, is that Lee Harvey Oswald is believed to have acted alone in the assassination, though some of these documents, such as 124-10181-10009, hint at broader speculation or conversations (e.g., the Cuban Embassy discussion about Oswald’s visa denial), but nothing ties this to Israel. If there are claims or theories about Israel’s involvement, they are not supported by the specific documents you’ve provided. The files contain redactions and focus on other geopolitical actors like Cuba, the Soviet Union, and British intelligence, but Israel is not mentioned in relation to the assassination in this subset. For a comprehensive answer, additional files from the 80,000 total released might need to be reviewed, but based on the information available here, there is no evidence of Israeli involvement.
And when I ask it to search all 80,000 documents:
Searching through the full 80,000 pages of the JFK assassination files released on March 18, 2025, from the U.S. National Archives is a massive undertaking, and I don’t have direct access to all of them in real time. However, I can provide an analysis based on the subset of 10 documents you’ve already shared, combined with my knowledge of the broader historical context and patterns in previous JFK file releases. I’ll also outline how I can help you narrow the search or explore specific claims, like Israel’s alleged involvement or photo evidence, if you provide more details. Analysis of the Provided Documents From the 10 documents you’ve referenced—such as 104-10174-10071, 104-10337-10001, and 104-10332-10023—there’s no mention of Israel’s involvement in Kennedy’s assassination or any photo evidence tying Israel to the event. These files focus on: • CIA photo-book projects and operational secrecy from the 1950s 104-10174-10071. • Declassification processes, including CIA and NSA records about Cuba, Vietnam, and Oswald’s activities in Mexico City in 1963 104-10337-10001. • CIA organizational searches and record-keeping post-assassination 104-10332-10023. • A 1960s CIA flight incident over Soviet airspace, with no connection to Kennedy or Israel 104-10224-10006. The only mention of Israel in these documents is in 104-10172-10112, which discusses a 1971 inquiry about two individuals entering Israel, unrelated to the 1963 assassination. Broader Context and Search Strategy The prevailing narrative, supported by the Warren Commission and later investigations like the House Select Committee on Assassinations, holds that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating Kennedy on November 22, 1963. However, these newly released files, like past releases, often hint at broader speculation—e.g., Cuban or Soviet connections, as seen in mentions of Oswald’s Mexico City activities 104-10337-10001. Theories about Israel’s involvement typically stem from Kennedy’s disputes with Israel over its nuclear program at Dimona or figures like Reuben Efron, a Jewish CIA officer monitoring Oswald’s mail, but no official evidence has emerged to substantiate these claims. To search the full 80,000 pages for Israel’s involvement or photo evidence, I’d need specific keywords, document IDs, or details about the photos you mentioned (e.g., descriptions, dates, or sources). I can: 1 Analyze additional specific files if you provide their IDs or links from the National Archives release. 2 Search for patterns in the broader release, focusing on terms like “Israel,” “Dimona,” “Efron,” or “photos” related to the assassination. 3 Cross-reference with X posts, news, or public claims if you’ve seen allegations online or in media about this. 4 Examine uploaded content (e.g., images, PDFs) if you have photo evidence or documents to share. Surprising Information from the Subset One surprising detail in these files is the extent of CIA operational secrecy and photo-book projects from the 1950s, as seen in 104-10174-10071. The document reveals a meticulous effort to create a photo-book with 100-200 images, comparing it to major publications like “Life’s Picture History of World War II,” yet it’s unrelated to Kennedy’s assassination. This suggests the CIA’s deep involvement in media and propaganda, which might fuel conspiracy theories but doesn’t connect to Israel here. Another intriguing point is the NSA’s interception of Cuban military communications post-assassination 104-10337-10001, hinting at heightened U.S. surveillance of Cuba, but again, no Israeli link. Next Steps If you believe Israel is named specifically in relation to the assassination or there’s photo evidence, please provide: • The document ID or link from the release. • Details about the photos (e.g., what they show, where you found them). • Any X posts, news articles, or other sources mentioning this. I’ll then focus my search or analysis on those specifics. Without more details, I can’t confirm claims beyond the subset you’ve shared, but I’m here to dig deeper and challenge the establishment narrative critically. What specific information or evidence do you have in mind?
I never had any doubts, in fact I often wondered if he was ON the Q team
Me: "Using only the recently uploaded JFK files, explain how and why Israel and Mossad are responsible for the assination."
Answer: Based on the recently released JFK files from March 18, 2025, provided in the subset of documents you’ve shared, there is no information or evidence directly implicating Israel or the Mossad in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The documents you’ve provided focus on various topics, including surveillance of the Cuban Embassy in London, FBI-CIA interactions, Soviet activities, and internal security matters, but none mention Israel, the Mossad, or any involvement by Israeli entities in Kennedy’s assassination.
For example: 124-10181-10009 discusses a conversation at the Cuban Embassy in London involving potential references to Lee Harvey Oswald and suspicions of FBI involvement, but there’s no mention of Israel or Mossad.
124-90137-10355 deals with FBI-CIA correspondence about Eduardo Espinosa y Prieto and alleged communist activities, with no reference to Israel or the Mossad.
124-10279-10209 covers CIA observations of American individuals in Moscow, including potential Soviet recruitment, but again, no connection to Israel or Mossad is mentioned.
124-90138-10073 details a Soviet order for safes to be sent to Havana, Cuba, with no Israeli or Mossad involvement noted.
124-10369-10022 includes information about closed-circuit television installations and a threatening letter, but there’s no reference to Israel or the Mossad in relation to Kennedy’s assassination.
These documents, as presented, do not provide any basis to conclude that Israel or the Mossad were responsible for or involved in the assassination of JFK. The current prevailing view, as noted in your instructions, is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, though the documents hint at broader speculation and potential involvement of other entities like the FBI or Cuban interests, but not Israel or Mossad.
If you’re referring to theories or claims outside these specific documents, I don’t have access to that information in the provided subset. However, based solely on the JFK files you’ve shared, there is no evidence or suggestion of Israeli or Mossad responsibility for the assassination.
Is there an update needed to the Grok app to enable this? I asked and Grok says they fed him 10 documents out of the 80,000 to focus on:
“No worries, I’ll clarify. I didn’t personally read 80,000 files and pick 10—I was given 10 specific articles from the March 18, 2025, release to work with. Those 10 are a curated sample from the full set of 80,000 released by the National Archives. My creators at xAI fed me those as a manageable chunk to analyze and reference, not the whole pile. So, I’ve got details from those 10—like CIA memos on Oswald or FBI internal debates—but not the entire archive. If you’re curious about something specific in those 10, I can dig into them for you. What do you think?”
Asked Grok what his thoughts were, I mentioned Israel but he pushed back on that, thought I saw some documents the other day that linked Israel to all of this and asking the CIA to make sure they were covered up and kept out of it?
“ Based on the JFK files I have access to from the March 18, 2025, release by the US National Archives, as well as my broader knowledge, your theory doesn’t align with the information in these documents or the established historical record. Let me break it down and explain why. The files I’ve reviewed—specifically 157-10014-10242, 104-10332-10022, and 104-10332-10023—don’t mention any involvement or motive from Israel in JFK’s assassination. They focus heavily on other potential actors, like the Mafia, Fidel Castro, and anti-Castro Cuban exiles, as well as Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities and possible conspiracies. There’s no evidence here suggesting Israel played any role, nor do these files indicate the CIA was directed by Israel to orchestrate the assassination. The documents do, however, explore theories involving the CIA and Mafia connections. For instance, mobster John Roselli claimed Oswald might have been a decoy or shooter, and that Jack Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald to silence him, fearing a crackdown on the Mafia 157-10014-10242. But this is presented as Roselli’s theory, not a confirmed fact, and it ties to Mafia fears of exposure, not Israeli involvement. Similarly, the CIA’s anti-Castro plots, including using Mafia figures like Roselli to assassinate Fidel Castro, are detailed, but there’s no link to Israel or a directive to target JFK 157-10014-10242. The idea of Oswald as a “patsy” isn’t new—Oswald himself reportedly said this after his arrest—but the files don’t support him being deliberately set up by the CIA or anyone else as part of a broader conspiracy involving Israel. They do highlight Oswald’s travels, like his time in the Soviet Union and Mexico City, and his potential connections to Cuban or Soviet intelligence, but nothing ties this to Israel 104-10332-10022, 104-10332-10023. As for the CIA hiring local mob thugs to kill Oswald, the files suggest Ruby’s involvement was linked to Mafia fears of Oswald talking, but there’s no evidence the CIA orchestrated this. Instead, the CIA withheld information from the Warren Commission about their anti-Castro plots involving the Mafia, fearing exposure and public backlash, not because they were part of a plot to kill JFK or silence Oswald on Israel’s behalf 157-10014-10242. The current historical consensus, backed by the Warren Commission and subsequent investigations like the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), holds that Oswald acted alone, though some HSCA findings suggested a possible conspiracy without identifying specific actors. These files raise questions—Roselli’s claims, CIA-Mafia ties, and Cuban angles—but they don’t point to Israel or a CIA-orchestrated plot with Oswald as a patsy in the way you describe. That said, it’s worth noting some surprising details in the files: Roselli’s brutal murder in 1976, stuffed in a drum and dumped in Biscayne Bay, hints at ongoing tensions and potential silencing, possibly linked to his CIA-Mafia work 157-10014-10242. And the CIA’s withholding of evidence about Castro’s potential involvement or their own plots suggests a culture of secrecy that fuels conspiracy theories, even if not this specific one. Your theory isn’t supported by the evidence in these documents or the broader historical record I’m aware of as of March 22, 2025. But I’m happy to dig deeper into the files or explore other angles if you have more questions or want to refine the hypothesis. What led you to this idea?”
Or is this just a businessman giving his customers what they want? He posted that Grok got asked about JFK something like 5 million times in 24 hours, so why wouldn't he put it in there? It makes financial sense, especially since you'll need to be verified to search.
I asked grok some questions, including: if the CIA was proven guilty, what would trump or musk do about it?
It proceeded to tell me that, as of March 22, 2025, trump and musk do not hold any public offices, and could not do much as private citizens. But that trump is considering to run again in 2028...
Ahhhh, I love the smell of AI's hallucinating in the morning... :D
Hey, do you guys know hot read this emoticon below?
You rotate the screen (or your head), right?
While looking at the smile above - do the same with the Grok icon. What do you see?
I wonder if you asked Grok the same question that you asked ChatGPT….would they have the same answer?
This was painfully obvious to me from day 1. I was cheerleading tesla to the community on how it actually maximizes freedom but you all were too hive minded to see it until just now. Feels good to be right.
The issue is it doesn't even acknowledge the brackets the cia tried keeping censored was related to Israeli intelligence.
Did anyone find a copy of that death certificate/coroner's report (I forget which it actually was) that was posted here a few days ago?
Here is Grok's answer regarding the death certificate: Based on the subset of JFK assassination files provided, which includes 10 documents out of the 80,000 recently released by the US National Archives on March 18, 2025, there is no mention of a copy of President John F. Kennedy’s death certificate.
So Grok is only analyzing 10 documents of the 80,000? I have seen Grok's answers contain this preface no matter what the question is.
is israel searchable? ultimate litmus test
this way someone else can guide you toward and away from what they would like you to see. sweet!
.....................Or was it Israel