55andshocked 8 points ago +8 / -0

Finally made it last night, wasn't a packed theater but all but two people stayed to see the message and the audience broke out in applause

55andshocked 6 points ago +6 / -0

So far, this moderator is holding the "liberal" line but she hasn't been super nasty. He is getting his digs in - calmly, reiterating specific points and planting seeds for people to try and do their own research.

55andshocked 5 points ago +5 / -0

Joining the ban wagon on this. Will have to switch to Jack Daniels.

55andshocked 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nancy Drew aka Kelly Brady does daily updates on DC - been interesting to watch and see what is really going on and to question everything - Critical thinking 101.

55andshocked 24 points ago +24 / -0

Raise your hands of you will be getting a little extra cushion out of your bank tomorrow

55andshocked 23 points ago +23 / -0

WOW - I am blown away. But please know that there are those in the Mental health field who do not support " this quick fix" and actually work with individuals to process their differences and accept the body that God gave them.

55andshocked 4 points ago +5 / -1

Thank you - yes there are many of us who were born and raised Catholic that still consider themselves a Christian Catholic but went on a Faith quest for one reason or another. While we hold our relationship with God we totally believe that the "Church" has corruption, not necessarily all priest and nuns but we don't blindly follow, we are free thinkers and can still have our faith in God.

55andshocked 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does this change the narrative? Someone had a bomb - you know those " right wingers" or "the trains are safe and no change in regulations are needed or who knows.

55andshocked 12 points ago +12 / -0

I would guess that it would bring the pedophilia and human trafficking to light and it could be possible and what if the story Is that her parents sold her? That would be a huge win

55andshocked 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go and read the comments and look at other videos HUH????

55andshocked 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ditto - thanks for the information - some of us haven't been at this as long and nice to get information that can help see the truth when you can't find it on regular searches

55andshocked 3 points ago +3 / -0

Know that there are many virtual hugs coming your way. Prayers for peace - Peace of mind, peace of heart and peace surrounding you at this time.

55andshocked 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is a HUGE rabbit hole for the date of May 11th - lots of nuclear testing done on this date over the years, 1996 Valujet crash in the Everglades 110 people died, Jon D. Rockefeller, Jr. died 1960, Bob Marley in 1981, Barbara Hutton ( Woolworth heiress) age 66, Brenda Carlin, age 57 in 1977 ( George Carlin's wife - he was wide awake), Douglas Adams author of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.....just a HUGE rabbit hole. And if you look at post 511, it clarifies reference to post 510.

55andshocked 12 points ago +13 / -1

I think the best argument is free will and free choice. Additionally, Trump promoted our personal freedoms and was pointing out that we trust science and we need to be critical thinkers. Has Trump ever been dumped yep and I know he said if he lost it all, who would be around. I know I am paraphrasing but he also supported hand washing and common sense and NOT to be fearful of living our lives. Sorry, I don't have the videos but I know someone else does. I have found with many who feared losing their jobs and took it have " buyers remorse" after being so ill. I have always said I support everyone's making their own choice and my personal immunity and that in the three years, I haven't gotten COVID and didn't get the jab. So many at my work, have woken up and refused to get any boosters and regret their decision to follow the crowd and not think for themselves

55andshocked 28 points ago +28 / -0

Klaus is now there just running late - confirmed an hour ago

55andshocked 5 points ago +6 / -1

Anyone else notice the date? How the heck do you get a "future" tweet?

55andshocked 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, if he " wins it on the 17th vote"- does that mean he is controlled by White Hats? Are we playing a game of Chicken as to which party will vote for someone in the other party to just get it over with?

55andshocked 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is because previous " voice ballots" was the opinion of who was doing "tally" and that is why the roll call vote happened. I think the roll call should be automatic and not someone's opinion.

55andshocked 7 points ago +7 / -0

Actually, Burrow Channel is a ROKU channel, that is free, that was first activated on 12/5/2022, and has videos that are meant to red pill people. You can search by many topics - Disney, Kennedy, CIA, 911, Pizzagate, Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, CIA, Pedogate and so many more. I have just started going through it with someone who believes there is corruption and is open to learning more. Let me tell you, this has sparked more questions for them and wanting to learn more. If you have it available, I would suggest checking it out.

55andshocked 7 points ago +7 / -0

And we start the new year in Mercury retrograde.

55andshocked 6 points ago +6 / -0

This should be a sticky - proof another " conspiracy theory of censorship" was TRUE and that there were executives that LIED under oath to Congress. Wonder what the penalty for that will be? I am sure the new House will be taking the info and opening an investigation

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