That's quality OP.
I note in the third picture in sequence that it identifies the rough winding road to light and depicts a seemingly broad road to light. The symbolism is effectively turning on its head the Biblical symbolism that Jesus is the light of the world and that the path Christians follow is straight and narrow. And of coarse the symbolized city on the hill with the central obelisk is not congruent with the description of the New Jerusalem city of God referenced in scripture. Rather is holds closest similarity to the depiction of the all seeing eye triangle.
Just curious if you can confirm that the image is from a Masonic text (that is my personal suspicion at least)?
50 prophet types tickle your ears. 1 prophet tells the truth.
You listen to them all equally and decide the 50 got it right because they align best with each other (averages) and align closest to how you perceive the world or want the world to be.
This leads to folly. True prophetic word is not handled on the average. True prophets rarely (possibly never) bring a message that the people of the time want to hear or receive well. The Bible clearly identifies where true prophets were raised up to tell the Hebrew people to repent and that judgement was coming, yet the people and kings routinely beat them and rounded them up to execute them. It was much rarer that the Hebrew people repented and turned back to following God. The true prophets were often not the only voice calling to the people's attentions. Often false prophets were also present with opposing messages and higher numbers, some were exposed and executed, others never were called out for their falsehoods.
Now in scripture it is clearly identified that a person claiming to be a prophet of God must get it right 100% of the time. If he prophesies something that does not occur then the penalty was death because it marked him as a false prophet. In this context, falsely claiming to bring the word or message of the Holy, Perfect, Just God via the mantle of the Holy Spirit was a most serious offense thus the punishment for pretending you spoke on behalf of God and misled the people spiritually was death.
We don't seem to hold people to any similar standard of at least requiring 100% accuracy in prophesy today. I'm not suggesting those in error be eliminated, but they should be noted for error and derided as false prophets which too often does not happen today.
That is a hilarious troll meme dissing the Bush dynasty that wants to exert control over Texas politics.
Ken Paxton was targeted by Bush and big pharma because he kept getting in the way of corrupt Austin prosecutors and he made known his intention to investigate big pharma malfeasance. Bush family and their direct involvement in the former corruption is not known, but they read the room and decided they could leverage the prosecutor's desire to get back at the boss and big pharma's desire for getting rid of a headache to bring G. Prescott Bush into the AG position so they could get back into corruption in Texas govt and likely launch the loser Prescott into a future national political career. Anyway, they made up a bunch of stories of Ken Paxton corruption and brought no proofs beyond their own speculations and generated a sham impeachment trial off of the whole thing. Ken brought a competent attorney to defend him and the prosecution gaffed and fumbled their whole case (to the point where they prematurely rested and tried to take it back and were told to pound sand).
It should become a noteworthy footnote in the history of Texas politics from here on out. Texas does have quite a few characters who arose in politics and were involved in activities or incidents that were pretty noteworthy and bad.
Bush family definitely got a black eye or two off of this because they were stupidly transparent in their actions and involvement leaving them no cover when it failed. Maybe we could Title this story "That time the Bush family got publicly ass whooped while trying to impeach Paxton".
Also, Who cares what Google labels or mislabeles on a map. They are not the official word on maps. Wake me up when our own government maps remove DC from the official maps.
The radiation is from the radio chip and the antenna. The radio chip has a power setting. The power setting is software configurable. So if France detects the radio and antenna are emitting too much radiation, then they can lower the power setting and it should lower the radiation from the device. If the device is putting out energy in a range that is unexpected, reducing the broadcast power should also allow for better performance of frequency filtering for those undesirable ranges of the light spectrum. However, device performance may be impacted as the device range will decrease if it broadcasts a weaker signal.
Keep in mind all of the light spectrum is radiated energy. I read the article and found it typical of leaving out the important information about what radiation frequency was actually being measured. There is a big difference in X-ray (or higher frequency) radiation vs 2.4ghz or 5ghz or 4g radiation. Higher wattage amplitudes in the latter can in some cases be dangerous versus nearly any prolonged exposure in the x-ray or higher frequency range is always dangerous.
The disappearing is communicated to two completely separate audiences. Also the disappearing is nothing new, but the difference here is the frequency and breadth of the disappearing. The purges are definitely gutting leadership in China which should cause additional problems in the future.
External audience, it looks bad and suggests weaknesses are showing up.
Internal audience, it has the standard communist dictatorship bravado of communicating to the Chinese public that anyone can be disappeared and the leader has no fallout from it. Xi will continue to appear strong as he purges and disappears more people. Paranoia appears to be setting in for Xi due to historic cultural interpretations of all the natural disasters that are befalling China this past year. Add to that the multiple cultural and demographic crisis for the youths in China (gender ratio, let it rot, lack of employment with China's contracting economy, financial crisis destroying the investment wealth of the parent generation (property collapse due to financial ruin of building/ financing companies) ), and I would give it 80% odds that Xi will need a war to kill enough of the male youths to reduce (through attrition) the building pressure that will fuel a crisis for his continued rule. Thus a war may be calculated to help prevent his eventual overthrow.
But if Xi doesn't succeed in that, I think he may eventually meet a fate similar to Ceaușescu of Romania.... Unless the CCP removes him from his basically dictator-for-life position (but that's part of the reason he keeps disappearing leadership around him). Then his life will expire and the next CCP ruler will get to experience a revolt at some future time.
Guess they finally realized Trump doesn't need them. But they do need him.
Who had "ICE defunded and illegal aliens given blank check on criminal behavior" on their GAW bingo card?
Guess it has to go this far where illegal aliens are given blank checks to break laws whenever they feel like it and not worry about deportation or justice stopping them. Of course being that they aren't legitimately documented, this group of people will find it incredibly easy to take on a new identity and relocate to a different area if they get any local heat for criminal behavior.
Biden probably needs the illegal aliens here to shore up his voter fraud operations.
Hopefully this puts the mass pop awakening over the threshold so we can finally get Biden out and put Trump in to do what is required to restore our republic. Sometimes I wonder at how much damage and suffering our nation will be able to endure before it is no longer salvageable. At most there are just a few more months until we find out for sure.
They've been making up almost all the numbers since at least 2004.
If you look at things like jobs numbers, you will see that the headline grabbing current metric released in the current month is reported. Then over the next couple quarters they revise today's numbers down to something much less positive or exciting. The revised numbers on those prior reports are never reported to the public because that's old news now and besides there are new shiny numbers from the current month to report and these newer numbers look rosy compared to the revised numbers.
One anomaly to the above described pattern of goal seek positive and revise down afterward reports from the past 19 years is 2017 - 2020. During this odd period, there were multiple occasions where the report came out neutral or negative and was reported that way. In the next few months the prior reports numbers were revised upwards to sometimes be truly positive and impressive numbers. So the goal seek parameters were flipped around for Trump administration so the media could harp on fake negative economic news.
Friends, we have finally reached what was only before a theoretical unproven limit.
The Goal Seek function executed on our key economic measures has finally failed to translate into the recognized reality of the population at large.
We have responded quickly by generating a level 1 incident with Microsoft office team since the Goal Seek function has never before failed to this extent in this way.
Please standby for a retrofit and bugfix patch to be released so that we can bring the populations recognized reality back in line with our goal seek economic indicator results.
Thank you for your patience. --mgmt
Going from memory here, but wouldn't it have something to do with the Obama admin distributing to many unrelated departments the information they had manufactured on "Russian collusion" and the 2020 election trying to undermine Trump before he even got into office.
There was some Obama admin low level cabinet or head lady of some unrelated department talking about how they spread all this stuff around to every department in an effort to prevent it from going away and this attempting to sabotage the Trump admin out of the gate.
Didn't see you here before I posted nearly the same thinking. Glad for your comment and thinking.
To successfully pull off a stolen election through voter fraud, the group committing fraud has to balance their fraud operation with keeping within a certain range of believability (suspension of disbelief about validity of election outcome) for the public at large
Biden in 2020 was probably on the edge of the general publics limit to a believable election outcome. That's part of the reason the media and socials had to work so hard at reinforcing for the population that he won with 80 million votes or whatever the number was.
Let's say the 2020 election reported that Biden won 100% of all votes in 2020 (150 million or something like). Nobody would believe it, everyone would know instinctively that the election was fraudulent. So the first part of the fraud is to throw polls released to public, control narrative fed to public, and create a space in the publics mind that the election is close enough that either candidate could potentially win.
The second stage is to have the ability to generate, create, or refactor (change votes at database level) ballots. This requires a fairly robust system with scale that can override the true election result and with self limiting criteria that will insure the outcome doesn't go beyond the narrative expectation set by your media operations. 51 / 49 wins rather than 99 / 1 blowouts.
So coming around to Biden 2024, there is a very significant possibility that their polling is showing that Biden has dropped so low that their analysis shows him winning by any margin will exceed the ability of their media to convince the public of is legitimacy. In other words he is too much hated to be passable top the public as a legitimate win. In this scenario, a 51 / 49 win for Biden would have the same rejection in the population as the 99 / 1 win scenario would normally have.
Bottom line is they can absolutely cheat with election fraud and generate the results for Biden winning 2024 (assuming no intervention by military stops them during their vote fraud operations). The bigger question that they are asking internally right now is can they pull off making the public believe them in 2024 given how much the public hates and despises Biden and hate the direction he has taken the country. I believe the conclusion is no they can't pull off fooling the public this time and this is why a change is being pushed to kick Biden out.
Apple bragging about wasting millions or billions on BS climate neutral initiatives to appease a fake goddess (mother nature) personified by an obese lady (seems odd for a casting choice given the what mother nature is supposedly about) via a Twitter video that probably cost millions to film.
Apple not caring about delivering quality / durable / repairable products to their actual customer base as evidenced by years of repeated poor internal design (many times years after the flaw has been documented or published) leading to premature failure for large percentages of said products over time. Apple doing everything it can to eliminate 3rd party repairs (actual fixes to problems) while providing authorized repair that only serves to drive the customer to buy a new model or to replace unnecessarily high cost electronics internally on their broken product while the actual fix would be less than 100 in parts and labor.
Guess they have their priorities. Hopefully people will start paying attention and stop giving Apple the money Apple uses to continue to screw over their own customer base with subpar products and support.
Can't get it to load. Also not archived by
......Look it's not the vaccine, but it could be the vaccine but if it was the vaccine we should understand that it could happen when they got covid, and if it could happen when they got covid we should assume it would have happened when they got covid, so really this is not a vaccine injury, but a secondary effect covid injury......
This guy is tap dancing so much you'd think a cowboy with a six shooter just told him "dance Francis" and began shooting near his feet.
When his Nuremberg 2.0 conviction is handed down, I hope his punishment begins with infecting him with 4 doses of the variant of the vax known to produce the turbo cancers and myocarditis. Then watch him for medical problems and prevent him from suicide. If he gets cancer treat him with the harshest chemo we have. Organ failure, then keep him alive as much as possible. Pain and suffering, no relief no pain pill. At the end of 6 months (should he survive that long), may they carry out a lethal injection death sentence without the anesthesia. Let him savor his last moments in pain as the injections burn his vascular system from the inside out.
Should he complain about the 6 month delay on his Nuremberg death sentence for vaccine treatment, then he can be told that this probably would have happened anyway from him getting Covid in jail, so it's really the same as him having complications from covid since the risks are considered the same. He should understand fully since he was significantly responsible for both man made bioweapons (covid + vaccine) in the first place.
The percentage of fake peer reviewed published papers across all fields is staggering.
Personally I'd hazard a guess at 80% fake or skewed on the peer reviewed paper front.
People underestimate how racist real data is (especially when the real data is hiding the systemic racism by not clearly showing it to be there). It takes an expert on race to be able to massage the data and kneed the data and bake the data and recognize when the data requires some injections of racism through arbitrarily weighting the result set to skew it for the correct result. This professor is a proven expert in his field and clearly trailblazed showing systemic racism exists by heroically ignoring actual data and manufacturing his own preferred data like the expert he is. And look here, now he's proven that too by being racistly fired from his job at a systemically racist academic institution that has now proven beyond doubt how racist they are by firing this professor whom posted fake racism data on systemic racism.
What a hero that man is.
Stunning and brave prosecutor Fani Willis will be convening grand juries and indicting (in the spirit of the ham sandwich) over half the population of the USA.
In the ultimate power move, this Fulton County DA will show the world that she has the power from her state of Georgia Fulton county DA position to indict anyone and everyone whom said, wrote about, dreamed about, or even those whom ever had a passing thought about the stolen illegitimate election that was 2020 and desired to have that election be righted. Yes, Fani has discovered that she has the longest arm of the law at her disposal of any county DA prosecutor of any state in this nation, and she had determined that nothing will prevent her from extending her freakishly long horribly disfigured arm to it's full length.
All this she does for the sake of the "Just Us" group whom are constantly being threatened and harassed by the masses of criminals (aka the people) because the people just don't understand that the system is setup to prevent their choice in electing leaders while only giving the appearance that a choice was available.
Only problem with my musing here is I don't know if this generates the mass pop awakening in the way intended or not.
So let's game out Biden falls ill and is incapacitated. Harris assumes presidency. Truth continues to come out on all the things (Election fraud, covid origin story, Jan6, FBI CIA DOJ involvement in all the scandals and in trying to take down Trump both now and while he was sitting President, her actual inelligability to be a sitting president, and more).
How competent will Harris be at responding to these significant problems all of which threaten the legitimacy of Biden and therefore her presidency. Often a VP who becomes president doesn't get along great with the former presidents cabinet. Could cause a lot of problems with consistent messaging and unified response. If Biden's cabinet gets really hostile, it could make the Harris ineligible thing go mainstream and then we get a the rhino McCarthy.
Not sure where things go from there, but from election standpoint, Biden would be out and it would be Trump v Kennedy. Neither of which, I think, would be cheating. 2024 is thus a real election.
That and comms.
Funny how they neglected to include the comment about being thankful to have been fully vaxed and boosted. Used to be part of the required liturgy when declaring one was covid positive.
On a completely speculative front:
I remember the odd way so many politicians and high level officials recited the full liturgy of Covid+ declaration. Could Jill be suggesting throwing in the towel rather than going thru another election cycle plus four years of office dragging her addle brained husband around in the to date most public example of elder abuse we have ever seen?
And of course, Biden, being too compromised to recognize his cognitive failings is disagreeing since he is always a legend in his own mind.
September 31? Seems odd to me that someone would write on such a form a non-existent date.
Are we sure this is a real document for proofs?
Defending the indefensible.... Free Millstones for everyone involved.
It's so in your face telling people exactly where it leads. I never understood how people professing Christ could walk in and join that group which requires the entrant to effectively deny Christ as the only true light of the world by seeking more (other) light. The sheep are deceived and stray so easily.