Listen, just because Hunter Biden made $56 Million dollars per month at his $75,000 per year job of auditing his and his father's finances doesn't mean anything except that you are a transphobic racist for bringing it up.
And boats, too.
I'm already aware of Edison's efforts. I find them a good step.
But I'm pretty much waiting to see them bought out by another company financed by the government because its not an approved use of EV tech.
I meant Apex as more "best of all possible trade offs". If we go with all tech available to us, we can get better, but you lose out in other areas - at least in our current world. 20 years of development in any direction could wildly change things.
It gives us a mature power plant tech ology, coupled with a fairly safe and stable fuel, which is quickly replaced when low/out, using already in place infrastructure, that runs an EV, which has some good pluses over mechanical ICE driven systems.
A lot of energy storage options we have lack a lot of usefulness for car and transport in areas like transportability, stability, or size requirements.
I agree. EVs are great technology - but their apex would be an EV tied to a diesel generator running at optimal RPM providing the electricity. Then you can get the best of both worlds.
Sadly, this design will never see the light of day.
Also, cars - all of them - are being setup to be controlled by the government. A government back door was mandated as part of the new CAFE standards.
You know. For safety.
Thats what it is now, unfortunately. Its not how it started. 😕
Its because "food insecure" means lack of access to fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. Whats left are shelf-stable things that are loaded with carbohydrates, which the body can only use the excess of to make fat.
That issue is then coupled with low quality nutrients that lower brain both brain andmuscle development and you get fat, lazy slobs.
This was recognized as an issue and efforts made to correct it, but our elite overlords couldn't lose out on pop tart money and so high jacked it and made it a leftie talking point instead of an actual effort to help people.
Avoiding negativity is a blanket for people to hide in. They use it as a shield to keep themselves comfortable and tell themselves they have control.
Hiding isn't an answer, though. It just delays.
They care about your venmo because they keep losing fighter jets.
Do anything to save us all? Like.....
Band together and push the woke into the sea?
I can totally see them making a blunder, bur these are the people who plan for generations to slowly erode things so they can co trol everything. They aren't going to give us plebians the guns and ammunition they want to use on us, because then they have no control over what happens. Especially if it takes three decades and multiple iterations to slowly push that danger to a point that it was usable.
They would give us one or the other and use the other component to enrich their control when and where it was needed.
'The FCC has been captured by the telecom industry, which in turn has perfected the disinformation strategies employed by the tobacco industry before it.'
This is misinformation. Most of the smoking "science" was bullshit and they keep extending intrusions into your life and justifying it on the flimsiest grounds 'for your health'. Everyone that would bring up how bullshitty it was was immediately branded as a tobacco shill. Sound familiar?
Using this phrase, they are trying to link the nanny-state's successful cowing of an empire to their wills and attempting to exert control over another area of life.
The "science" of things like milimeter wave causing issues is an issue of dose being the poison. What do I mean? The same sun that makes Mercury a firey hellscape (at least to us) keeps the earth pleasantly warm. The same thing happens with all spectrums on the EM band.
If i take the magnetron from a microwave and point it at you, i can boil your brain inside your skull. I can't do the same with a wifi router. If i take the xray emitter from an xray machine and point it at you and crank it all the way up, i can cause you just burns on up to horrible genetic mutations....or i can use it for a few seconds at a relatively low level and see just how bad your night went.
These articles are devoted to the Gish Gallop - a bunch of plausible information crammed so close together that they override your ability to reason through it and you end up accepting their fear porn.
They may have put these kinds of tags into the vax but they won't use your cell phones to indiscriminately activate them at random. All they need to do is build 100 vehicles, 50 in the US 50 in the EU that look like any other van and activate the tags en mass in the population centers as they drive through - or specifically target an area/areas. That is how you maintain control.
If it were cell phones and they are slipping vax into foods, that means they are at risk, too. And none of the PTB would risk themselves for any plan.
Why does the secret service keep letting Hunter hug Joe?
I've addressed your point. Now you just added more insults and projection that mean nothing.
First insults. Then deliberate warping of His words to suit your life style. And now projection.
Just like I said. All the justifications to preclude yourself from judgement.
Shocked, I say. Shocked.
Exactly. You are condemning those who you view as been 'cowards' to hell. I'm sure you have never been too afraid to act, right? Don't bother with your justifications as to why it's completely different, it'll only expose how narrow a focus you take to His teachings - each in a vacuum, so that in the narrow light you can feel like you have a grasp of it.
And its notable that instead of backing up your faith, you can only deride others. You have no idea how young your version of the faith is, but that doesn't stop you from pretending a position of authority baaed on age, does it?
We aren't. You referenced the scripture that says not to.
I already said that.
Just because you say so, even if you believe it all the way to your tippy toes, doesn't mean we should contravene His word for yours. Funny that Jesus told us to love our enemies and love our neighbors - but you would prefer to judge another's heart. Attributing their actions to how you want their state of mind to be to justify your own biases. Cowardice? Hell fire? How quickly your love of visiting cruelties upon others manifests and how steadfast your heart of stone for ignoring those that suffer so you feel no guilt. You 'put your trust in God' up until the point someone does something you want to excoriate them for.
Jesus specifically admonished his flock for this, telling us that our judgement against others will be used against us. We are unable to judge the hearta of men, that is specifically His domain. Stop trying to take the mantle and show love for your fellow man, whether you feel righteous justification for your hatred of them or not.
Telling someone that they will burn in hell because they don't meet your personal views of the religion, contradicted by His words, is not Christian - no matter how you perform the mental gymnastics to perpetuate your existence in that head space.
You can accept Jesus and try to live to his actual teachings and still be at a state where your rope is gone. Telling a person who is suffering due to both the physical world and being victimized by our medical establishment for money to buck up and just keep suffering is about the most anti-Christian thing I can imagine, because you are basically saying that think God doesn't know His own plans or that He doesn't understand that this world is halfway between His and emptiness.
MmHmm. Nothing says "I reject Jesus" like explicitly rejecting His words and teachings for your own.
That's the Catholic Church's doctrine and it's not supported by biblical teachings. The closest you get is Judas' being cast down after his suicide, but that was because he didn't believe in Christ, not because of his suicide.
Jesus teaches that all sins will be forgiven except specifically for blasphemes against the Holy Spirit in Mark3:28-30. How can all sins but one specific type of blasphemy be unforgiven when He Himself said that all of them are?
I think it's simpler. Leftists don't win because they are useful tools for a puppet master. The puppet masters keep raising issues to keep the money flowing.
As an example, A person joins an organization like Greenpeace to "save the environment". That's good, right? But Greenpeace doesn't fight to "save the environment" they are used to beat money out of corporations and funnel it to NGOs to spend on other tasks to the puppet master's benefit.
There is nothing for the leftist to achieve. All of the feel good causes are never ending.