This. It gets tedious and even boring. I like the surprise of regular dreaming over lucid. It also worried that being lucid all the time may be damaging the dream system. I know part of why we dream is to process memories. I feel everything you’re saying.
There is only one good thing from this. Everyone that isn’t completely hopeless just got red pilled.
This is the biggest strategic and tactical error I’ve ever witnessed. They should have down a slow boil. Adding government workers first. Then the others next year
It was the canvassing. He builds shit up too much. Then when it comes and goes and the impact is minimal, he does it all over again. It’s called self promotion.
The canvassing is not actionable. It just ain’t. The audit on the other hand could have changed everything. Instead they have set on the results for well over a month now. Making it look sketchy to outsiders. Still no where in site even though the count is done and senators have seen it. Makes it seem like a nothing burger though everyone here knows different.
Go team, go.
I think he’s just saying don’t get caught up in non Biblical teachings. Rapture is a non Biblical teaching. Revelation 7 and 14 talks about who will be protected but nothing about them being taken to a place of safety. It sounds more like they are protected where they find themselves. They are symbolized as male virgin Hebrews.
Nothing about them being lifted up into the air.
There are a couple of verses outside of Revelation that sound like people just disappearing. These are used to setup the belief in the Rapture. But a lot of assumptions have to be made to get their with these verses.
Hope springs eternal.
We will all be tested.
Yeah, the book of Revelation is pretty clear on how this ain’t fun for no one. There are the 144 thousand mentioned in Revelation 7 and 14. They are symbolized as virgin male Hebrews. Everyone seems to interpret this differently. I would think it’s symbolic, not literal like everything else in the book. They get protection. Drop in the bucket of 7 billion people.
90% of the people die. Mostly killed by God for their persecution of the saints. The last ten percent can’t even kill themselves because God turns off the death spigot to keep Noah’s rainbow promise.
It is not a good time for anyone. Everyone finds out who they really are and what they really believe.
Just prepare for the worst at this point. The dragging out of the audit was predicted when it started. Several said once they finished the count they wouldn’t release it. Which is exactly what has happened. Everyone attacked them including me, but they were correct.
It has lost momentum and them continuing to not release what has been finished for over a month makes the whole process look sketchy and that will be used against us.
I’m not saying cry in a corner and be all sad. Be a happy warrior, but accept what is happening and prepare.
Also, holding their feet to the fire, people like Wendy Rodgers, is a good thing. It may take that for them to see the importance of getting the information out.
If you wait till everything is perfect before releasing, you will lose. Perfect is the enemy of good.
Enough with this shit.
Fuck all “wait fags” going forward. You have some shit, just drop it. The sooner the better. Getting to the point I want to take a hammer to people like this. The amount of damage they’re doing to morale is beyond reprehensible. At this point it is time to treat them as the enemy. It is also time to tune them out. They are the boy who cried Wolf.
It will end the same for them.
Same guy kid. Heavy drug use mixed with tons of plastic surgery mixed with getting fucking old. I’m a professional illustrator with countless hours of life drawing classes. I’ve followed Biden since the 80s. That’s obviously the same guy.
You know an unvaccinated kid that had it? My Amish neighbors don't have these issues.