The OP is correct, mostly... there have been many more similar studies over the years (the Milgram study is one of the most famous), but 90% is a bit high. The majority of the studies showed an 80/20 split between the sheep and the independent thinkers (yet another example of the 80/20 rule).
It is unknown whether the sheep cannot think for themselves, or simply don't want to... probably a mix of both in reality. Pretty depressing, but it has been proven over and over again - plus we all saw it ourselves with the response of the majority of people to the injection mandates, etc.
The evil cabal/DS psyops are apparently designed to take advantage of this weakness to control the behavior of the sheeple majority.
This is the X account that is releasing the posts about Walz...
Looks like guzzling "stallion milk" was just the appetizer....
Sorry, sorry. I will show myself out now...
Correct. This is bullshit spread by morons, believed by other gullible morons.
There is nothing to replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, or the SWIFT banking system for international trade and commerce. Plenty of people want to switch to alternatives, but the alternatives don't exist yet, and it will take quite a while to make the switch when some of those alternatives are finally ready. Destroying the dollar before such a switch is possible would be incredibly stupid, and would hurt everybody, worldwide.
In the meantime, people and countries have purchased US T-bills as a safe investment that earns interest on their principal. They can be sold before they mature, but usually at a loss. Everyone selling at the same time is ridiculous. Who would buy the massive number of T-bills they are all selling? Why would they destroy their own investments?
The morons that spread these types of rumors demonstrate that they DO NOT understand how finance works... at all.
Remember, MAGA winning does not require the stupid people to magically "wake up" and instantly become MAGA themselves. All that is required initially is that they start to doubt their long-held beliefs and decide to just sit on the sidelines for this election instead of actively supporting/voting for the evil demoncraps...
I lived in the Twin Cities from the late 80's to the late 90's. Back then, it was a nice place to live with a strong economy (which is why I moved there). The only problem was that most of the natives were absolute sheep.
You can call it kindness and tolerance, etc... but taken to extremes it becomes indistinguishable from complete cowardice and stupidity. Weakness is NOT a virtue.
If people are too stupid and/or too weak to defend themselves, their culture and their way of life, then they have proven that they deserve to be enslaved... and as a result it is only a matter of time until some stronger groups come along to enslave them. Nature abhors a vacuum, and weakness creates a power vacuum.
That is reality, and people need to learn to deal with it. The simplest description of the only solution that works every single time is "peace through strength". It is the only strategy that has worked successfully throughout history. It does not only apply to countries and foreign policies; it applies at every level of government all the way down to each of us as individuals.
OK, Judge Joe's argument makes a lot of sense...
One thing he overlooked is that you not only use decoys, but also duck calls to lure the ducks to come to your decoys.
Is there an equivalent "negro call" used by the demoncraps when they go negro hunting? If so, I am curious what that might be...
Our federal government has been captured and is an occupying power hostile to the US population. That is all you need to know... it explains many of the things they do that do not seem to make any sense. The zombie sheeple STILL do not understand this fact.
Remember Warren Buffet recently stated dumping ALL of his shares of BofA?
Pepperidge Farm remembers...
Exactly. Plus, this is just the opinion of one doofus. Obviously, that does not mean that any of it is true.
The retarded sheep need to face reality eventually... so let it happen.