CGIDreams 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you 100% that evil people should be eliminated and that in an adult society we should strive for absolute truth really regardless of the cost.

But in your example of our ancestors, those criminals were almost always known and recognized as being bad people, or they were foreign enemies who represented a dire threat to the society. They often weren’t built up as heroes by the media for 30 or 40 years and weren’t glorified as saviors. So many normies base their whole moral code on some of these demons. Imagine your dearest friend of 40 years turned out to be the devil, after you advocated and defended them forever. And then you turn around and your other friend also turns out to be a demon, etc.

And maybe that would not derail you, because you are not a regular person. But it would deflate and depress so many people, especially people who get depressed and aimless simply because they start going bald or gain some weight. I don’t see how that is a baffling thing to consider. For example, it still isn’t admitted that John McCain may’ve been put to death by the military for treason. Even that has to be hidden from the general public. Now imagine revealing that cancer was generally caused by the medical industry or that the covid vaccine was the killer. These types of things sadly cannot be admitted to. The lie is way too big.

CGIDreams 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the sad reality is you are never going to actually see or hear of any of these people being punished. Most will be allowed to fade away, even if all the corruption and pedophilia is fully exposed to the normie public.

At best someone like Hilary Clinton will be arrested and killed behind the scenes, but the media will never allow this to be seen because it will do too much damage to normal people. And the most honest conservatives won’t admit it either, Just like how we have to pretend so many fake things in history are real. It’s all to protect the normie mind and keep society moving

CGIDreams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where I live, if I go out walking at twilight, there must be hundreds of thousands of fireflies through the city. For me the question is where do they go during the day? How can so many bugs be hidden unseen. And that’s just fireflies

CGIDreams 11 points ago +11 / -0

I remember during the covid nonsense, the president of Tanzania or such did this sort of thing. He sent a goat sample and a tree sample and cooking oil off to be tested by the WHO and it all came back as testing positive for covid. He then went on tv and revealed to his people the scam. They killed him shortly afterwards.

CGIDreams 10 points ago +10 / -0

The movie 8 Mile was always a piece of fiction. Gangs having rap battles in the middle of night is such a Hollywood creation, like something from West Side Story. But it’s part of the marketing once he agrees to sell his soul

CGIDreams 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. To me, that’s one of the purposes of every war. When there’s a city that needs new wiring, new pipes, new roadways, or new modern buildings that meet ‘regulation,’ just bomb it all and start over as cheap as possible.

CGIDreams 3 points ago +3 / -0

You should look up the B-Thing and the E-Thing. Names of two groups of Israel art students who were inside the towers months before 911 happened. The videos they took inside the towers (on the same floor where the ‘airplane’ hit) shows that the towers were empty of businesses. And the floor was full of boxes, which people suggest now might have been explosives. This link shows some of the photos. https://publicdelivery.org/gelitin-b-thing/

The videos though are also very interesting. One of the ‘art’ projects was to remove a window on the 90th floor and throw dummies out while filming it with a helicopter. How much more obvious can this stuff be?

CGIDreams 4 points ago +4 / -0

The hockey player Jonathon Toews, who was once one of the biggest stars in the league, took the vaccine and he hasn’t played since. He’s been suffering from secret illnesses and ‘long-covid’ ever since. So maybe some players didn’t get the placebo memo.

CGIDreams 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to think Napoleon was an outsider to the Cabal whose paintings and victories mocked them. Like he said ‘I can be one of you if I want,’ but then he did his own thing for real glory from the people. If he was cabal it makes me wonder why he would be exiled and every other country was against him.

CGIDreams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe because the word was famously used in Mary Poppins and then copied in dozens of early cartoons and memes. Before meme was even a word 😄

CGIDreams 3 points ago +3 / -0

What if some or all of the video we saw was cgi? The real smoke obscured everything, they could’ve taken longer and not collapsed so neatly.

It’s been shown that the people trapped in the towers were way too large in relation to the size of the windows around them.

If you look up an ‘art group’ by the name of the B-Thing, they were in the (completely empty, mind you) towers a few years before 911. And one of their ‘art projects’ was throwing dummies out the window, from the same floors where the planes hit. It’s possible their art footage could’ve been recycled for the people falling. And also their videos and pictures show the empty floor loaded with boxes that imply the towers were rigged. Do searches for B-Thing 911 or B-Thing Gelitin. The stuff isn’t even hidden anymore.

CGIDreams 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair, for 100 years or more, wrestlers, promoters, technicians, referees, writers, bookers, journalists etc were able to keep the truth of wrestling quiet. How many tens of thousands were involved in that ‘cover-up’ over the years?

CGIDreams 2 points ago +2 / -0

I could see a scenario where they admit some ‘miscalculations’ were made during the 2020 election and that Trump was the real winner. And thus he would’ve served two terms already and can’t run in 2024. That is a desperate gambit to pull off though.

CGIDreams 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s not much, but the Supreme Court here just repealed the ban on plastic straws and other one-use plastics. They said the ban was unconstitutional and they found no evidence that the plastics harmed the environment to any exceptional degree.

It’s surprising that a government anywhere would admit that. Small victories. Of course not that 90% of people went along with the ban anyways.

CGIDreams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. It’s so easy to say 1000 people are searching for an apartment, when in reality there are only 100. They get to keep raising rent, they get to build more housing to force us into a high mortgage for life.

And then they tell you that you have to pay taxes to help those 1000 who can’t find an apartment. And it all goes into the pockets of the deep state.

These are such basic examples, but the essence of every scam they pull is based on making us believe in an inflated population. Look at election fakery, as another major example.

CGIDreams 4 points ago +5 / -1

I think gold was valuable simply because it looks nice. Look at diamonds, they might be the most common thing in the world, with thousands of caves filled with millions of them, but our minds trick us into thinking they must be rare and valuable simply because of how shiny they are. To the point that many people simply can’t ever believe diamonds are super common.

And then con-artist elites just play along with the trickery of our minds. Gold may be just the same.

CGIDreams 77 points ago +77 / -0

Another oddity included in that newspaper clipping is how the actress Jeri Ryan, who later starred in Star Trek Voyager, made sexual assault allegations against her husband when he was running for Illinois senate, essentially gifting Obama (who was a complete nobody) the win.

Years later she admitted it was all a lie. Funny world.

CGIDreams 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don’t say that. Sometimes you can be running on a parallel course but then something happens that draws your attention and makes you suddenly take notice

CGIDreams 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’d say there were indications going back to the Franklin cover up in the 80s or the Marc Dutroux serial murders in Belgium which is still linked to the highest politicians in Europe. This stuff was all there when the internet first came online.

And then other examples like the Haiti earthquake and Hillary’s aides stealing children. In high school in the 90s, I had a teacher who raged against abortion and how fetuses were being used in perfumes (not personally sure how true that is,) Even the Syrian civil war was a way to take kids, just as surely the Ukraine war is now. There must be thousands of other examples, clear as day.

CGIDreams 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know, we haven’t been lied to our whole lives. The truth is quite clear, and these people have even bragged about so much of it. The real problem is people purposely not believing the truth and having to invent the lie. The lie is created by the normies.

CGIDreams 2 points ago +2 / -0

I essentially agree with everything your saying. When so much is clearly fake, the only proper course of action is to question the other stuff that seems just barely passable.

CGIDreams 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think they always come out with these Simpsons cartoons after the event in question, but then pretend that they existed from before. Instant ‘prediction’ It’s just a basic magician trick and people still will always fall for it. That’s how powerful these basic tricks are.

CGIDreams 11 points ago +11 / -0

I ask myself many times, how many people die of cancer who don’t even know they have cancer? You think it would be a massive number, almost equal to the actual cancer diagnosis themselves. As an example, shouldn’t it be similar to all the people walking around with the flu who don’t really know they have the flu. Yet it seems to be near zero.

And yet then you look at the number of people who are diagnosed, get sick and die within a year or two of ‘treatments.’ That seems to be enough coincidence to make you question.

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