Canada doesnt have a 1st amendment, unfortunately.
So let me get this straight, NY's legal system is SO FUCKED that an OBVIOUSLY biased judge was allowed to rule on this dumb bitch's case? He wasn't required to recuse himself because he had donated to her campaign? ON WHAT PLANET ARE JUDGES ALLOWED TO DONATE TO POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS?!
So the only sexuality that isn't some variant of "gay"
Isn't M-A-L where the secure information tech similar to whats in the white house is? They want to get at it.
Doing what CNN recommends is asinine anyway, they're all tanked
It would give the Biden regime cover to come in and shut down Texas efforts
Legal pages are like, 6 book pages. Its not as bad as you would think
The ocean 🤣
Start shooting, they'll scatter like the roaches they are.
Look, I realize that would be horrible PR, relax
Migrants are even more expendable than citizens. We're all meant to die anyway to keep the population low, with an asian slave race to serve the overlords
Its a joke my dude
Get a tan and an accent. It'll confuse them long enough to succeed
Whats that quote? When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty?
Gotta love when the world comes together to give an asshole a huge, collective middle finger
Uniparty is my assumption.
Gotta do as much damage as possible before he loses power
All three letter agencies need a full stop to all operations, audited by patriots, and either shut down or dramatically cut down in their power
Oh look, its the Democrats cutting off their nose to spite their face
Execute them. Just if they're affiliated, .22 to the eye socket and a shallow unmarked grace. Done playing with invaders
Yeah its basically all you can do with it is set it to preheat a few minutes before you get home, not like you can leave frozen food in it while you're at work
You wanna screw them some more? There are companies that will refill your cartridges for less than a new one, and they will last longer because the compsny will ACTUALLY fill them
My wife got an air fryer that connects to WiFi. Whaaaaaaassat
Honestly I'm amazed he's still alive
The only way it isnt Biden is if he's dead.
People got Diabrtes and died long before modern "nedicine food" or whatever it us you're claiming
"Get Fucked"