I had it on good authority that the election in 2024 was never going to happen. The deep state had many ways of stopping it. I'm beginning to think my source may have been wrong.
My wife is an English immigrant and she became a citizen. She knows more about the history of the US and of the Constitution than any born-and-bred American that I know.
I would rather have America populated with people who appreciate living under the Constitution because they learned what it means than to have the country filled with a bunch of people willing to sacrifice the future of this country for trinkets today.
I don't care where somebody was born, what religion they are, what language they were taught as a child, or what shade of brown their skin is as long as they know what America used to be and what it can be again. That really is the point of America to begin with.
For all the invaders coming here for free stuff, for all the people here who hate American citizens and the American way of life and those who oppose the Republican form of government, those refusing to speak English, those who bash Christianity and family values. Fuck those people. Whether they are foreigners or if they were born here. Being a natural born citizen means nothing when it comes to people who want to see America destroyed or are just plain dumb enough to allow it to be destroyed because a celebrity told them it was the right thing to do.
Naturalized citizens who appeared on videos leading up to the election who proudly supported Trump were seen as a novelty. As a rarity. But that's not true. People who fled communist nations and dictatorships know what America can become if the people who were born here stop fighting. They are not novelties. They carry the spirt that the fathers of this country had.
We need to keep the foreigners who know the Constitution and deport every natural born American who voted for Kamala Harris.
Neither pro-American nor anti-American is determined by where in the world somebody was born.
Christian Zionism is not some small fringe conspiracy theory. It's very much a real thing.
"I'm a hacker who knows how to hack into Twitter/X accounts and I have a message that needs to be seen. Who should I hack to get my message out there? Trump's? Obama's? Elon? Taylor Swift? No...I got it! The Ford Motor Company!"
I'm guessing somebody at Ford's public relations office is getting a good finger wagging after this.
I used to be a Democrat. I moved away from them after I realized that there is no such thing as being 99% Democrat. You have to be all-in. You have to agree with 100% of what they tell you to believe in. If you disagree with one single thing then they shun you and call you far-right.
It's ridiculous.
I'm glad I became a Republican because they don't behave like that.
I mean, they didn't until now.
Elon has every right to have an opinion that we disagree with. One contrary opinion doesn't make him a "Trojan horse infiltrating the movement". He has his reasons for thinking the way he does but even I personally am disappointed by his stance on that topic.
But I have been disappointed with my own wife for some opinions she has that conflicts with my own. I'm not going to disregard everything else she has ever said and done because of that one single opinion.
We're better than the liberals, aren't we? They love seeing us turn against each other over one single topic.
Friendly fire?
You guys are lucky. I was so disappointed to find out that it was the Quercetin causing my issues. It made me feel invincible to germs.
Just keep in mind though that if you do start getting nauseous for no reason and start needing the bathroom more than usual that it could be the reason. I tried cutting out just about everything else I could think of - spicy food, greasy food, coffee, beer - before I had to accept that it was the Quercetin.
At least I can drink beer again. Cheers! To your health!
I learned the hard way that taking quercetin everyday is unbelievably effective when it comes to colds and flus, but not very good for gut flora.
I wrecked my gut biome by taking quercetin with bromelain every day for two years. I read afterwards that it's not good to go more than 8 months at a time and then it's advisable waiting three or four months before taking it again.
Running to the bathroom six times a day for four months was so miserable I'm reluctant to take it again.
Dated December 23, 2024
"It is dramatically increased compared with past years,” said Amael A. Shalash, M.D., a pediatrician with Norton Children’s Medical Group. “Last year I may have seen one a month. Earlier this month, I saw 10 cases in one week.”
It started when people first noticed that plants grew faster and bigger in areas where human or animal blood went into the ground.
Instead of understanding that the blood provided elements that the plants needed they assumed that their gods/ancestors were gifting them the plant because there was a dead body.
Naturally they started killing humans and animals to let the blood go into the soil but their misunderstanding took it in an extremely wrong direction.
Human beings, man. What a bunch of bastards.
Yep. Including military there are about 1.5 million people under the executive branch.
Of course the media liked shaming Trump by saying "a member of Trump's administration..." anytime anybody employed by the government said or did anything imperfect.
Like Trump personally knows and has daily chats with 1.5 million people.
The Executive branch is over all cabinet positions. The Senior Executive Service oversees the cabinet secretaries and offices among others. It is extremely difficult to fire an SES member. They are not hired but are installed, openly, in their positions by the Office of Personnel Management (they're just following orders from the CFR) and they answer to no one in the actual government. In Trump's first term he had to allow the government to be shut down for 30 days to be able to get rid of a few of them.
The president should be allowed to fire anybody they see fit. If that's allowed all of the SES members would be gone in Trump's first week in office.
I got what you were saying. But is that true?
Throughout our lifetime we were told that Jesus was Jewish but we know there was nobody named "Jesus" that existed hundreds of years before the letter "J" was created. His name was more likely Yeshua.
"Jewish" means somebody from the land of Judea. But there's that letter J again.
The people we call Jews today were the Eretz Yisrael. Jesus may have been born of Mary who was of this religion but Jesus practiced the religion of the Essenes which is more in line with Hinduism than Judaism.
The Jews of today are not the same people as the Jews of Jesus' time. Jesus was called "The King of Jews" as a mockery.
The Jews of today are of the lineage of the Canaanites, Kazars, and later the Jacobins.
I have an excerpt from a Talmud that was printed in the early 1900s and it says clearly that the Jews intentionally changed many things in the Bible and other texts to make everything more favorable to the Jews.
The Scofield Reference Bible was funded by an actual anti-Christian to convince people that Christians owe loyalty to modern Judaism.
That's what the Jews tell us so it must be true.
Benjamin Disraeli, author and prime minister of Great Britain in 1868, and 1874-76, himself a Jew, wrote in his book "Coningsby" that the Jesuits was founded by Jews.
Lame. Trying so hard to be edgy and using modern technology to look like old VHS MK-Ultra stuff.
"Directed by Nadia Lee Cohen." And there we have it.
"Sir, the stairs are slippery and you're going to fall..."
And yet, Pistachio-Cortez walks up the stairs in heels without holding the handrail.
I didn't know that and I just looked up the trailer even though I was pretty sure you were just fuckin' with me but, what the hell, you were serious.
I'm not a big movie buff, especially anything made in the last 20 years or so, but I think I want to see this one.
What does Gary Oldman have to do with any of this?
Gary Oldman is Q?
Let's get this trending.
Those videos of soldiers being killed with claymores attached to drones have been posted on 4Chan for a couple years now.
It's not even "war" anymore. There is no win or lose. It is a slaughter and nothing more.
There are videos where they use the drones to toy with the soldiers. Chasing them around, playing hide-n-seek. Almost every one ends in death. A few end in the person being horribly maimed while the person flying the drone sits in safety miles away.
Before NK even got involved they knew this was a key tactic so why were they not sent there with at least one guy being armed with a shotgun and birdshot?
Yes, there is.
It was the Denver airport that got me to start realizing that the Satanic elite were not some well-organized group of intelligent calculating villains but instead are a bunch of stupid spoiled brats that have more money than sense.
I think that makes them more dangerous though.
False. Internet malarkey. The painting is called "Maskcommunication" and was made by an artist named Christian Joy Trinidad in the year 2020. It was never displayed at the Denver International Airport.
The Pistachio-Cortez rule. If you can't sum it up "in a nutshell" in a certain span of time it is moot and must be re-submitted.