CrockOSuds 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have about 200 uncommon old books on many topics including history in PDF format that I found for free online. Most have come from The Internet Archive.

Someday I'll make a list with links. (No time right now) .

Here's what I do. I go on eBay and search old books. "French Revolution" "Politics" "Khmer Rouge" "Bolshevism" etc. Just random words related to my interests. If something looks interesting I Google (yeah, yeah, I know) the title of the book followed by "free PDF". I would say about 80 percent of the time it can be found.

To start I highly recommend the book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion".

CrockOSuds 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Inclusive" "Equitable" "Sustainable"

I'm sick of hearing these words.

This agenda was decided on in 2015. I'm sure a lot has changed since then. They don't get their way.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did they eat them though?

What would Klaus Schwab think if they didn't eat ze bugs?

CrockOSuds 9 points ago +9 / -0

Trump recently said "I am an insider. I used to be one of them. That's why they hate me so much."

If you want to slay a giant the best way to do it is with another giant.

If you don't believe that members of the Elite can change sides and oppose the ruling elite you're forgetting a few things:


The United States of America

Russia after the fall of Communism

The Council for National Policy

CrockOSuds 8 points ago +8 / -0

Childishness with a handful of colorful pills prescribed by a medical professional.

CrockOSuds 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was a hardcore metalhead back in the 80s. Metallica, Megadeth, Suicidal Tendencies, Slayer, Anthrax, even Sepultura. But this was the one and only band that wasn't "thrash" that had my seal of approval. The album "Twice Shy" is a solid album all the way. He really did have a great voice.

CrockOSuds 4 points ago +4 / -0

He recommends the book "Conspirator's Hierarchy - The Committee of 300" by John Coleman.

Here's a free download.

CrockOSuds 7 points ago +7 / -0

"Thousands of Antifa members rioted in Chicago for ten days straight destroying everything in their wake doing over thirty-two dollars in damage."

CrockOSuds 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd like to believe that they're just doing it because they're emulating all of the celebrities they saw doing it over the years and they think it looks cool.

But I know it's more likely that was once a prestigious organization that was opened only to select people has lost its leadership and the low level members are doing their own thing and recruiting any fool that is willing to do what they're told to be in the club.

They have been lied to but they have also been told the truth and they got to pick one. If they're still falling for the BS this late in the game then they deserve what's coming to them.

CrockOSuds 2 points ago +2 / -0

He has a history of intermingling with white people. I don't think he told that kid to go away because of his race. That's what makes it click bait.

CrockOSuds 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stop dwelling in negativity.

This video is basing things on a website that is gone.

They made it clear what they wanted to do. The time has passed and their predictions were wrong. They have removed their own website from the internet because they know it won't happen.

Stop trying to doom us. The world is getting better. The Cabal lost. We won. Accept that and appreciate your future.

No more negativity from you.

CrockOSuds 1 point ago +1 / -0


To the point that that website is gone now. They removed it from the internet themselves.

CrockOSuds 7 points ago +8 / -1

Cool your jets.

There will be no world war three. There might be a financial collapse and food shortages but this will all be temporary. Two weeks give or take.

Trust the plan.

Forget all of this Albert Pike internet bullshit. Look at it. Albert Pike mentions "Nazis". Adolph Hitler himself never heard that word in his lifetime. The word Nazi was created after World War 2 ended.

Everything that was written...all of the globalist threats, and New World Order bullshit that came before President Trump won in 2016 is now irrelevant. They had us dead to rights in 2016. If Hillary had won they would have seen their plan come to fruition. But something happened. God got involved and Trump won and now all of that old way of thinking is off the table. It's over. We won.

You need to accept that you won and it's over. Your negativity has no power here.

The Deagle website is gone. The population decrease was all about COVID. Trump came up with Warp Speed to knock the globalist depopulation plan on its side. The globalist luciferians had enough luciferase to kill a large part of the population but Warp Speed stepped in the way to fill most of those needles with inert materials saving millions of lives. Sadly many are still dying but nowhere near as many as Deagle forcasted. Deagle failed and the site is gone now. This means the globalists failed.

Trust the plan.

CrockOSuds 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is not legally required to have homeowner's insurance in the state of California but if you are financing a house it may be required by the real estate agency.

If you own the home outright electricity and running water are not required by law.

If you have children then CPS might want to inspect your living situation, but if you show you can provide the necessities then keep on truckin'.

CrockOSuds 14 points ago +14 / -0

I just remember a time when people had phones in their houses and when you called them you had a 92% chance of speaking to them. But now everybody has a phone on their person and you now have a 40% chance of speaking to them when you call them.

Technology! Whoo!

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow. This is something I have not heard before.

CrockOSuds 4 points ago +4 / -0

The rumor is that Obama had to execute a member of the US military in front of the Muslim Brotherhood to prove his loyalty and give them blackmail material.

This is the serviceman.

CrockOSuds 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course not.

Remember, they had us dead to rights. If Hillary had won most of us would be dead by now. If the Cabal was really in control why would they let Trump win when the game was already over?

Trust the plan.

For real.

CrockOSuds 1 point ago +1 / -0

"International Moose Count is Underway" by Bob O'Bobston cites statistics from 2004 so that article couldn't have been in a newspaper in the 90s.

Here's the article allegedly from Times of India. Funny stuff.

CrockOSuds 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Democrat symbol of a donkey...

...there's a joke here I'm just not coming up with anything.

CrockOSuds 15 points ago +15 / -0

There won't be. You can't tell people how bad things can be, you have to show them. Take them to the precipice. We are watching a movie.

Eat the popcorn but don't drink the Kool-Aid.

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