Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed, all I've seen is nothing but more support for President Trump among the people I know, including former Demoncrat supporters.

I haven't met one who changed their allegiance from President Trump to someone else like Resident PedoJoe Bidet.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd like to join that class action lawsuit if there's one, because after 8 "violations", I'm finally permanently suspended yesterday, on Twatter for saying the truth about "Covid".

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep and just yesterday I have been permanently suspended for saying this shit on Twatter. I have been suspended like 7 times for violating their "rules and guidelines" and now after the 8th violation, I'm permanently suspended.

Fuck Twatter. I really hope something happens to Twatter very soon like Musk getting Twatter on a huge discount after discovery showing that Twatter has <90% bots running amok on Twatter then Musk dissolves Twatter and turns it into something better.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Being blackpilled means you know the real truth on everything (i.e. the truth on "Covid", 2020 election and many more) but you don't think anything positive will happen (i.e. you don't think the 2020 election will be overturned) so you just give up or resign to be a gloomy doomer.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably a weak attempt at raiding GAW (and Patriots.win).

Here's a thread from /leftypol/

  1. https://files.catbox.moe/mo7d1v.png
  2. https://files.catbox.moe/meaob9.jpg
  3. https://files.catbox.moe/l5arjb.jpg
  4. https://files.catbox.moe/4csl5b.jpg

You will see that instead of celebrating, they know nothing's going to happen to President Trump so /leftypol/ jannies deleted the thread.

u/FBIagent69 is probably one of the jannies from /leftypol/ trying to orchestrate a raid all by his lonesome self.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0


Nice Doctor Who reference but also fuck Doctor Who for going woke now for replacing Rose (Billie Piper) with a tranny.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Havarti, Gouda and Baby Swiss. They're the current ones I'm eating but I love any cheese. I used to live close to Chicago and my family and I would go to Wisconsin to the Cheese Castle and sample all kind of cheese there, so it doesn't matter as long as it's good!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I saw that on 4chan. Also if you remove the "a" in "watch", you will get a minecraft video.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is probably because you called it "Omicron".

Coronavirus has been around since the 1950's and up til now, it has always been known as "common cold". It wasn't until 2019 when they finally started using "cutesy" names to label Coronavirus as "Covid-19", like "Delta", "Lambda" and now "Omicron".

They refuse to say it has been the same since 1950's, which is why they've started using "Coronavirus" because many people have forgotten what the real name for the common cold was, for which was -- and still is -- Coronavirus.

Additionally, don't go running to the doctor if you're experiencing cold-like symptoms, just self treat at home with cold medicine, bed rest and Vit C, Vit D or better, do the Zelenko protocol and you'd be over it in like 2-3 days. When you go see the doctor, they get $$$ for doing the fake PCR test on you then report it to the CDC and whoever else so they will get their $$. PCR tests has already been proven to not give you an accurate answer due to the number of spins they do.

If you do more than the recommended set of spins, you will get a false positive, i.e. the recommended spins is 25 and if your doctor or whoever in charge of testing your PCR, does it 35 times, it will say you're "Covid positive" but you're really not. I believe Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, mentioned this before he died (or got arkancided by CDC/WHO) and exposed the fraudulent ways doctors and scientists were doing with PCR and false positives.

A scientist did an independent research on this and got 1,500 samples that is "known to have Covid". He ran the tests again, but accurately this time around (i.e. he did it per the recommended spins, not going over the limit) and all 1,500 has been tested positive for influenza. Now we know why "flu" has suddenly gone away.

So it's not really the "Omicron" version you got, it's just a common cold and nothing more, the very same kind we get every year (although a different strain each time but hasn't been classified pre-Covid-19).

Not saying "Covid" is a hoax, it's very real, but the panic, paranoia and hysteria over "Covid" is manufactured by the media and Deep State/New World Order idiots.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I believe that's the same one I'm thinking of. He was telling the cops to go away because they were trying to close his church for "Covid Violations" and all that.

Good for him then!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

I kept calling him "Fat Fuck Pritzker" on Twatter and I don't care if I get put in Twatter jail for saying that.

I know LITERALLY NO ONE from Illinois who voted or liked him. He was cheated in just like Daley, Obama and Auntie Beetlejuice Lightfoot.

Illinois really need to clean their act up and fix Chicago asap! I miss Chicago so much when it used to be so great but now? Not anymore.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this the one who got arrested twice for opening up his church with no masks and no restrictions?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude need to stop visiting the gloryhole stalls then maybe he will stop getting "Covid"

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 10 points ago +10 / -0

I don't know any deaf people in Texas other than some of my friends who used to live in my home state, but moved to Texas.

Round Rock is like 20 mins north of Austin, where the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) is in, so maybe they're trying to attract deaf students from TSD to Round Rock? This may be a situation focusing on juveniles, especially deaf kids?

Or it's just another virtue signaling thing or a trap to get as many suckers as possible to sign up and no offense to the deaf community that I'm part of, but most of deaf people are suckers. They'd believe anything anyone with higher authority tells them plus they're always after money due to 75% of the deaf population having a hard time finding a steady job that pays well.

Discrimination is real as I'm experiencing a lot of discrimination myself, which is why I'm currently unemployed unfortunately and many of my friends are going through the same thing. Not trying to divert the subject onto me or asking for pity, but just trying to help people understand the struggles we go through daily. This is why I said it may be a trap because they know how easy gullible people like deaf people can be, so they'd be quick to sign up for easy cash.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah I see, sorry the tubes didn't work well for you.

Yes, tinnitus is the ringing in the ear(s). I sometimes get it when my blood pressure spikes but I got it under control most of the time, especially now that I don't wear my hearing aid anymore.

My wife have several deaf relatives and the cause of their deafness is also unknown but they all suspect it's more of a genetic/hereditary thing than any symptoms they had when they were babies.

As for schools, yeah I've been noticing that in many areas, like the state I'm living in right now, who mistreat deaf people in the education system. That is very unfortunate as I went through one of the best education systems in America (that may be my opinion but how they treat the deaf students were top-notch as we received a lot of assistance and attention). My wife went through one of the worst deaf education systems ever but she came out of it fine with some minor issues but her classmates weren't fortunate enough as they've struggled to get by with the hearing people (i.e. communicating/socializing and working with hearing people).

I hope you have this figured out soon but like I said, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same boat as you and haven't gotten "Covid" in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

I'm exempted from wearing a mask due to my disability, didn't socially distance at all, didn't use antibacterial gel/soap and never took a PCR test. I also refused to have my temperature checked. Same for my wife and kid.

We probably had "Covid" if it was anything different than having a common cold as my wife and I sat next to a couple of relatives who unknowingly had "Covid" the whole time. Exposed to them for hours and the next day, said "infected" relatives let everyone in the family know that they have "Covid" because one of the relatives were so sick, they had to go to the ER.

We waited a few weeks to see what happens to us but nothing, most likely thanks to Zelenko's protocol (Thanks Z and may you rest in Heaven!) but I'm pretty sure it was just a severe cold for them and they took the chicken way out by going to the ER, rather than fighting it out at home with a lot of bedrest and Vit C.

EDIT: But I'm sure I have been exposed to "Covid" many times as I've gone out almost everyday to run errands and to go to the stores so pretty sure I've came across a couple of people who had "Covid", due to them wearing these moist snotrags all the time.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apologies for TikTok but that's where I found the video:

Comedian hits a grand slam

The video I've posted can be downloaded, as I've uploaded it to Catbox.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey, sorry for the late reply but yes I've been deaf since I was a baby. I had spinal meningitis, which most likely caused my deafness. I was born hearing until the spinal meningitis.

Your ear infection condition sounds so much like my wife's ear condition. She is deaf and has been since she was a baby and the cause is unknown (ear infection, genetics or something else?) but she have had a lot of ear infections, to the point where treatments like antibiotics she assume she have had, didn't work.

Her mother took her to a specialist, for which I believe was an ENT specialist and they installed tubes in her ears. From the installation to when she was 5 years old, it was successful until one of the tubes fell out of her ears. Since then as she's an adult now, she haven't had a lot of ear infection, but when she does, it's usually in the ear that don't have the tube in.

It looks similar to this:


Totally understand where you are coming from on sign language and I don't blame you.

If you have always been able to hear for a long time until you started losing hearing, maybe cochlear implants (CI's) may be a good alternative for you? I am not a strong advocate of CI's but that's for when you've been deaf your whole life so getting CI's is not ideal for you.

Your situation may be different as if you have been able to hear, your brain still have the auditory memories so you should be able to pick up on the sounds faster than a deaf person who have never been able to hear properly their whole life, like me for example. I've met two hearing people who have CI's and they say they are able to hear well with CI's due to them being able to hear for the most part of their lives so that's why they're able to use CI's effectively than deaf people.

I had the same issue as you on wearing hearing aids and hearing white noise. Later on, I've developed tinnitus, which was so bothersome, I had to stop wearing it.

I don't know what to suggest on the communication part but like you mentioned, there isn't anyone in your vicinity that knows sign language so ASL isn't beneficial for you. Maybe install an app on your phone that will transcribe the conversations for you so you can reply back?

I have Live Transcribe on my Android phone that works pretty well enough for me to communicate with anyone, including my kid, who's hearing. My kid knows ASL but sometimes when my kid don't know how to spell the word as well as the sign for that word and we don't know what my kid is trying to say, we use the Live Transcribe app then we teach our kid the sign as well as how to spell the word. It's a great tool for us so it should help you out as well!

Ask me any questions you may have and you can PM me if it works better for you!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

From what I read, she was supposed to step down soon after the 2021 elections but she prolonged it. It was due to "complications" with the election process and the reformation of the government, something that's apparently normal in Germany?


She has health issues so it's not surprising she has to step down.

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