Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hold up a second Bigmike.

This is curious.

Was watching a documentary last weekend on Prime about JFK - solving the crime of the century.

In it, they had a Hollywood special effects guy talking about how JFK had faked his death by placing a "squib" (?? special effects device) on the side of his face, Jackie pulled the string for it, and then retrieved part of the device that flew off on to the trunk.

You see something on the Zupruder film, but honestly it could have been just shadows.

In the documentary, Hollywood guy seemed to be an apologist for the Warren commission (they looked at all the evidence, but didn't know about squibs. They did their job). Seemed like b.s. propaganda and I was ticked about time wasted watching this.

Now this document comes out about JFK and suspiciously leads one to conclude that he was faking his death.

Two separate items stating JFK faked his death.

Please don't read this as me casting aspersions on you, I'm not. I've always found you to be a straight shooter.

I find the timing curious. Is the source material being tampered with?

Documentary was released in 2023.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Misguided is right. The demon's are not looking for believers, but places a.k.a. people to inhabit.

They do not even know enough that this is the equivalent of lighting matches around open containers of gasoline.


Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your story resonates with me. Thank you for sharing this.

Right before covid, I was diagnosed with Lyme. Took the course of antibiotics, as the half life wore off and the symptoms came back, I thought the doctor would just re-up the prescription.

No. The doctor told me she could lose her med license because of the CDC if she did!! She believed it and I believe her. She told me to research supplements.

Then covid lock down hit.

It was my red pill. It gave me the courage, confidence, and determination to become my own doctor.

FYI. It is well known in the Lyme community that the lymie will end up knowing more than most doctors on this subject.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is Q? Got a picture of him or her? What exactly is the plan? How many tasks or objectives have been completed and how many left to go?

The answers to these questions are unknown.

Therefore, why would you quote as a worshipping mantra words like "you and your families are safe" and then sit back and gorge on popcorn?

Common sense should kick in at some point.

YOU need to take responsibility for you and yours. Expecting the government and/or Q and/or Trump to carry the load that is yours to carry is misguided. It is magical thinking.

We are at war.

Willfully ignoring reality. Ignoring what your eyes and ears tell you. Not THINKING and choosing instead to blindly trust and stop up your ears because "Q said we are safe" is just as egregious as freaking out and running around as a chicken with your head chopped off.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. My understanding of the "official" narrative is Obama is their father.

But, given Stanley Ann's reported promiscuity, I think that is a ruse. Who knows who his actual father is. It could go a long way toward explaining Malik's contempt if his family was being used as cover for Barak.

It is just sad and sick.

If BHO wants to have big Mike as his "wife" and doesn't know who his daddy is, just come out and say it.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

What makes you think that they are kin?

Frank Marshall Davis and this Subud (?) cult guy are both allegedly daddy candidates along with Obama.

Dee68 10 points ago +10 / -0

Flustered. Is this because you are realizing you sold your immortal soul for something as common as meaningless money and a little bit of fame?

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a scene from The Greatest Showman.

The "freaks" in the Barnum circus are expressing through song that they have worth and value despite being born differently. The lead singer in the scene is the "bearded lady".

It's a pretty good movie.

Given today's love of self mutilation, trans, and goofy attention-getting antics, I can see how this scene seems like the latest Macy's advert.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

My dentist's office asked for my ssn.

Why do you need that I asked.

Flustered, the receptionist said we need it for the billing.

No, you don't I told her. I will be paying in full before I leave today.

They never asked again.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why isn't Jill wearing one of her ugly shower-curtian-tablecloth-upholstery trademark dresses? Seems a little uppity.

by BQnita
Dee68 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's a nothing burger.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting perspective. It's a flip of how I've been seeing this.

Usually in a sexual abuse situation, say the moms boyfriend with the daughter, the daughter will make herself unattractive. Weight gain, unwashed face - pimply and greasy hair, etc.

But there are times where the home life is not sexually but verbally abusive or she is shoved aside due to 2nd marriage & kids from wife #2 being higher in priority. Your take totally fits.

I will ponder. Ty.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

No worries, fren.

I agree with you. I see this a lot but kinda in reverse - our guy/gal can do no wrong and a blind eye is turned to what should be called out.

When we do this, we become hypocrites.

I get why you are hesitant.

FWIW, I am trying to move myself into questioning my judgement less. Time and again I have found that my initial call, insight, perception, whatever to be dead on, but I have been cowed by someone(s) making a reasonable call to logic and alternative considerations because no one wants to be unfair and closed minded. I think this very reasonableness is one of the tactics used against us to confuse and slow us down. On a spiritual level, we become so confused that we start calling evil good and good evil or can't call out evil for what it is.

I am working on trusting my first instinct.

Which is probably why I got a bit defensive. Sorry. Please forgive me.

Please don't read any of the above as me thinking I'm never wrong or don't make mistakes. I do. I'm fallible. The above is meant to be more in line with the books - Gift of Fear; or Blink.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Or gains a lot of weight. She hides within the protection of fat because no man would want to touch a fat chick.

Fat becomes a solution rather than the problem in these cases.

This is not to state that all fat chicks have been abused, but some have been.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are just the themes I see in his work. Why do you think I am trying to hang him for his politics? That's really shallow and I appreciate the check and it's not what I am doing.

You ask is it possible he or someone close to him was abused.


Given the amount of his work I've read, I am totally comfortable hanging him out to dry based on his subject choices and the ever present demonic entities in his work. Something is broken within him. [This goes for Martin, too, btw (not the demonic, just the pedo).]

Over what has been learned the past few years (you may have known how deep this crap goes for a while - I did not) do you really think surface level is as deep as it gets?

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Appreciate it. Please consider.

I have read a large portion of King's body of work. There are several themes that run throughout:

--Sexual encounters with young kids - both with adults as well as kids with each other

--Struggles with smoking and or drinking

--Death of a sibling. Usually a brother.

--Demonic elements

These themes repete themselves throughout his work. It is clear to me these things prey on his mind A LOT.

For example, George R.R. Martin's characters in the Games of Thrones books are barely teenagers - Danerys is 13, Sansa hasn't menustrated yet, Theon and Rob are 14. Why so interested in their sex lives? Why do they need to be so young? Pedo action, George?

Andrew Vachhs is another lawyer/author that I suspect brings to justice the crimnals or an amalgamation of those he failed to convict IRL. Many of these consist of crimes against children.

In both cases, Martin and Vachhs, I have no idea of their political affiliations. Yet, I see the themes in what they write.

An author's psyche is on display through their work, and becomes increasingly apparent as one reads a large body of their work.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

King has always been a Democrat cheerleader. I remember a short story in the late 80s where he actually had a president Gary Hart.

He uses his stories as a platform to push the democrat agenda or rant about Republicans - especially increasing in his later books.

Given his track record, it's totally in line with his views. I would find it more surprising if he didn't bash Trump with or without the child pedophilia.

Child pedophilia is one of the reoccurring themes in his books.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0


Fathers sexually abusing daughters is a theme that reoccurs in several of his books - Dolores Claiborne, Gerald's Game, IT, 'Salems Lot.

Additionally, in 'Salems Lot, the evil and richest guy in 'Salem, Hubie Marston and his wife Bertie, are rumored to have hosted sexually fueled and demonic worshipping parties with some of the town's teenaged girls.

Hubie also contacts a couple (two men) in Europe and invites them to his town. One of the men is a vampire/demon and the other is the demon's protector. The protector procures a young boy(s) for the vampire to consume.

I always thought of 'Salems Lot as just a vampire story, but after what I've learned over the past few years, clearly there is more going on in this one.

No wonder King is afraid.

Dee68 14 points ago +14 / -0

You left out the part where the orgy took place in a "sewer" tunnel that connected the killer clown lair to the outside world.

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

I missed most of this propaganda as well. Even on non-cable channels, it was relentless.

Just watching this compilation, I can understand why many normies chose the modern day equivalent of harikari or seppuku.

It is sad. They were told it was being honorable.

A thinking person running the numbers of #ofcoviddeaths/#ofcovidcases would immediately realize that the "emergency" was being manipulated.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nefarious is worth the watch. It came out in April.

Guy on death row claims he is a demon. On the day of his execution, a psychiatrist is evaluating him.

It is mostly conversation between these two. Very reminiscent of Lewis' Screwtape Letters.

The psychiatrist is socially left leaning. The demon lays bare the lies. Very thought provoking. I found myself rooting for the demon.

No faces turning green, projectile vomiting, or heads doing 360s. 🙂

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Other than the news reporting on this, I have not noticed any difference with the strike. It is just not obvious in my viewing habits which have greatly diminished over the past few years.

In the limited time I do allow for viewing enjoyment, I find that there are plenty of old movies to watch and old series to rewatch.

Dee68 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are being baited.

The bj was not wrong or illegal. The subsequent lying under oath was illegal. That was the issue and why Clinton deserved impeachment.

Clinton showed his weak moral character with his receiving a bj from someone he was not married to. He broke the law when he lied about it under oath.

Cocaine is an illegal substance. The allegation that "everyone is doing it" does not matter. It is still illegal.

The DOJ or whoever is looking into this cocaine issue does not really want to know whose illegal substance it is.

The owner of the coke broke the law.

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