Dontstopbelieving 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ukraine wanted some of that $6b biden gave Iran so they sold them $20b worth of our stuff foe $5b.

Dontstopbelieving 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Swiss shoot a lot and have access to full auto. I once thought they kept their FA arms at home but saw something recently about a community arms stash.. I wonder if they have as many unregistered uncontrolled firearms freely in citizens control. Having arms doesn't count if I need to go to the armory or gun club to get it during an emergency but maybe that's okay if they just need to check out their FA and everything else is home. Every subdivision in the USA should have a rifle stash.

Dontstopbelieving 7 points ago +7 / -0

The video Tulsi posted of a girl taken out of a jeep looked fake. The camera was perfectly aimed and focused. They jump out, yell something about a snackbar, pull her out and show bloody arm and shit stain pants and walk her around the side of the jeep for photos op. It just looked like Hollywood rather than random footage. She was walking fine too. I don't think I would be able to walk. There is zero chance they will let you go so fighting while you can still can seems like the logical play. This seems like a George Floyd or Russia Smallet production

Dontstopbelieving 4 points ago +4 / -0

Demoncrats are a death cult. They sacrifice their own babies to Moloch and Baal for thousands of years so sacrificing other peoples kids is easy. If we know we were saving Israel for last, then at least we know where we are in the timeline.

Dontstopbelieving 5 points ago +5 / -0

Biden wants to skim money. That requires money flow. Covid, climate, war in Ukraine, hostage exchange, war in Israel, etc. No doubt the billions to Iran included a 10% kickback and the promise that most remaining funds be used to generate more grift.

Dontstopbelieving 10 points ago +10 / -0

He did say we have 4 Brazilian submarine and we could sell all of them to anyone willing to pick them up. The Australian thought that was a lot of submarine out of service.

Dontstopbelieving 4 points ago +4 / -0

As she entered the hallway and kicked a chair, everyone heard her scream, "there is no statute of limitations for TDS!"

Dontstopbelieving 2 points ago +2 / -0

Terrorism really. He knows the top pedo just shared his trauma from the time Jill burned some toast and he almost lost the corvette with all those classified documents inside. He knew this alarm would trigger terror greater than when Cheney pulled the twin towers or Barry pulled sandy hoax or Hillary pulling a chocolate bar from the crotch of her white pantsuit or even surpassing the time President Trump pulled a sip of water using both hands on the bottle. Let this day be forever known as the juvenile revolution of 2023. We must investigate who benefited. Was zalenski Nazis pulling his levers?

Dontstopbelieving 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well there's only one way to test science. Honestly I will be tickled pink if he shits out an ostrich eqq with no gold. That thing is still worth $5. since I haven't had breakfast yet, its priceless.

Dontstopbelieving 4 points ago +4 / -0

She did the right thing. Now Newsome will appoint ex-senator kamala to temporarily fill the seat since she cannot become potus. Biden's handlers will reward Gavin with the VP spot just before they polish the plane steps. Joe takes a fall and Newsome is the new Gerald Ford...

Dontstopbelieving 8 points ago +8 / -0

Agreed. Any stooge can make a phone call and paint the picture of being at a crash site or surface of the 🤖👩‍🚀👩‍🚀👽. Unlike the Chinese balloon, nobody caught a glimpse of this crash or low flight. You're right. The plane is on a cargo ship to china.

Dontstopbelieving 11 points ago +11 / -0
  1. He used a 911 call to feed propaganda to the public
  2. The wingman knew the plane was being delivered to china or Ukraine.
  3. They knew the pilot was exactly where he was supposed to be.
  4. There was no classified materials at the trash dump so marines unnecessary.
  5. Nobody wants to buy it. They are collecting the spoils of the election they bought.
Dontstopbelieving 9 points ago +9 / -0

His Sunday morning show is part of my routine every week. So glad he started Tuesday a couple weeks ago. If you're ready for mind blown, dig back in his videos for Project looking glass. Oh my.

Dontstopbelieving 5 points ago +5 / -0

The answer to the abortion question is found under the abortion rights section of the constitution. I can’t recall the chapter and verse so please add if you find it first

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