EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

central bank majority holders & the global council of Freemasonry.

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

if PANIC is real & if it has been real this whole time, then Trump & his team knows alllll about Biden, fake Biden, the DNC being unable to replace him & any other Dem they try to throw at him.

it just seems like everything is going according to some plan.

someone always comes out on top, stronger than before (Trump), no matter what is thrown at him.

the court cases, the charges, the stolen election, fake Biden, etc.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

thanks actor who is playing Biden, for hopefully waking up another normie

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

this has always been an issue for me... those of us that refused these bioweapons, may still have to deal with them if for some reason we need transfusions, etc.

there is just no way of knowing if the blood we receive is actually clean or not & with the majority of the population taking the jabs, the chances we would receive un-tainted blood, seems unlikely, especially in dire situations.

its just a fvcked up situation all around. children are receiving the jabs & so for generations to come, people will be dealing with bio-weaponized blood.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

the US Secret Service is controlled.

ever wonder why Jackie Kennedy never truly spoke out about who killed her husband? that the final kill shot came from within the car they were in (by Greer, using a pneumatic pistol, which fired bullets filled with shellfish toxins).

because those people are around her & her family. if she spoke out against [them], they'd kill her or her family.

their system is that of the "ouroboros". many factions fighting for absolute, total control of the system.

at times, it may seem they are working together (like gangs working together momentarily against the police, etc.), but in the end, they are still opposing forces & can easily be more vicious with each other, than against any of us "on the outside"

EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

Carson & Rickles are both Masons & have done the "handshakes" many times on the show.

John Wayne movies aren't worth watching anymore for the same reason (Mason)

the only "old" shows I can enjoy anymore is Carol Burnett / Mama's Family & Barker's Price Is Right, along with the original Twilight Zone.

my mom still watches Andy Griffith & LHotP.

EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's what you get with a democracy. mob rule & those in power who will do anything to get & keep power.

that's why the USA is supposed to be a constitutional republic with checks & balances.

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

where do these people even come from?

this guy, whether being sarcastic or not, seems like a psychopath.

4-6% for sure

EDC1745 5 points ago +5 / -0

the audacity of this lady to question those working in SCIENCE!?!?!?!?!? who does she think she is????

but seriously, masks make it worse for "immunocompromised" individuals, as they do for everybody else.

unless you are within 1-1.5ft. from someone getting sneezed on, they are useless (and that's just for the very large droplets). or a doctor dealing with droplets during surgery.

they don't stop microscopic organisms from spreading. they don't stop you from inhaling or exhaling them.

exhale a cigarette or vape through them... the mask stops NOTHING from passing through either way.

now imagine what they filter when you inhale & exhale normally... 10-15x LESS EFFECTIVE than the cigarette smoke & vapes

they also create issues with mold & fungus.

it's stupid to wear them outside of professionally sanitized areas (surgical rooms) & people should feel stupid wearing them at all other times... ESPECIALLY OUTSIDE & ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS 95* OUT.

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

(this isn't directed towards OP, because we all know this already, but to the people who write about Q, Anons on their own sites, X, etc.)

There is Q.

There are Anons.

There is no QAnon.

that's not hard for normies to understand.

i wish closet Q supporters would just clarify this for their readers & listeners.

the less "QAnon" or "QAnon people" gets thrown around, the better.

EDC1745 2 points ago +3 / -1

whatever animal it is, doesn't change the fact that the Kennedy's are not for the people.

none of them are & never have been.

JFK would have fit the mold perfectly for globalist. he wasn't good because his enemies in the Masonic lodge / CIA, killed him.

The Kennedy clan is considered old guard, a "royalty" bloodline.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

i didn't know it was possible for me to despise looking & listening to someone more than Obummer, but this Newscum guy is making it happen.

the definition of puppet, this guy is it 100%

fake smile, memorized script & all.

EDC1745 5 points ago +5 / -0

the faster Tyson goes out of business, the better.

awful company with awful morals.

they up & leave from towns where many are employed, leaving hundreds without jobs (it happened a few months ago around my way)

constant reports of metal & animal abuse/bad conditions for Tyson.

I refuse to drop a penny on anything Tyson or Tyson related.

EDC1745 38 points ago +38 / -0

sandy hook... the one with the laughing "parents" moments before they go live to read their script, then immediately bring on the crocodile actor tears??

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

idk if we've reached the precipice yet.

idk if enough people have woken up to the corruption.

perhaps another election is allowed to be stolen. place Big Mike in that position, knowing the election was rigged. we need the Obamas destroyed politically & their crimes exposed to the world.

we need the population to feel what its like to nearly lose all hope, taste tyranny & make the personal choice to never vote or side with anything that anywhere resembles tyranny.

EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

haven't watched Fox since the rigged 2020 election. the only one i really remember was the hot blonde chick with glasses on Gutfelds show

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0


less big pharma drug stores to drive pass

i hope they keep their "free flu / c19 jabs" signs up

never change big pharma scum

EDC1745 6 points ago +6 / -0

it's hard to imagine those of us that have been fighting this long, to just drop out.

you don't invest & endure as much as we all have, to just fucking quit.

we'll quit when we're dead.

For God.

For Country.

For Family & Frens

EDC1745 7 points ago +7 / -0

i love my cats to death. they are the closest thing to children i have & their love is unconditional.

a word of advice for tyrants... don't fuck with a man or woman & their family.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

i just want him to shit his pants, to the point where the smell becomes unbearable & they have to remove him from the stage to change his little commie, traitor diaper.

Trump should bring an extra roll of Charmin & say "I brought one just in case, I thought you might be needing it"

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

things like this don't "just happen" naturally.

OK City doesn't "just happen"

9/11 doesn't "just happen"

it's not a bunch of weirdos hiding in a cave or some patsy like Oswald. it's an extremely coordinated & planned operation these people have had, for a long time. Its those in the higher echelons of the Masonic Lodges & Mystery Babylon.

Mystery Babylon... man becoming God... The Thousand Points of Light... The Philosophers of Fire.... "if you aren't one of us, you're nothing"

this group of people want things to happen specifically, on a timeline, so they can institute their own version of government (one that is tyrannical & totalitarian)

when neighbors don't hate each other, they bombard us with propaganda, hoping we start.

when people aren't killing each other, they initiate wars between nations so that we will start.

when we want to create families & have pride in protecting them & raising our children to be responsible adults, they hijack our vocabulary & turn everything against us by forcing homosexuality, a new standard for a "modern" family, pedophilia, sex & violence.

the people don't benefit from war

the people don't benefit from draconian laws being passed (like the "Patriot" Act)

the people didn't benefit when the FED / ATF murdered every innocent Christian & child in Waco.

"but... it's for the children. we have to save the children"..........

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

The CIA , the MOSSAD, top intel agencies... have one thing in common.... they are ALL controlled & operated by the Global Council of Freemasonry.

the model for which these agencies operate, date back to a high-ranking Knights Templar, by the name of Robert Ruse.

The modern day Bush family, are descendants of Ruse.

They despise Christianity & all of its forms. They especially hate the Catholic church, dating back to the 1200-1300s & the killing of Templars & Grand Master DeMolay. (this is why they killed JFK... the church VS the lodge)

The other symbolic meaning of downing the twin towers, is the replacement of man & woman (Adam & Eve) & placing the seed of the serpent (Satan) in their place.

Obama signed the ONE WORLD tower: (W)e remember. (W)e rebuild. (W)e come back stronger.

In Hebrew, (W) = Vav = 6, so essentially he signed the ONE WORLD tower 6-6-6.

Freemasons are humanists, who wish to place the perfected God-man, onto the throne of God.

666 = Man = Revelation 13:18

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six"

They are building (Freemasons build) a totalitarian, ONE WORLD government, where the perfected MAN is GOD.

Not Lucifer or Satan. Not The LORD GOD. But MAN is to become God.

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