EagleTalons 1 point ago +1 / -0

President Trump at the time had plenty of time to gather all the "Doc's/video's" that he knew he would need, and take them with him to Mar a Lago, if for nothing other reason, just piss off [DS Cabal], and cause PANIC. People do some pretty dumb shit when they PANIC!! I'm sure every "Doc" has been 'digitally' filed and Trump has everything he needs when the proper time comes. "We have it ALL." ~ DJT

EagleTalons 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's been said that a good Attorney/Lawyer never ask a question that they don't already know the answer too, what makes people think that Trump don't already have all the materials/doc's that are being requested? What was Mar-a-lago raid for, this is a way Trump and the American people can first find out if "they" will hand anything over, and second Trump team can compare anything handed over to what he already has to see what "they" removed. It looks more like Trump is building a 'case' against all who are attacking him now for his return to the White House, and not so much for his defense, and [DS] knows it as well.. The case will most likely get dismissed before anything is handed over, but let's wait and "see what happens", like Trump likes to say...

EagleTalons 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not out to reinvent the wheel, but to build on what we already have, Twi[X]..?

EagleTalons 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your search for the "Truth" is honorable, we all have to keep an open mind. Here is a good channel and a Prof. who teaches and brings the receipts to back his teaching. This is one of a series (931- 941) [Amazing Discoveries/Prof. Walter Veith]..Here is (931), Enjoy!.. Edit: Corrected crappy spelling, and to add that taking 'notes' (the way our brains have been train) and to able refer back to time and again has help tremendously. Watch all this mans video's and it becomes clear who the first beast (Rome), the second beast (America), and The Great Whore of Babylon [Jesuit RCC], and as he says he was shock, sickened; I too was shocked and sickening, but I can't change the "Truth", and I truly believe the Reformers (Protestant) got it all right... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DrJ8_i7giU&list=PLF170B126002E7CB0&ab_channel=AmazingDiscoveries

EagleTalons 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I know about how the [Jesuits (Freemasons) Jews] are intertwined, to me the [Jesuit RCC and the SINagogue of Satan] are one in the same. [They] are Satanic in everything they do, they twist everything to make it almost impossible to figure out who they are and what they are doing. [They] hide behind wonderful names (it's for the children, do it for grandma, etc..), Order of Jesus, Society of Jesus, etc.. etc..., but are nothing more than [Satanist].. All the inbreeding has lead to some really stupid people, and if it wasn't for Trump, none of it would have been exposed...

EagleTalons 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just another [Demoncrat] doing what [Demoncrats] do. [They] are above the law, so get use to you peasants.. These are the same bastards that 'made' law in 2020 to secure the steal, (aka: the BIG Lie)...

EagleTalons 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm with you on this one, (This is not a secrete video). An attempt at 'Plausible deniability' for the "set up" that her, her mother, and many others (Obama, Hillary, DNC, RINO's, etc...) created? These people are crafty at their evilness, [Satanic bitches and bastards]..

EagleTalons 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's why I love this place, "WE all are victims of 'mental harm' and we make jokes about it.". WHOever come up with this shit has set their own trap, how wonderful is that.?

EagleTalons 11 points ago +11 / -0

Why no "Catholic [Jesuit] Charities" (Sisters of The Poor, etc..) on that list? I guess it's best to expose one enemy at a time, and start with [Zionism], and then [Islam] or their creator [Jesuit ROMAN Catholic Church]. But surly [Zionism] has created one or more 'sect' of [Islam] for there useful purposes. What a "twisted Deceiving" game these [Satanist] play...

EagleTalons 26 points ago +26 / -0

[They] never thought she would lose. [They] never thought the J6 tapes would be released. These people are stupid...

EagleTalons 4 points ago +4 / -0

[Babylon Brandon] is only following orders from the [Jesuit Vatican]. To my "Christian" Brothers and Sisters, (Revelation 18:4) KJV 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

EagleTalons 6 points ago +6 / -0

If East Tennesseans or anybody else for that matter see her as a lesser deity, then that means they took the [poison] and probably continue too, so the problem with awakening them up will take care of itself over a short matter of time.? I hope somebody sues her for convincing them to get [poisoned]...

EagleTalons 6 points ago +6 / -0

LOL, I know some who people were really "nice friendly people" and who are now like a 'powder keg with a short fuss', and all that is need is a flame to get the sparks a flying..It's the [Liberal] ones that thought they knew it all (the one that were ready to go to war over Trump winning, the Russia Russia Russia believers), they are the ones that I think will burn shit down when they figure out they were lied to and on top of that, they were [poisoned]...

EagleTalons 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's missing the word, "other", huh? Anyhow, how do they know the bridge ('attempted terror attack' on Rainbow Bridge) was the target, (did they find a map with X on it like the wallet on 911), and that this wasn't a 'premature detonation'? Who writes this shit??

EagleTalons 0 points ago +1 / -1

Can't find anything on any of these criminals, nothing. You know like their connections to the [RCC/Jesuits], but it's a 'secrete' I reckon.?. That tells me everything I really need to know.

EagleTalons 2 points ago +2 / -0

You got it.! "Now what?" [Israel], [Israel], [Israel] that's what..The Deep State USA [government] are nothing more than a bunch of filthy warmongers, and money laundering [[[criminals]]].......

EagleTalons 3 points ago +4 / -1

So, Martin Luther, and the "Reformers" were right after all; that's what I thought also..? [Jesuits]

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