"The Corps, launched in April 2021, has nearly 17,000 members, including individuals and organizations big and small, in communities all around the country."
This is the list of bribe-takers, right from the hhs.gov site: https://wecandothis.hhs.gov/members-covid-19-community-corps
The swamp is deep.
She worked for the C-l-A back in the 60s when they were kicking off their demoralization campaign. Not many seemed to question when she advocated that woman do the exact opposite of what happy woman have been doing for millennia. Their inversion worked, as we now have a nation of mostly weak men and evil women.
63 million murdered babies is not enough to satisfy her blood lust. Evil harpy.
cisecurity.org originates from the Cosmos Club, a very old and influential deep state organization. "Back in August of 2000, a small group of business and government leaders met at the legendary Cosmos Club in Washington, D.C. to discuss a concerning rash of cyber-attacks."
Avoid polyunsaturated fats common in soybean, sunflower, safflower, vegetable and corn oils. Peanut and canola oils are more moderate but should still be avoided.
Saturated fats have been demonized but our bodies actually make saturated fat when we eat excess calories. If it was so harmful would our own bodies make it? We can also convert saturated fat to monounsaturated fats as need via the SCD1 enzyme. We also have a mechanism to create polyunsaturated fats (called mead acid) but that is very rare. Humans only require a trace of poly fats, not the high percentages present in modern industrial foods.
Why avoid poly fats? Our bodied builds cells, cell membranes and organelles with whatever fats are available. Normally that is saturated fats we make ourselves from extra calories or from meat and dairy.
Saturated fats are simple, straight carbon chains with zero double bonds. They don't oxidize or rancidify. They don't break down into toxic byproducts like poly fats do, especially linoleic acid which becomes the toxic 4HNE,9HOD, 13HOD etc.
If your body is built from years of consuming fragile polyunsaturated fats you cells will be nowhere near as robust as if they were made from saturated or monounsaturated fats. Even something as simple as sunburn does not occur in any severity if you abstain from poly fats for a year or two.
If you become more resilient to something like sunburn then what other ailments or sickness could be prevented?
Was the high usage of fragile poly fats introduced into the mass food supply with the intention of making the population weak or sick? I believe so.
Some cancer types cannot use ketones for energy, so by keeping blood glucose very low the cancer is deprived of energy it requires.
Some cell lines lack the ketolytic enzymes 3-hydroxybu- tyrate dehydrogenase 1 (BDH1) and succinyl-CoA: 3-oxoacid CoA transferase 1 (OXCT1).
For example, lung cancer type H1299 lacks both of those enzymes, while lung cancer type A549 has both intact. A person with the H1299 type could maintain high ketone levels (under careful supervision) while artificially lowering blood glucose to very low levels. This is dangerous, but if high ketone levels are maintained the person will not go into a hypoglycemic coma (this has been proven). Doing this for say 48 hours would starve the cancer of energy while leaving healthy tissue unaffected.
The journal article that researched some of this is "Low ketolytic enzyme levels in tumors predict ketogenic diet responses in cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo" or you can find it on sci-hub.
Some great points there. Endothelial cells which are fragile and line blood vessels do not express ACE2 so they should not be vulnerable to normal covid exposure, but certainly are if exposed to the vaccine which can enter any cell.
https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.052824 "Very low or no basal ACE2 expression was found in ECs (endothelial cells) compared with epithelial cells"
There is 0.0% chance he would be allowed to walk into bohemian grove and record the whole thing unless they owned him.
Our adversaries understand human manipulation better than anyone. They have been doing it for millennia. They present many different stories, some of them absurd, to 'poison the well' because they know that the average person will become disinterested if enough confusion is presented. They need agents for that. People like Jones who will gain the trust of many viewers but also strategically place misinformation and confusion at critical points of time.
The occult always hide behind a cover story. Sometime philanthropy but often they use 'junk conspiracy' put out by their agents to hide behind as well.
Our enemies control the paroles too. They can release an inmate early on the (secret) condition that they provide a 'service' for a number of years, usually drug trafficking, but also ratline infrastructure, intimidation etc. Usually biker gangs are used to make up this 'paroled' army. Rosenbaum was almost certainly one of these.
They are actors in masks at somewhere called 'Madame Tussauds, London'. This video shows it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdZ163jzw4w
Good story from an actual real journalist. They also don't eat garbage seed oils that dominate processed 'food'. They eat healthy saturated fat. Meat and butter. Almost no PUFA. They have an obesity rate of about 4%, about one tenth of the rest of the USA. Metabolically healthy people are at miniscule risk.
Was it this one? (I haven't watched it yet) https://rumble.com/vm8ayu-tfnt-1-covid-vaccines-have-killed-over-200000-americans.html
I have cut my omega6 down to under 5% of total fats and likely under 2%. All seed oils are gone and nuts (except macadamia) are minimized
The most obvious result is that I no longer sunburn. I was in the sun for 5 hours on friday and barely got a pink nose. The secondary effect is that my skin doesn't get blisters. I was laying grass sod for many hours which requires cutting it with a knife. I was sure my hands would be torn up but there wasn't even a hot spot.
I'm now convinced that the Rockefellers and others knew very well the effect of high omega6 in our diets when they pushed an industrial waste product (cottonseed oil) into lard in the early 20th century, after they first were able to remove the poisonous gossypol from it.
If all our cell membranes (and organelles) are made from fatty acids available to us then they are far more fragile and prone to degeneration when made out of fragile, multi-double bond fatty acids. Mitochondria use a 4 fatty acid molecule called cardiolipin. When all 4 fatty acids are fragile linoleic there is mitochondrial disfunction. Saturated and monounsaturated are far more robust. We make saturated fats when we have excess calories. We have an enzyme (SCD1) that adds a double bond to make monounsaturated fats as needed. The only process we have to make polyunsaturated fats is an omega9 called Mead acid. Most people don't use that process because of our abundance of dietary PUFA.
I really believe that limiting PUFA is a strong key to health. Macular degeneration is due to the breakdown of fragile fats in the eye. The P53 tumor suppressor gene protein product seems to be nullified by a PUFA breakdown product (4HNE or malondialdehyde). It seems one of [their] primary tools for health suppression is finally being exposed.
Wars are also used to create 10s of thousands of orphans. Their blackmail/initiation rites require a steady supply of kids. Organ harvesting too. Do members of the [club] wait for years on an organ donor list or do they have other options? How can desperate (legitimate) people be ensnared? Create the problem (organ failure) and then offer a solution.
Many objectives rolled into one operation is a hallmark of these satanists.
Satanists employ methods which would not be acceptable to regular people doing business. They have no problem with buying, threatening or blackmailing politicians for special favors or legislation that allows them to dominate a marketplace. They employ agents (think Pinkertons) that can threaten and intimidate their legitimate rivals. They use methods like hegelian dialectic (thesis ,antithesis, synthesis = problem, reaction, solution) to create a situation that they can profit from. They use malevolent means to suppress competition (ie Rockefeller, competition is a sin). They buy media assets to influence the general population. They buy the education apparatus to indoctrinate rather than educate. They buy the science apparatus to mislead and use fear as a weapon. They buy the medical industry to make us weak and dependent on their drugs instead of addressing root cause (lipid hypothesis and many others).
They hate us because even with all those weapons they can never have what we have. They are slaves and are damned.
Current desalination filters require about 1000 PSI to work. The idea using graphene is that the material could be designed with a pore size just large enough to pass water (3 angstroms) but would block everything else including dissolved salt from ocean water. Pressure required would be 100-200 PSI.
There is variant of this technology where pores are created by exposing graphene to high heat and pure oxygen, but exact pore size and placement can't be controlled.
Since Lockheed(MIC) owns the IP I wouldn't hold your breath.
Those who are blackmailed do so willingly. They know the game and they know the price required of them to be in 'the club'. There is no lack of people willing to pay that price.
It's not that different from the mafia or ms-13 requiring that the candidate commit a murder before full admittance. The corrupt only trust those who have demonstrated to also be corrupt.
There are 5600+ planes aloft right now, worldwide. Plus many more small aircraft that don't have ads-b transmitters.