TBH, the reporter was pretty bad at his job. He was completely intimidated, not even looking at Pierre in the eye. It was easy to take him down. Still this is the right way to handle liberal talking points. Poke holes in everything they say. Keep poking until they deflate and do not let them deflect or change the subject.
What do they think, this is an RTS? You can't just get money and requisition units from the tank bunker like some command and conquer game.
This is so obvious is bonkers.
OP here: lots of swearing here, but he is on point.
Corrupt peeps gonna corrupt.
Who can look at this and say honestly: making fun of the lead prosecutor from the DOJ currently is grounds for a gag order?
Why don't you just, sue? Or go after him for false statements? Oh wait, that would require an investigation right and evidence what Trump said was invalid, and allow evidence that proves Trump is right.
This. All through out history civilizations have been displaced or moved when they lost wars or made foolish mistakes. I'm no making an argument for imperialism here, but this is how the world is.
It was never going to happen in the first place. They just choose to show the trial, and the accusations. The trial fails, they don't report it, the idiots are left with the story that "Trump was on trial!".
Was my point. Fear provides energy. Use that energy to prepare yourself and protect your family.
But I won't deny that I am scared for my family and everything they do.
They still need useful idiots to go out and vote. In AZ's case, useful idiots to go door to door and rummage for votes from useful idiots who do don't bother/don't care.
Remember, these people need to feel good about themselves, and feel morally superior to everybody around them, regardless if they have some degree of an idea that they are ushering the very policies that are damaging our country. More importantly these people aren't winners. So in "winning the election" it gives them something to cheer for.
Good optics leads to useful idiots supporting and working for the Democrats. Never underestimate it.
Optics. Pay attention. They are all about how they look. They want to look like they are helping immigrants. They want to look like they care about poor. Meanwhile, they are instituting all the policies that are ruining this country.
And the people who follow them want to feel good about themselves while doing the bare minimum: saying they care while doing nothing.
This. They don't want to be involved in a photo op and be be forced into a position that leads to questions that wonder her level of support for the president.
Yeah. She was getting blocked left and right trying to get "her people" into positions of power. Monday she says "fuggit" and just appoints them. 3 days later Yee is now the governor, at least till mid-day today. Something is going down in Arizona, that is for sure.
It was just until midday Thursday. Its nuts that the situation in Arizona was so nuts that it came to this.
I see what you did there...
He has since replied he is ok. Good to know. :)
He was facing a massive primary battle he probably would have lost. Its more of a move to save face than anything. But I'll take the win.
My thoughts:
Nope. Too much evidence and energy. Even media reporters that ask questions leading with "there is no evidence" get destroyed when high-level evidence examples are presented off the top of the heads of the inquiry leads.
Nope. The indictments and the mugshot have only boosted Trumps's popularity to the stratosphere. They probably won't go this route again.
Most likely. Brandon will either be removed as part of the 25th amendment or will fall asleep and never get back up so charges will never sully the Biden name. Hunter takes the fall or leaves the country to escape charges. Kamala, who appears to be groomed at this point to take over, is the most likely candidate.
Most definitely. Worse yet for the left, there is already a contingent of Liberals that are skirting the "vote-blue-no-matter-who" mindset. Check out this video from Black Conservative Perspective. This lady is lefty looney as they get, but they are like fuck no, I won't vote for Joe this time around. This mindset is damning and is becoming extremely pervasive on the left.
No. This is a pipe dream. I'm not sure how the plan rolls out, but it won't be so movie like where Trump is restored to office. If it isn't stolen this time around, Trump wins, and starts cleaning house.
Can't be any less wacky than what has happened so far this year.
Edit: this is my reaction to the list. My personal view is that Biden will be the nominee for the president. The damage that changing the candidate from the incumbent to another candidate will send shockwaves of no confidence in the party and send swing voters running.
There have been presidents who have not ran for a second term, but they are for a variety of reasons. I don't think in history a president has been cajoled out of office like this.
I remember my "liberal", well back when you could have a civil conversation with a liberal, teacher said no party would EVER not support the current incumbent president. It would be a blow to say "we picked the wrong guy" to their party, one that would cost them the election.
Every swing voter would go the other way because they simply would have zero confidence in the party since the party itself has no confidence in their own leader.
What are they going to say: "we got it wrong last time and the country is a mess, but we'll get it right with this guy!"
Yeah, despite the media circus, expect Trump v Biden 2.
The likeness is shocking.
Can we get more sauce than this scan?
This. I don't think Elon is a swamp creature. I don't think he is one of the good guy's persay, he falls in the gray. I just think he is a billionaire that, to a degree, cares about his mark in the world, and has a moral compass which tries to steer him north.
Whatever the reason, stopping that attack from happening on the Russian navy did save a lot of lives. If it did prevent escalation to WW3 like he said it did, I'll obviously say that is a good thing.
Its bullshit. No state is banning anything. This is more of a psyop. Lots of little barriers to demoralize the voting base from considering voting for Trump. Any state that outright did this would face an onslaught of lawsuits and admonishment, not to mention a mobilized grassroots reaction to oppose them: if they can ban Trump, they can ban anybody.
More like chameleons, to adjust to the "current thing". Insert your favorite lizard people meme here.
A story about how the world has changed:
I went to the University of California circa 2003-2005, studied in sociology. My liberal professors were extremely against the Patriot act: citing valid reasons to be against the law.
Liberal Professors today are saying its not enough, and we need to monitor Americans more.
Its pretty much what has been illustrated from the video. If there was no voter fraud or if it was reduced to normal levels instead of insane steal levels going on currently, yes RFK would be benefitting Trump.
However with the insane stealing going on, this is just a smoke screen to hide their voter fraud with plausible, reasonable deniability that Trump voters voted for RFK, giving Biden the win.