Who is the guy Alice is talking with?
There was no pandemic, just a war against the people of the world.
I don't understand why any country would be dumb enough to sell land to non-citizens. Unless the politicians don't have the citizens best interests at heart.... yup.
I like flags.... let them fly high and out themselves. Easier to identify the enemy.
17% is obviously fake, like any number they release to the public is going to be real. If they report a huge drop it would create a snowball effect.
The left is going to have to kick out Indians, they are way too conscientious.
It would be interesting to see them flaunt it now.
Wait until their kids get tranny story time!
A huge puppet. How else could a moron like him become so famous?
Should have been Brutus hiding a knife behind his back.
What is up with the two bowing knights? Also is that the medical symbol going down its pants? How old is this type of symbol?
What's the story with mifepristone?
Is that orange peel giving us the "white power" sign?
Poisoning the Delaware you say?
As least it is being logically consistent. It being the demon in the video.
Is he a doctor or a scientist? Nope. He will not be held responsible.
It's hard to tell. From the text that is presented it could be either.
Personally I've noticed that the gays (and all the rest) tend to come from traumatic childhoods, be it divorce, pedo rape, and other severe abuse. Since this sort of childhood is on the rise it would make sense there would be more gays around.
The sign of a pedo.
Indoor cats... that one chick had a lot of momentum and wasted it. Tackle the dude!
That isn't science, that is reality.
Really? Interesting. So it gets rid of dry skin and rashes?
Not to mention they were just having meetings about meetings before going to the free company grub pit. Nothing but profit sapping.
The Expanse had such potential... but the last two seasons were trash.
They really love their abhorrent behavior being on the nose. A violent rape on Virgin Island... it's like they can't help themselves.