I remember seeing that the truth was for us to know if we choose and wont be for everyone but not all will be disclosed. My Opinion 100% of every nasty thing has to be disclosed down to the smallest detail. That every person has a duty to learn the downfalls of Satan and how we got here. God believes in whole hearted truth and for every truth kept secret from the public this will just begin the cycle again. No Matter how many people can't handle it that is their journey with God and I shall not concern myself with their journey unless it is to help. There are things I dont want to know and rabbit holes I wont go down again. But I know. Every person who participated willingly must face the most severe justice there should not be 1 deal on the table no matter how big the other fish is.
He has got to be on so many nasty lists.
I saw the number this year has been 44%
Just the vote outed quite a few good ammo
just because someone questions the motives of specific religious groups does not make them hateful it is simply using the greatest gift of discernment. The pedophiles running the church are an issue. The financial power and gain of the Vatican and the fake pope are issues. The serpents are an issue. The support given through Catholic Charities for illegals is an issue. The money spent on politics from the Catholic church is an issue. There are many churches that have turned to worshipping Baal and man over god and they come from from everywhere. Woe to those who are evil no matter what church they belong to.
So with the 2 days ahead does that mean the 12th?
300-Year-Old Tree Made Famous in Kevin Costner Film Cut Down Inside Edition Thu, September 28, 2023 at 1:00 PM PDT huh
bout time that is a fun wife to follow.
It looks like the little alien form MIB
Dont see that anywhere on any tracking site.
The shit is however popping off in Turkey.
Is this how they will push the ebola crisis?
If done in [30] is in the kill box could it be that is months then maybe the 28 is days? Sep 23rd is quite relevant https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+23
I found that out but thank you :)
I think we all need to do that
The most obvious is it is all by design
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future. Design is the application of intent - the opposite of happenstance, and an antidote to accident.
I just saw something on revisiting a FISA investigation. If Fisa is the start One can only hope = No date fagging but it feels like the more chaos the chance.
Has anyone tried using the numbers since The resident took office No # just the number Like today is 890 since Jan 20th 2021 It also includes the 3757. which I find interesting I have been doing it for about a week and I am surprised at how relevant it is. Yes many have broken links but those I just skip
we all know his pickings were not great
Demons are REAL!
I think that they found it harder to make it lie on a regular basis.
I have always l liked the definition of Soviet democracy. It is lock step with Soviet democracy and we are a republic.
Could the SB at the top be Silicon Bank? Multiple meanings exist?
If you can request get a D Dimer test - it shows micro blood clots. If she gets out of it then she may want to start the Spike removal protocol. Prayers for your daughter