I'll just continue to be a horse I guess.
Indians also. Drive through a community where it's like 70% Tesla driving Indians and they're all masked still. Usually alone in their car. Also driving 5 to 10 below the speed limit.
feeling of power usually
This account one of my favs.
By the system, for the system.
They even made the bird that lands on snow white's finger black.
Sadly. And they seem to be doing well even after IPO and banning 3rd party apps.
Perhaps also memorize it instead of reading it from a screen.
Yes, she clearly says such in the video.
"They didn't understand. They couldn't even say it right. We thought we knew better than them."
Those who control the media have the power.
If the family shared his beliefs, maybe this will be an 'awakening' for them.
I was pissed when my dad kicked me out of the family car and made me walk home (2-3miles maybe, sunny day) with two bags of groceries because I was talking back and complaining about not getting the brand of food I wanted.
Now I'm thankful.
He was so close to becoming a surgeon!
Yeah really. Why does the color of the university's skin even matter?
I've only seen one tranny and it was on a carnival cruise (there is a reason they're called the Walmart of cruises). It was some old white dude with a wig and heels. Thought maybe it was a gag, but old couple said his name was 'Samantha' and he does nothing but cruise.
My Dad, retired USAF. Mid to late stages of Parkinsons. Long story about how we suspect jet fuel / exhaust with proof military admitting its a known cause. He worked flightline / pax terminal. Anyway, still fighting to get 100% disability despite basically being unable to have a normal life for the past 10 years. Diagnosis was 20+ years ago. Hours and hours of time wasted at the VA and time and money with lawyers.
Friend of his has sleep apnea (so does Dad) and a busted up ankle and has had 100% since shortly after retirement.
Talk to vets at places they visit (gun ranges, etc) and they'll all tell you it's a like playing the lotto.
Thanks, I honestly forgot about that. Scary.
"GRAS" Generally Regarded as Safe. Utterly bullshit. Fancy way of saying, no one died right away from eating or using it so it's probably safe.
Happened to multiple X accounts that are popular among Republicans.
The faster the deportations, the louder the REEEEEEEEEEEEs. Can't wait.
Well yeah, in vet supply stores. So is Ivermectin.
I can't walk into Walmart and buy Ivermectin or Feben in pill form in a cute bottle like I can Tylenol. This is what is needed for many normies to wake up.
retard finder on X is fun to follow kek
Now do Fenbendazole.
edit: Yes, you can buy Ivermectin and Fenbendazole at Tractor Supply. Normies aren't going to do this. We need cute bottles at Walmart for cheap, like GreatValue brand cheap.
Poor Q in that pic with only 1.0% kek
They need illegals to do that work for them.