I think its a GREAT message to send to the world and the citizens. That WE WILL take care of everythin ...one way or the other. The DS has pushed us awake, and I, for one, think its the best idea...quick and sudden. Take them out...one way or the other way. WE WERE INVADED...Should be the military's DUTY to remove the invaders. the end.
We are ALL flawed Christians. None is without sin. Your sin is no worse than my sin. Jesus will take care of liars and cheats that do NOT repent. Tell him to get off his "high holier than thou" horse and pray for his own forgiveness. He is using 'man-made' rules to judge someone when he doesn't know THAT persons soul or that persons relationship with the Lord. Also, tell your spouse...That GOD has used MANY MANY 'non believers' to do His bidding. Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, Paul (Saul) to name a FEW! What Trump SAYS really doesn't matter, actually what he believes doesn't either, just that the Lord IS using him. God Bless
God bless you...I think you are brave for reporting TRUTH! Please KEEP us up on any and ALL news. We are, all in prayer and with broken hearts for EVERYONE hit by this dastardly evil manipulated monster. And by the storm too. xxoo
YES. I saw with my own eyes that at least 10 mtgs were paid off on Christmas Eve. On the County website. I think I saved it but in my 3x old computer so, I got no receipts, other than MY EYES read the paid mortgages done ON CHRISTMAS EVE!! Who can get that done on Christmas EVE???? NO ONE, except the players. I still KNOW it was a false flag event, yes the school was closed since 08. WTF.
UUUUUuuuuuuie!! You gonna be in B-I-G trouble. Fool!