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Not revenge. An "Eye for an eye". Simple as that.
1992 with Charlie Rose:
TRUMP: [I would have] treated people differently. I think, that, you know, some of the people that are most loyal to me are people that I didn’t think would be. Some of the people that were least loyal to me are people that I think I would have treated them differently. I think I would have treated different groups differently. I would have wiped the floor with the guys who weren’t loyal, which I will now do. Which is great. I love getting even with people.
ROSE: Slow up. You love getting even?
TRUMP: Oh absolutely. You don’t believe in the eye for an eye? You do. I know you well enough I think you do. But any way, but…
ROSE: [chuckles] But tell me. You’re going to get even with some people? Because they…
TRUMP: If given the opportunity, if given the opportunity, I will get even with some people that were disloyal to me. I mean, I had a group of people that were disloyal…
ROSE: But how do you define disloyalty?
TRUMP: They didn’t come to my aid.
ROSE: But what did they do? Did they turn their back on you?
TRUMP: No. But they didn’t do small things that would have helped. They didn’t do larger things…
Is this the tool you are referencing?
"You can't handle the truth!" moment. This guy is unhinged.