KekistaniMemeLord 10 points ago +10 / -0

we also just... looked at the real world and saw nobody was dying in droves to the fake pandemic. Just a Flu... why get a vaccine experimental or not?

KekistaniMemeLord 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yup its getting clearer. Everything he does feels like it's designed for max outrage and to make the left look bad in every way possible. Just like OP said further tempers MAGA and constantly puts the left on defense trying to rationalize and defend. Like a constant all out barrage on lefty brainwashing.

by PepeSee
KekistaniMemeLord 22 points ago +25 / -3

Ding ding ding. The correct answer.

KekistaniMemeLord 3 points ago +3 / -0

You would think this if the only thing you do is read shocking headlines.

Zoom out.

KekistaniMemeLord 1 point ago +1 / -0

yea I remember seeing folks trying to debunk that one when it first appeared, lighting or some such. Literally a completely different skin tone, the difference is too drastic to be lighting. Hard to explain and too bizarre

KekistaniMemeLord 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had stage 4 lymphoma 4 years ago, never got bit by any bugs, never experienced symptoms like smallpox...

KekistaniMemeLord 4 points ago +4 / -0

It already is unfolding. If it wasn't you would still be locked down and the jab police would be at your door giving you your boosters.

Notice how most of these fear porn things this fake administration has done stir up maximum outrage but don't have as much impact as they sound?

Things have gotten worse that's obvious but there nowhere near as bad as they could be. It's almost like we're getting the half dead weakened version of NWO like in a traditional vaccine with a pathogen, if I had to give an analogy.

KekistaniMemeLord 1 point ago +1 / -0

Loudoun and Fairfax, lol no surprise there

KekistaniMemeLord 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've only been doing keto for about 2 months or so and intermittent fasting for about a year. But I've already noticed my sweet receptors getting reprogrammed, or deprogrammed I guess? I had my usual sugary coffee creamer the other day because I ran out of heavy cream and found it was actually too sweet, almost gross? definitely not as delicious as the heavy cream with stevia and vanilla I have been using.

Also find myself craving for that higher fat content as the old creamer tasted watery and unsatisfying, wasn't cheap stuff either. I won't be doing keto forever, I think its best as a course correction for basically everything wrong with modern diets. Carbs will definitely have a reduced representation in my diet for the future though.

KekistaniMemeLord 3 points ago +3 / -0

good write up, been going down the intermittent fasting/ keto rabbit hole and the difference in how I feel cutting back carbs and sugar to near zero and adding a substantial amount of healthy fat is amazing. Also doing one meal a day.

recommend all patriots do the same. Dr. Sten Ekberg on youtube is a great resource I would just binge every video he has on the subject.

KekistaniMemeLord 5 points ago +5 / -0

I revisit 2016 often. The moment Trump won was the moment the shift began and absolutely nothing can stop it. Victory was set in stone at that very moment. The dying globalist animal is still going to try and prevent the inevitable and do as much damage on the way out as they can, but all routes to victory were closed off the moment Trump took the podium and the MAGA movement kicked off.

KekistaniMemeLord 5 points ago +6 / -1

being blackpilled is hilarious. How can you say this when people who literally never payed attention to politics in their life are now ready to chuck people into woodchippers? thats me. I've read COUNTLESS comments like that since 2016 all over the net. Quit reading headlines for a day or 2 and go outside and touch some grass. good grief.

KekistaniMemeLord 6 points ago +6 / -0

Gonna take a decade or two to hire all those agents. Considering the staffing issues they already have and the federal governments credibility currently falling off a cliff they will never get those hires.

KekistaniMemeLord 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hijacking for a small PSA reminder for beginners and those just getting into some sort of fitness routine.

You are your own experiment. There is a lot of general information regarding fitness that applies broadly that is important to know but as far as specific plans and protocols go they key is whatever works best for YOU.

There are many different methods of training, training splits, diet methods, tools etc... out there to get fit. It's important to experiment and find which one is best. Ultimately the method of training, frequency, diet style that is optimal is whichever one works best for you as an individual that you can stick to and continue LONG TERM. Indefinitely.

The goal shouldn't only be a short term affair of fitness, but a long term change of bad habits Into good ones, that will keep you physically able and healthy all the way until God calls you home.

KekistaniMemeLord 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure Trumps picks are based solely on whether they can WIN. Factoring in the state/county voting trends and demographics.

He's playing for keeps and sometimes that means a pick we don't exactly like. Considering his record so far I'd say it's going swimmingly.

KekistaniMemeLord 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • increase in sugar and carbs - high calorie/ low nutrient junk foods
  • garbage veggie oil byproducts in those same sugar/carb snack foods
  • unnatural frequency of eating of modern life - constantly "grazing"/snacking every hour of the day - multiple meals
  • increasingly sedentary lifestyle

combine all of the above and you have yourself an obesity crisis along with tons of other metabolic diseases like diabetes, heart issues you name it.

KekistaniMemeLord 0 points ago +2 / -2

Lmaooooooo missed the point. Obese people are the exact opposite of starving.

KekistaniMemeLord 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you are already lean yes it doesn't make much sense. Some of these obese people though have hundreds of thousands of calories hanging off their body that the body specifically stored for the purpose of using at a later time.

That later time never comes because they keep stuffing their face with food. Shiet some of these fatties could go an entire month without food and would actually be vastly healthier afterwards.

KekistaniMemeLord 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, explained it better than I did, tried to make the same point.

Vegan diet bad, meat good lol

KekistaniMemeLord 2 points ago +3 / -1

TECHNICALLY you could eat a vegan diet and be perfectly healthy, BUT it is an extremely difficult thing to do. Which is why most of these vegans all look like sickly ghouls.

There's a reason most herbivorous animals have multiple stomachs, they get far more out of the greens then we do.

You have to eat a shitload of greens and a very diverse variety to get everything your body needs. Whereas animal meat and products are far more nutrient dense because the animal has already done all the work.

KekistaniMemeLord 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's double absurd because of the second part of the argument "my choice"

Your "choice" for BOTH parties involved in the creation of a new life is BEFORE you create that new life!

Sex primary purpose is the creation of new life! Period! If you're not ready for the possibility of creating a child don't have sex, close your legs and zip up your pants whores.

Theres also a million and one ways to try and prevent a pregnancy that don't involve being a baby killing demon. Get chemically castrated, tubes tied, wear a condom, iud etc... if you still have a baby after that then God himself wanted that kid.

KekistaniMemeLord 4 points ago +4 / -0

Correct, it's really beneficial when done In a controlled way. Glad I dug more into it and gave it an honest try again. By far and away the easiest way I've shed pounds.

Just makes sense, body stored all the fat from excess eating, just stop eating lol.

KekistaniMemeLord 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you jump right into a day long fast it'll prob be pretty rough but you'll live. Best to work into it slowly.

For much of human existence and for animals in the wild our bodies adapted with the knowledge that meals were never guaranteed. This is why we store excess energy as fat to begin with, because if your body gets extra energy it knows it might need it later to survive.

Only in our modern world do we have this problem where we have the ability to constantly and I mean constantly "graze". Snacks, fast foods, frozen dinners. Even poor people are fat.

Fasting is great cuz it reminds you don't NEED to eat breakfast/lunch/dinner to survive. A really overweight person could probably go for a month or more without ever eating a bite and be perfectly healthy/ healthier obviously at the end of the fast.

KekistaniMemeLord 9 points ago +9 / -0

Fasting isn't all that great for people who are already really lean (I mean like 10% bodyfat) or lower or when doing it for extended periods of time like a few days or longer. Why I said quick.

There's some truth to that, but physical training is a great road toward improving mental health as well. Training the body trains the mind. No amount of wallowing in lethargy or despair will help either.

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