LanaForge 14 points ago +15 / -1

That's because the emphasis should be in serving, not governing.

The best men would gladly serve their brethren, just for the sake of serving.

LanaForge 1 point ago +5 / -4

Heh... calls out other people for causing division, and thus, causes division herself...

I love how this lady came out of nowhere, started spewing Q speech(all publicly available I should add), and immediately everyone trusts her fully.

LanaForge 5 points ago +6 / -1

I wonder how many of the people who upvoted this, and truly consider themselves "unpsyopable", were losing their shit a few days ago when the glorified phone message test was going out.

LanaForge 3 points ago +4 / -1

Agreed, just say no, if they ask why you say it's none of their business.

If you want to be a bit more nice about it, just say you lost faith in their field of practice.

Quite honestly I think you should only take your kid to the doctor if they break a leg or something.

Just make sure they get a good balanced nutrition, real food (avoid overly processed industrialized stuff), keep added sugar to a minimum.

Treat colds, fevers, stomach aches and whatnot with medicinal herbs and other natural options.

Also make sure they get good amounts of sun exposure and exercise

Then just watch them grow up as healthy as can be, no vaccines, no medicine.

LanaForge 3 points ago +4 / -1

Whoever hasn't woken up yet is beyond hope.

LanaForge 1 point ago +3 / -2

Huh, interesting, the same has been happening to me ever since I've commented on one of your threads

The one you were trying to warn us all of the imminent take over of the machines after seeing a bunch of actors in costume

It's very funny, I make some comments, and then a few hours or minutes later they all get exactly 1 down vote, all at the same time

LanaForge 1 point ago +2 / -1

here's what you said, verbatim:

funny how many of these posts are being made in NEW. almost like it is orchestrated. wonder what needs to be hidden from us.

It sounds like the reason why you are suspicious is because how "many of these posts are being made in NEW", as if if they were not in new, it wouldn't be as suspicious...

You tell me how else to interpret what you wrote...

And considering that interpretation,, it WOULD be a very ridiculous thing to say, and so I pointed it out

If that was not what you meant, ok, my bad, carry on...

LanaForge 2 points ago +3 / -1

And it was a very good test I say

People who consider themselves awakened were losing their shit over a phone message

LanaForge 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'd say that posts about a zombie apocalypse attached to this EBS would be more of a threat to a forum wouldn't you? to make us look stupid?

Yet you're complaining about the posts being made to mock that notion?

Also my comment was about how you thought that it was "funny" that all of the posts were being "made in NEW", and I just pointed out to you that every new post shows up at new...

LanaForge 1 point ago +2 / -1

.... You of course do realized that EVERY POST starts at NEW right?

... That's why it's called "NEW"

LanaForge 1 point ago +2 / -1

Step 1 is already impossible so I won't go any further... I really can't understand how this is still something people even consider.

All you'll see from congress and senate is theater, nothing more.

LanaForge 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't like fetterman because he's an obvious pawn, whoever that guy is that is showing up now anyway, and I do admit the way he dresses is beyond stupid, those effen shorts...

But at the same time I always felt like "formal" attire is also beyond stupid, why the fuck should I hang a straight piece of cloth down my neck? and why exactly is that supposed to be respectful?

I never liked wearing shirts, too stiff, let alone suits... much prefer t-shirts or perhaps polo-style shirts, and jeans, maybe khakis

LanaForge 7 points ago +8 / -1

It really irks me, a lot, when people post stuff like this as if it was new.

I understand the need to get hopes up a bit, since there's very little that does that these days, but I also prefer to stick to reality, at least date the thing...

It's a shame that the X poster doesn't bother sauce or date the video.

Yeah, it's a shame GAW poster didn't bother to do that also...

LanaForge 1 point ago +2 / -1

At this point is almost anything under the sun, other than local mom & pop shops, and very few big companies

LanaForge -1 points ago +1 / -2

I've seen the this same exact post by il donaldo trumpo(who is not DJT) about 10 times already, at the very least.

LanaForge 7 points ago +8 / -1

Oh yeah, he's terrified, look at him!

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