There's a posture and walk that goes with it as well...
We just had a neighborhood council ZOOM call this week for a proposed custom home project in West Los Angeles. One of the concerned neighbors joins in, at home alone at her computer mind you, wearing a f*cking mask. SMH
Interesting. Guantanamo was set to finish their tribunal expansion wing on the 15th as per Juan O'...
Evacuate LA. That's funny. Impossibility but great message to create chaos though and Im sure the point if it happens
Tomorrow at midnight all election ballot material can be disposed of and you know they are all hands on deck to do so.
Probably paid half of them to be there
The power companies are already penalizing us by charging extra for usage during 4-9pm.
All held election material can be destroyed coming up real quick. September 3rd I believe is the day
Non essential items only works for me.
Public realization of the plandemic and clot shot would sure be a rude awakening.
clinics at sea... lmao. democrat logic
Interesting. Watched this a couple weeks ago. Homeland security at hover dam??
Just bought another 100 ounces
Hysterectomy's for all!
So awesome. Zero risk of pregnancy there ha
Its going to be everywhere this summer. California (Edison) is telling us to conserve energy between 4pm-9pm, basically the only time most people need electricity. They are also charging extra for usage during those hours. What a scam.
Funny thing is any rioting will be done in states of which abortion will still be legal after the ruling. Ruling means shit to blue states.
Time to END the Fed already. Time for a gold backed dollar
I finally invested in a decent generator in the last year: I like the propane fuel option and it powers nearly the whole house minus large amp appliance circuits..
If the military arrests big pharma plus key vaccine pimps, then announce to the people they have been poisoned, normies are going to wake up REAL quick IMO Unveil their evil plan with evidence of course. All this financial ruin etc is unnecessary but wth do I know...
The Purge