I am not defending her at all, but the left takes similar small, short clips like this and uses them out of context almost religiously. Melania is often the subject.
I wouldn't read a lot into these videos, but certainly don't discourage sharing them since I could be 100% completely fucking wrong :-).
Id love to see someone on the right get control of The View ... Make it a slow change though ... Don't fire them overnight. Make it feature some of the most incredible Sunny Hostin hostage videos. They cheer everyone up.
I frigging can't imagine ABC News being viewed as a real news service after hyping that corpse Barbara Walters all of those years. Maybe make it into a comedy news network ... Call it MSABC or something.
Roberts Obamacare ruling almost read like it was repealed, but the word repealed was replaced with sustained or something similar. I'm going from memory, so I might be forgetting something.
Anyway, the both of them are mostly useless fucking fakes.
Big is relative. Having Bill Clinton confirmed on the list as well as British royalty would be massive though a letdown for most of us. I think those are the first (assuming Bill and Hill have lost their various hitmen).
I think the plan involves them killing one another.
They're in a Kobyashi Maru scenario, and their only way of cheating (the MSM) is having technical difficulties when it comes to giving the freaks full cover. The only options they may have at this point are :
Fleeing (we are seeing this ... It won't matter ... No country will want them after disclosure ... They're all dead and they know it).
Tying up loose ends. For example, the Clintons basically have "silence" as a muscle reflex option at this point. It wouldn't surprise me that certain DS actors are behind the recent plane crashes and other murder happening in broad daylight.
Blackmail. This is the one that scares me a little. These fucking people are RICH. As far as we know, they still have access to resources. They might be able to execute plots to kill a lot of innocent people should certain documentation comes to light (like Epstein or the Bush family seeing that they're likely, at least partially, behind JFK, RFK, MLK, etc.
I wouldn't be surprised if disclosure comes on a Saturday morning. The blackmail gang might be counting on easy access to kids in schools, etc. for terrorism opportunities. I'm obviously just speculating ... I flat out can't see these people going down without a fight ... And they're evil!
They should give her the 11pm slot so that she can go up against her friends in local news AND in late night television. She might get four or five viewers ... All like Tommy the Pinball Wizard ... Dear, dumb, and blind.
There have to be death threats and other things at play at this stage of the game. A lot of powerful people never dreamed this could happen ... They have nothing to lose and billions of dollars to make anything happen.
These people calling for Bondi's head right now are fucking trolls. At least give her a few more months ... You have nothing to lose ... we are all in now.
Because he's an asshole (said like Sol Rosenberg in the jerky boys).
Pope Pinko has the disease that is also a codeword for AIDS in the men who have anal sex demographic ... Pretty strange accomplishment for someone "pious".
Hopefully he's in jail with the parent of one of the kids he raped.
I like to gush over her to piss off liberals. This news has me fucking pissed off. I want to make a joke that the drug fumes from biden's shit ridden pants got to her last summer, but it takes away from this news.