If you are allowed to own property after the transition won't the government change the definition of legal tender?
The Restrict Act?
There is always the Kennedy Solution...
It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
or see Brandolini's law...
Arizona Bay?
Has anyone asked it
:(){ :|:& };:
They made a detector phone in Japan a while back.
It's a proletariat vs bourgeois issue, right?
What is a limited hangout....
Read Kropotkin.
Mutual aid is an important factor in evolution.
Data is data, interpret how you chose...
Tin foil hats are a conspiracy that helps the government read your mind....
Maybe here?
And then you sold out to Murdoch...
The backfire effect is real...
Remember that time Australia stopped its vaccine development because of "false" HIV positives....
The founding of the Knights Templar.
Push him down the stairs again?
Novavax is the closest thing to a traditional vaccine. They harvest the spike proteins from moth cells rather than the others that get your body to make the proteins. Best to avoid all of them though.
Tinfoil hats are a government conspiracy.
Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six...