Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah! I didn't actually think there WAS a link, because the "People Are Collapsing In China! Soon This Will Be You!" line is in white, not blue. (I'm using GA in Night Mode, if that makes any difference). I thought it was just a line of text. Got it now . . . Interesting video. Good example of how bad governance can cause ruination in unexpected ways.

Sorry about the confusion.

And of course, bad governance in the West is ruining society as well, in many ways.

Things are falling apart more quickly now.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hilarious AND wakey-wakey provocative.


Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

The film clips of people just flopping over dead on the street and in offices, in China just before the Plandemic kicked off here -- DANGER! DANGER! - YOU ARE GOING TO DIE! - RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! DEADLY VIRUS IS COMING! -- were incredibly effective at frightening people. I remember feeling seriously concerned myself, although I NEVER had been concerned before about ANY "incoming pandemic" -- bird flu or Ebola or any of them.

But those videos had real impact.

Here's hoping people remember what a scam -- what a fucking LIE -- the whole thing was, and don't fall for it again.

It's just the Cabal crying wolf again to scare everyone into accepting the lockdowns, masks, "vaccines", and other elements of their planned tyranny for us.

Also: did you mean to add a link to your post, Tewryg? "This is really important to see" -- I'd like to see what that referred to in case I'm making an incorrect assumption here.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0


These are people have have called for mass murder (democide, under the phrase "population reduction" and for the alleged reason of "saving the planet"), made PLANS for that mass murder, participated in a long-running conspiracy to implement those plans, including conceiving, planning, preparing for, and implementing the COVID psyop and the COVID pseudo-vaccine bioweapons, and who CONTINUE to push the "vaccines" and the whole death-dealing psyop, including additional branches of same such as degrading supply lines, devastating and harming food-related industries including farming, and many other crimes and insults to the great mass of mankind.

How many additional millions do they have to murder before we arrest them?

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Young people aren't proud of the fact that they might have to work hard every day doing something they hate just to survive.

And this is different from every generation in history because why?

Check out The Great Depression of the 1930s, with millions out of work, homeless, and with almost zero public assistance compared to today. THAT generation had a very different response to the difficult economic environment. In short, the harsh economy isn't the only factor shaping opinions of the younger generation; the particular (and not helpful) attitude you describe is shaped by relentless Marxist propaganda in schools, in the media, and pretty much everywhere.

"Turning to socialism" and seeing "productivity in a negative light" are hugely counter-productive, because productivity is what CREATES WEALTH, and socialism -- rewarding the non-productive and penalizing the producers -- DESTROYS wealth.

You know that, clearly, and your Point 4 is an excellent response -- honest and direct talk is necessary and "politician speak" needs to be laughed off the stage.

Freedom allows and encourages the creation of wealth; consider Hong Kong, which went from severe poverty in the 1950s to top-tier wealth under the British because the Brits gave Hong Kong far more economic freedom than they gave their own people back home in England. Or check out China's rapid rise from starvation and poverty under Mao to economic powerhouse once (relative) market freedoms were instituted.

Freedom rewards people for doing the hard work of creating wealth, which is how the West got wealthy in the first place.

Believe me: a LOT of hard work went into creating the wealth of America (which has nearly all been siphoned off now by massive government, corporations, and individuals USING government coercion -- such as corporate give-aways and regulations, the military-industrial complex, and a thousand other things).

We need to convey the truth about freedom to people. That's actually what the Great Awakening is all about -- we're not trying to wake people up to the wonders of tyranny, because there aren't any positives to tyranny. Socialism and other forms of tyranny are just ways to destroy prosperity for the masses while enriching those at the top. The destruction can happen slowly (as it has until recently in Europe and America) or rapidly, as it did in Venezuela and Zimbabwe, but the destruction itself is inevitable.

FREEDOM is what creates a better world, not only because being free feels better than being under the boot-heels of tyrants but because, by rewarding effort (i.e., a free market) instead of stifling it, prosperity is created.

But make no mistake: effort is required. Wealth doesn't appear by magic.

We want to take part in a new era of history that's completely different from the shitty world we're experiencing now. Something great and exciting, not just a return to legal precedent or the founding fathers.

You want something great and exciting? Who doesn't, really? As it turns out, America's Founders did also, and created a nation and a movement that electrified the entire world. A lifetime of modern anti-America, anti-freedom propaganda has created a common bias against the idea of genuine freedom, but listen to Thomas Paine's electrifying tone in what has been called "by far the most influential tract of the American Revolution":

O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hath been hunted round the globe. Asia, and Africa, have long expelled her. — Europe regards her like a stranger, and England hath given her warning to depart. O! receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind. – Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the linked document at childrenshealthdefense.org:

The War Room-DailyClout Project was founded by bestselling author and journalist Naomi Wolf, a former advisor to the Clinton campaign, in collaboration with Steve Bannon, former advisor to President Trump and podcaster on “The War Room.”

In addition to volunteer attorneys, Kelly oversees approximately 3250 volunteer doctors, nurses, scientists and others who are reviewing the documents. They’ve issued 89 investigative reports, including the Oct. 18 report on the myocarditis cover-up evident in FOIA emails.

“Astonishingly, the emails reveal that the most senior of leaders, all the way up to the White House, knew about heart damage linked to mRNA vaccines,” Kelly said. “Yet they “colluded behind the scenes to conceal this side effect from the American people.”

. . . “What I think most important is to see who all is involved,” she said. “I believe 105 different people are on the emails, a whole slew of people at the White House, CDC, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIAID, Pfizer, some children’s hospitals and organizations and some other external people,” Kelly said.

“My takeaway from seeing this is that everyone, all over the public health agencies, knew there was an issue” with myocarditis dangers linked to the COVID-19 vaccines, Kelly said. Yet “when you read through the emails, you see they are crafting messages to downplay the significance of myocarditis and the vaccines, all the the way up to the White House.”

Emails show the Israeli Ministry of Health tried to alert the CDC in late February 2021 to the problem, Kelly said.

“They said, ‘We’re seeing a myocarditis signal and we’re happy to share information with you,’” she said. “The CDC actually didn’t even respond to the first email as far as I can tell. So the Israeli Ministry of Health emailed again March 2, ‘Hey we’re seeing this myocarditis signal, we’re concerned, let’s discuss it if you want.’”

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

There's more to music's healing power than particular frequencies. Unlike most animals, humans have spindle cell neurons that connect our sound intake to our emotional centers, and in so doing can put us in touch with our feelings -- can bring feelings up, including sometimes feelings we've been keeping at bay.

This comment won't be for everyone, but for some it may be helpful.

Emotional healing (as opposed to strengthening one's emotional defenses -- as with alcohol, tobacco, casual sex with strangers, shopping for things one doesn't need, or anything else that can distract from unpleasant feeling) requires deep connection to real feeling. It requires breaking through defenses.

It's not enough to cry, for example, when you have a problem with grief. You can do THAT forever without getting anywhere. You need to KNOW what you're crying about and the CONNECTION with what really happened is what turns a repressed feeling (which is constantly trying to come to full consciousness, as any traumatic feeling must) into just an old memory instead of a constant misery that must be covered with SOMETHING so you can get through the day -- and which affects your behavior as well as your inner on-going experience.

Music can help get you there. So can a movie that brings up feeling for you.

If you have someone you trust who will sit with you, without judgement and without talking, that can also help.

There is far too much grief and trauma in the world already, and the load is getting heavier. "Keeping it all inside" is the path most people take; it's what comes naturally and automatically for most of us.

For some of us, that path isn't tenable. It can be a great relief to get some of that sequestered feeling out of one's system. It can be life-changing, and indeed for some it is life-saving.

Not for everyone, no. And it's not a path without dangers (because everything, without exception, HAS dangers). But for some, there is no other path worth traveling. In case you are, or think you might be, such a person, you deserve to know that "feeling your old feelings" is a real thing, that it is a natural process, that it works, and that -- for some -- it can make a huge difference in one's life.

Best wishes.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll take that as his confession to being an accomplice to democide.

At the very least, his comments, combined with his other comments and his public actions, should be enough to get a warrant to investigate him for participating in the democide currently under way.

Narg 15 points ago +15 / -0

White Hats putting the pressure on?

Commies starting to notice which way the wind is blowing?

New, less authoritarian / Marxist management replacing the old guard?

Pathetic attempt to get Americans to forget how anti-freedom the ACLU has often been in the past?

Whatever the reason, it's nice to see.

Narg 35 points ago +35 / -0

I have an amendment to your amendment:

No foreign aid PERIOD, regardless of whether the federal government has debt or ANYTHING ELSE.

If American citizens or American corporations or NGOs or any other non-government person or organization want to send money to help with something abroad, they can do so.

Why? Because private citizens and private organizations AREN'T GETTING THEIR MONEY AT GUNPOINT FROM THE TAXPAYERS.

Nothing in the Constitution even SUGGESTS to me that the Federal government has any power to give the People's money to a foreign nation, or to citizens of a foreign nation, for any purpose whatsoever. (Quickly browses through the Constitution to see if he forgot something . . . Nope, nothing in there about giving our money away to foreigners).

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right on, ZerroDefex. And here's a relevant quote from Jesus Himself, on the location of heaven / the kingdom of God:

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for the link, fren. KJ is the translation I prefer and I hadn't encountered this particular website before.

I've been using https://www.biblegateway.com/, which has DOZENS of translations, which is sometimes useful (and often not); as you almost certainly know, "Thou shalt not KILL" is sometime translated "Thou shalt not MURDER", and the admonition to not be "angry" with another is sometimes translated as to not be "angry WITHOUT CAUSE" with another.

Very big difference. In those cases, the lesser-known translation makes quite a bit more sense to me.

The tone and language in the KJ version really appeals to me, but no translation can ever be perfect, even leaving agenda out of the equation.

Here's Bible Gateway's full list of different English translations of Matthew 9:20 --


Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't know whether your theory makes sense or not, but here's something from nearly twenty years ago that might be relevant, as found in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halliburton#2000s --

In October 2004, after emerging from the bankruptcy protection,[39] Halliburton opened a new 250,000-square-foot (23,000 m2) facility on 35 acres (140,000 m2), replacing an older facility that opened in 1948, in Rock Springs, Wyoming. With over 500 employees, Halliburton is one of the largest private employers in Sweetwater County.[40]

On January 24, 2006, Halliburton's subsidiary KBR (formerly Kellogg, Brown and Root) announced that it had been awarded a $385 million contingency contract by the Department of Homeland Security to build "temporary detention and processing facilities" or internment camps. According to Business Wire, this contract will be executed in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District. Critics point to the Guantanamo Bay detention camp as a possible model. According to a press release posted on the Halliburton website, "The contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs. The contingency support contract provides for planning and, if required, initiation of specific engineering, construction and logistics support tasks to establish, operate and maintain one or more expansion facilities."[41]

Personally, I've always taken this to be more likely aimed at patriots, but . . . who knows?

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is one of (many) things that make me to what EXTENT "patriots are in control."

Because patriots sure as hell wouldn't do this.

And if the best in our military are being targeted this way, not to mention with the DeathJabs, will ENOUGH of the patriotic military be left to do whatever must be done at the end game?

Or will enough of us wake up for that end game, only to find that we woke up too late?

Sure, downvote me for dooming, but . . . it's something we need to talk about. Pretending bad things aren't happening and might not have unexpectedly bad consequences isn't "being awake."

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've been a SciFi fan since second grade, meaning shortly after the dinosaurs went extinct.

But THIS tweet by Ariel is just nuts, imo. Maybe it's all true -- I'm an open-minded person -- and of course we know that cloning is being done with animals and surely, in secret labs here and there, with humans. But it will take a LOT of sauce for me to start thinking THIS is true:

The high-level science of genetics on planet Earth meaning the Cabal government working in their underground labs or DUMBS are and have been doing some extremely highly advanced cloning of our race for thousands of years.

. . . The signal that controls these clones is transmitted by the cell phone network and other high energy transmitters that are placed at key points around the world. -(What? "Thousands of years" ago?)-

. . . These clones can be manufactured to be exactly the same as the original and can be modified according to their needs. These clones are not perfect and are plagued with problems. They can also make an artificial person that does not represent any real human and that creation is made with the manufacturer’s specifications according to their purpose and the task they will perform. I wonder when Ivanka Trump will realize this about Jared Kushner?

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought for sure one of the Trump supporters running to the front of the line was going to whirl around and throw a hammer into a video screen, shattering it and Hillary's image into a thousand pieces.

"1984" Macintosh Superbowl ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtvjbmoDx-I

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Holy cow! I've been taking berberine for some time now, but I had no idea it had anti-parasitic properties. It clearly does, though. Thanks for posting this comment. I know at more than one person who will find this useful.


Narg 12 points ago +14 / -2

Dead or in prison?

Nah. This doesn't even suggest that to me. They're trillionaires; this is pocket change to them and probably just part of a redecorating project at one of their many properties, or a "cleaning out the closets" thing.

Narg 2 points ago +5 / -3

Popular theory, and probably part-true. Large beds of organic matter probably HAVE created oil over the eons, and perhaps lipids within the mantle (from the formation of the earth . . . just as much of Earth's water was here from the beginning; it's not just rock that coalesces into the planets).

Either way, the fact is that oil fields DEPLETE; some may fill partly back up but to the extent that the Earth "makes it's own oil", the process isn't happening in "human time." Thousands and millions of years are involved, and I haven't seen any evidence that major oil fields are coming back online after having been depleted . . . although newer and more expensive extraction methods become viable as the price of oil rises. In the end, when it takes more than a barrel's worth of ENERGY to extract a barrel of oil, the field is no longer viable.

And shale oil fields, in particular, go dry VERY quickly. I'm not convinced we aren't headed for an increasing shortage of oil, although probably not in the next few years . . . and the Cabal's depopulation scheme IS causing demand destruction. Dead people don't use much gasoline.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent, high-effort post. And I think you could be spot-on here. We'll see.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Another reason precious metals and other hard assets counter-intuitively DROP in price at the start of a crash is that people need to sell assets to cover margin calls, higher interest rates on variable-rate debts, and so on. Those assets go back UP in price -- and then some -- but initially the panic selling tanks the price.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Push 'em outside.

As children, my sibs and I entertained ourselves outside of the house most of the time, the way human children have done since the beginning.

Playing soccer, playing hide 'n seek, playing EVERY sport you can think of, just running for an hour with a friend and chatting, doing stupid and dangerous and fun things like trying to see who who can go over a high-jump bar the highest or climbing a tree, and so on. Sledding in the snow. Swimming and playing in someone's backyard pool. Building a fort in the snow or from boxes. Just sitting on the porch steps and talking about whatever. Building something, fixing a bike or adding a doo-dad, writing and putting on a play (can also be done indoors, of course).

Kids will entertain themselves for zero dollar cost when given the chance, and when NOT given the idea that they need expensive stuff in order for life to function as it should.

Plus, this kind of natural, self-directed play is REAL LIFE. It teaches. It develops social competence. It keeps the child fit and healthy. It stays with you for a lifetime.

Get them outside, on their own, if that's possible where you live, without any "technology" and without adult-directed activity of any kind. If you live where that wouldn't be safe, drive them out to where it is or better still, move.

Being outside, doing whatever the child is interested in, is the path to a healthy body and a strong, free, and agile mind.

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