Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Gunn (the director) is all over the web, talking about the movie. Just an interesting, smart, talented normal guy who creates movies.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even female powerlifters don't have trapezius muscles that big.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Blimp! He had his own Blimp! -- or more accurately, his supporters did. Paul was a freakin' rock star.

Paul's GOP presidential bid was a wild time; the MSM treated him exactly like they've been treating Trump ever since Trump came down the elevator. Paul would finish high in the polls during the primary race, in some cases (as you point out) outright WINNING the poll, and I'd see a list of the candidates in the poll WITH PAUL'S NAME LEFT OFF.

I sometimes wonder, if Q had been posting then, would the Great Awakening made serious progress in the aftermath? Could Paul have won the nomination despite all the Deep State action against him? And so on.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just on the basis of your headline, I came here to say you've absolutely nailed it.

Then I read your detailed explication of the topic and am impressed all over again.

Great post, VaccinesCauseSIDS.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think a lot of us see this the way you do. You've presented it well and added interesting detail; nice post!

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

All the evil, malice, and insanity in the world right now can push someone into depression and keep them miserable day to day.

This board is the antidote.

Welcome. You're among friends here. And we focus on the positive things that are happening -- on the plan to eliminate most Evil in this world by waking the global population up to the truth -- as much as on the horrible things that continue.

Long story short: The more the Cabal, Deep State, Bad Guys, or whatever you call them work to degrade and wreck society, the easier it is to see them for what they are. There are people (including on this board, to one extent or another) working to help this trend become an avalanche, and the tactic is working. People ARE waking up, and the precipice and endgame are, many of us think, very near now.

The goal is to eliminate the long-entrenched groups that push for tyranny and control of societies and of the Earth as a whole. The goal is a world of freedom, sanity, and compassion. This is a truly historic time and I am not exaggerating in the least.

Your husband was a part of this. So are you.

Again, welcome to the family of the Great Awakening.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Morally right but tactically wrong.

Yes, if we ALL did this . . . they'd have to print up more fiat at the Federal Reserve.

So what. They don't mind doing that at all. Everything will (still) keep running until it collapses on its own.

You personally, on the other hand, would likely suffer severe problems and possibly get to meet some of those 87,000 heavily armed new IRS agents in person. Would that really advance the cause of freedom?

The other main point I want to make is: it only works if we ALL (or most of us) do it. I can't imagine even 5% of the US taxpaying population putting themselves and their families at risk that way -- not at this point, anyway. By the time that changes, the collapse will be underway and the tactic won't be necessary.

I FEEL the same way you do, Pollycracker -- have for a long time -- but I believe in reality it would be a useless sacrifice.

Narg 3 points ago +4 / -1


From https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/monoglycerides#definition --

All glycerides consist of a glycerol molecule and one or more fatty acid chains:

  • monoglycerides have one fatty acid chain
  • diglycerides have two fatty acid chains
  • triglycerides have three fatty acid chains

According to an evaluation by the World Health Organization (WHO), mono- and diglycerides make up approximately 1 percent of the glycerides you consume. They occur naturally in certain oils and are also found in processed foods.

Most of the fats you eat, including plant-based oils and animal fats, are made up of triglycerides. Triglycerides play an important role in heart health. Doctors usually check triglyceride levels during routine cholesterol tests.

Enzymes in your body break triglycerides down into mono- and diglycerides during digestion. When mono- and diglycerides enter the bloodstream, they are transformed back into triglycerides.

That's hardly the final word on the topic, neither the healthline website nor the WHO info are anything I'd take as gospel, but for a first pass, this doesn't exactly ring alarm bells about Apeel.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

From the post:

In fact, the damage to your brain from the COVID vaccine is quantifiable in a $600 MRI test. It’s called the NeuroQuant test and I just found out about it today. It takes just 8 minutes in an MRI machine and gives more information than an MRI.

You can prove to yourself that the vaccine causes damage easily. You scan someone before they get the vaccine and then again 2 days later.

Of course, nobody wants to do this study. Nobody wants to know the truth. So we don’t know the percentages.

But we know this damage happens because too many people are getting significantly worse after vaccination. We have a mechanism of action. And, most importantly, in autopsies, we can see the damage inside the brain that has the vaccine’s fingerprints in the brain.

No vaccine should damage anyone’s brain. Period. Since when is this “safe”??

Of course, the damage doesn’t happen to everyone who gets the shots. This is because the quality control of the vaccine is so poor that many people get “duds.” So if you don’t get a “dud” shot, what are the chances you’ll have a clinically significant brain injury? Nobody knows, but I’d estimate it is happening in at least 5% of people who have been vaccinated.

Are you feeling lucky?

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Russo brothers are involved; always a good sign.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is EXACTLY the reason for the Great Awakening -- nothing can really end the problem until more of the population wakes up.

The good news is: We're getting close to the tipping point.

Sauce: just my opinion. But I don't think I'm alone.

Narg 21 points ago +21 / -0

Whoa! I'd never heard that before.

But not hard to believe.

The focus on everything in this war comes down to Good Versus Evil -- every time. All else is just detail.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

People develop "self-esteem" -- a sense of comfort with and respect FOR themselves -- during childhood (and during gestation, birth, and infancy as well) IF they have parents who treat them with love and respect. We develop a healthy connection to others during our earliest years, or we go through life disconnected to some extent from other humans and from the animals we share this world with.

Humans are social animals and when we can't feel the connection to others that we are MADE for, it hurts so badly that solitary confinement is used as a form of torture.

Imagine living your life in near-solitary confinement, and you'll have some idea of the pain and anger people raised without love and respect must deal with. The details vary enormously but, on average, the damage is more severe the more trauma is inflicted (which doesn't have to come from bad parenting; losing a family member through accident or disease, for instance, is usually a major trauma).

The ACE study shows how important this is, for those interested.

Our overall findings, presented extensively in the American literature, demonstrate that:

• Adverse childhood experiences are surprisingly common, although typically concealed and unrecognized.

• ACEs still have a profound effect 50 years later, although now transformed from psychosocial experience into organic disease, social malfunction, and mental illness.

• Adverse childhood experiences are the main determinant of the health and social well-being of the nation.

A talk by Dr. Vincent Felitti, one of the ACE Stdy authors, on the study and its results (32 min 44 sec).

Wise men and women (including ordinary healthy people) have always understood this. Direct quotes (as reported by disciples long ago and later translated into English, of course) from Jesus on the topics of children, treatment of children, and the inner life that results from that treatment, good or bad:

• Matthew: 
18:1 - 18:6

• Mark: 
10:13 - 10:15

• Luke: 

• John: 
13:34 - 13:35

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I understand the impulse to turn the idea of "female" crash test dummies into a joke, and I'd guess that changing the body shape (breasts, wider hips, etc) to reflect typical female body shapes doesn't make much difference.

Overall BODY SIZE makes a HUGE difference, though. Petite women in particular are far more likely to be injured or killed by airbag deployment than average-size males; their shorter legs put them closer to the steering wheel, for example.

Also, women have thinner skull bones and (on average) have less robust muscle and bone strength generally than males. And of course: sometimes, women drive or ride in cars while pregnant.

Taking those gender differences into account in designing safety equipment isn't silly; it's just sensible.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tucker was fired because he's been telling the truth; this speech in particular -- where he points out that we're in the midst of an actual war between Good and Evil -- was probably the final straw and precipitating incident.

Watch the video and you'll understand. It's an eye-opener.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm male, and find this sort of thing incredibly offensive. I'm not sure I can even imagine how it must feel to WOMEN to see this particular brand of cruelty being not only inflicted but supported and pushed by government and other establishment organizations.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

x10. What are you gonna watch on Fox now, Hannity? (grimace).

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

". . . get out of the big blue cities."

That's maybe the most important advice on this thread so far. Those cities are ALREADY major danger zones, and when the ATMs stop working and the welfare checks stop coming it's all going to hit the fan. I don't know how long that'll last, but even one day of it could end your life.

Having metals at that time won't help much if your neighborhood is being overrun by desperate sociopaths who are already used to taking what they want by force and who think of hurting or killing others in the process as a bonus.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ha! Great to have some LOLs mixed in with serious commentary.

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