Patriotdragon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Didn't he have a big deal to release 2 weeks ago or maybe 2 weeks before that or 2 weeks before that? Did I miss it or was it a fake account that got posted here?

Patriotdragon 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ffs . It's his old ass skin wrinkles ... he is 80 .. he has had face lifts etc. Every 80 year has wrinkles with or without surgery. You seen some people with turkey necks?? He is not a clone or in a damn mask. He is just the original POS he has always been. Only with cognitive decline. He plays his part cause he likes his side and wants to help destroy America, but it's the same old ass hat. While I believe in some conspiracies, these doubles and clones etc. Need to go away.. there's no good reason to mask or clone an ass hat when they have several other ass hats they could put in place and have them do as they are told just as well , or even better in his place as his mind is definitely having issues.

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +2 / -0

My dog was growling into the dark night last week.. I was holding her waiting on the pizza. I was looking up at a plane until she started growling. Looked across the street .. I was asking her, what you see girl .. about 15 seconds of growing and then I Saw an orb dart across in front of us .. 2 seconds tops in view .. she stopped growling after it vanished.

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's still the same old asshat .. surgeries , botox , aging etc .. even with a far off chance it was someone else .. that person hates America too and is running it into the sewer ..

Patriotdragon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same old asshat.. surgeries , botox etc

Patriotdragon 29 points ago +29 / -0

I Just want to know when they will actually do something about these lying, cheating, traitorous son's of bitches

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +3 / -1

Shit like this is how you know the big players have zero to worry about .. No matter how much evidence is out there of all their corruption... They still just go on with zero worry cause they know they are truly untouchable. This countries justice system is and has been gone for far too long. Disgusting and and shameless of our police, sheriffs and military for letting it happen

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well .. Its my big 50 birthday today .. Just had to put one of my dogs to sleep and now I see roe v wade overturned .. Its been a crazy emotional swing and one birthday I will never forget .. Guess I will watch the crazies riot the streets tonight for the finale

Patriotdragon 5 points ago +5 / -0

So who is getting the better deal , Abrams or Kemp? They both been helping the steal .. Maybe one gets governor and the other gets a ticket for 24? Lots of stink in the ATL and surrounding areas ..

Patriotdragon 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was one in chattanooga just around 10 days back as well .. Involving a bunch of kids 12 to 16 shooting at each other .. Last I heard 2 girls were critical and a few more grazed by bullets .. Around 11pm and no adults with them. Now suspects there either .. Gang related even though the idiots in charge have tried to deny gangs for years in this city .. Its a shit city

Patriotdragon 5 points ago +5 / -0

At the very least .. Every performer and parent there should be arrested .. Absolute disgusting filth all around

Patriotdragon 13 points ago +13 / -0

Ireland is fugly .. No way there wasnt a hot ginger way better looking than that that ?! At least england looks decent

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guardian .... So grandma or aunt with their own issues raising a little limp wristed soyboy that had zero moral compass . awesome job guardian

Patriotdragon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our local crews have a bunch of geys ... Or at least very soft spoken guys .. Sports dudes and weather guys are fat and then women are a mix .

Patriotdragon 1 point ago +1 / -0

From hoorah to heeshee( Michael jackson voice )

Patriotdragon 20 points ago +20 / -0

Well . ive had a thought/idea/belief that somehow , some way trump would be back in the whitehouse by the end of 2022 . several of my coworkers and family have asked me how and I can only say , when enough evidence is out that the military can not stand by and not do their jobs against foreign and domestic enemies . still a stretch i know , but the more evidence like this and mules and durham etc. My gut just feels it will happen ..

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the teacher is an accessory to the crime .. Some charges at the very least should be filed against the teacher

Patriotdragon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well ... I will be one of the 500 million left .. No vaccines for me .. Sorry to all the weak minded. I told as many as I could .. Most seemed on board .. Actually changed a few minds .. But others .. Fear is a mighty tool

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ive never understood any Christian or follower of Christ that votes democrat. Yes , there are plenty of rino crap in the republican party , but the Dems openly support every immoral choice a person can have. If you are Christian and vote and support these behaviors ... YOUR SOUL IS LOST and imho you will be condemned for these choices.

Patriotdragon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think its just the disease of liberalism .. Take a kinda cute girl around 22 and 10 years later full of crazy liberilsm and you get this result .. No sign of every being cute , and having to question if there is an Oscar meyer down there. Liberalism makes everything ugly , inside and out .. Ofc she always had the crazy eyes ..

Patriotdragon 0 points ago +3 / -3

Same old POS .. Older with several surgeries etc. For all those that think its not him .. Why would they fake one that would do the exact same crap to us that the real one does? Makes zero sense ..

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