I hope this is real lmao
I've seen a few things say that $BENE will merge with them, but it's just rumors. Patrick Orlando owns $BENE too
It's not like this with grown men, contrary to popular belief. It is with younger boys, typically because their brains aren't developed and they're still figuring out how to handle all the hormones and testosterone
In all seriousness, I'm sorry about your friend. I recommend taking martial arts classes yourself if you're not. We might see more of this as things get worse and worse.
I'm starting to believe that we might be as bad or worse than the Nazis. Not the regular people and not our ideals, of course. But those in charge. Those allowed to do stuff like this.
Looked like a grimace
One of the ways to reduce the impact of a punch is to move into it as you block. Take a haymaker. If you move INTO the haymaker, you cut off it's range of motion. Sure it still stings, but you reduce the knockout power and you move into an advantageous position, being on the inside with their arm on the outside & unable to attack again.
That's me for sure. My brain is already processing words well beyond the ones my mouth want to speak
But it was deboonked, I read it on Facetagram
Got in under $11 and still holding!
After hours is looking NICE. I've seen some stock forums call for $1000. Idk about that, but the fact that this is Trump-backed says we will likely see more power behind it
My best guess is yes because of the Trump hype. My previous experience with an SPAC though, is that once the merger takes place, it's not long before a sell-off.
Wouldn't have even been that if it wasn't for the fact that just a week or two prior, they opted to close it down because of "COVID"
I mean it really is a shit post in the truest sense of the term... lmao
The Shaman cast a spell on me and now I can't get out of Qanon help
I know the guy who started this movement. His heart for this is very pure. I love the grassroots and creative way he's developed.
He knows it's not enough, but inch by inch we're taking the land back. If Sodom and Gomorrah would have been saved if only 10 righteous people were there, then surely America can be spared with 40 righteous cities.
I can't believe a former KGB officer appears to care more about America than the supposed leaders of America do
I used it to clean my fish bowls and now my fish are COVID-free and ardent supporters of the 2nd Amendment
This is what I was thinking
I love that Donald J Trump beat out the rest, as usual
I've never even put 2 and 2 together on this before. Holy shit
Yeah I can't do anything live. I'm a social media manager and legitimately am unable to do any work lol
I remember pretty clearly when there was a person trying to smash a window and was pulled down while people screamed "antifa!" Later the window was smashed anyways, and a lady with a megaphone was calling for "patriots" to help distribute supplies like water to people who were inside and trying to fight.
Nobody was helping. We all saw through it. While we didn't know it was the FBI at the time, we knew something was completely afoot.
Yeah I haven't found it yet either