Hey, haven't you heard? It's perfectly natural for a healthy 25 year old to just drop dead of a heart attack
Yeah, but you must admit the show trial taken at face value would have made Stalin proud. I guess in this world where justice is dead and rulings are arbitrarily handed down by activists judges, we might as well have our activist judges doing what's right.
I was really busy for a week and had to go offline during that time, first time I've had to do that in awhile. That happened during that week, and I didn't think much of it until a guy at work told me the woman killed was tied to a clinton lawyer, and I know that the clintons are never tied into anything "accidentally". Was there more to it than that?
^^This guy is firing on all cylinders. Can you say "Great Replacement"?
Imagine if they'd have tried to pull all this coof crap 20-30 years ago. Everyone would have complied. Many orders of magnitude of people are awake than from this point five years ago much less 20. That is an important point. Don't know if it will ever amount to anything significant but it's interesting to say the least.