Saltine 6 points ago +10 / -4

They are trying to drive you out of voting and then they will forever install whom they want without any push back.

Explain how the election fraud in 2020 and now also 2022 is any different from that quoted sentence RIGHT NOW.

It does not matter if we "Vote Har-durrr" if the left is allowed to manufacture enough votes via cheating to "win" the corrupt elections every time.

Do you think it matters how you vote in Cuba? Do you think it matters how you vote in Venezuela? It is the same here in the US now.

The only solution from this point forward is the ammo box - not the ballot box. The 2nd Amendment is why the US is different from Cuba and Venezuela. But we have to be willing to fight or it is all for nothing.

Saltine 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe his new nickname is now "DePlantis". That is the latest from IL Donaldo Trumpo...

Saltine 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a good idea - but it does not solve the problem of tyrannical government... which would not leave you alone. They demand control and obedience.

This is where the 2nd Amendment comes into play... do you understand?

Saltine 6 points ago +6 / -0

They are really building this up. I hope it is all true. I have no idea what "beast mode" means in this context... but I hope it has something to do with the military putting an end to the election fraud. Election fraud is the one problem that prevents all of the other problems from ever being fixed...

Saltine -3 points ago +1 / -4

I am on TS - I don't have a twatter account, and there is no link to the twatter post, Einstein.

Saltine 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, that qualifier jumped out at me also. "Hopefully"? Makes it sound pretty half-assed, before he even says anything.

WTF does his statement even mean? Also, what do those "We are coming home" posts he made previously mean? Does any of this tie in with the 2 year space mission ending, and the military aircraft all turning off their transponders?

I think we are getting pretty close to the "put up or shut up" stage in these election debacles. No more of this "must vote har-durrr" bullshit. We need to fix the corruption and election fraud (organized crime) before we do any more voting.

Saltine 4 points ago +4 / -0

It means we will have to kick off Revolutionary War 2.0 against our own tyrannical government... County, State and Federal. This is quite literally why we have the 2nd amendment. This is the true purpose of the 2nd amendment.

Saltine -3 points ago +2 / -5

Read what post? The link is just to the same graphic we already see.

Saltine 18 points ago +20 / -2

Why "one day"? What is stopping him from telling the entire story right now?

Saltine 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was posted by the IL Donaldo Trumpo account 12 hours ago on TS... and that is not the first one with the same message.

The message itself is pretty clear, but I don't know how it will be accomplished at this point. Maybe we will learn more after tomorrow night's announcement by President Trump... who knows?

Saltine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, the DS/cabal has blatantly stolen 2 elections back to back, right in our faces. I know - many more stolen elections in the past, but these last 2 have been incredibly blatant.

I am done with the "vote har-durrr" bullshit. Trump's 2020 reelection was literally a landslide, and they stole it. 2022 was a red wave bordering on a tsunami, and they stole it. People can vote har-durrr in Cuba, and Venezuela, and it does not matter there either.

No more. It is time for a different solution to the problem of election fraud. Ordinary citizens cannot fight against organized crime on their own... and the election fraud we have witnessed (twice) is organized crime.

Saltine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Youre either a glowie or a patriots.win blackpill faggot. Or both 🤷‍♂️

Correct. They are not mutually exclusive...

Saltine 2 points ago +2 / -0

What we have seen from all the cheating is that it is done primarily at the county level. Key counties in every state that have the most population (urban areas) are used to control the outcome of state elections, and also national elections in aggregate.

Remember, national elections in the US are the sum total of all state elections. State elections are the sum total of all the county elections.

These corrupt county political machines are literally organized crime. How are ordinary citizens supposed to fight organized crime? If it is really up to citizens, then we fight with bullets, not ballots. Here is one historical example from 1946:


Saltine 23 points ago +23 / -0


  1. Slow motion genocide of billions of people

  2. Trafficking of children, organs, drugs

  3. Permanent election fraud

  4. (tie) Satanic religion and rituals

  5. (tie) Theft of trillions of dollars

That is my own interpretation of the severity of these offenses.

Saltine 11 points ago +11 / -0

Excellent. I have been waiting for this to start habbening...

It may also be a conduit to expose the dangers of the injections to more of the people that still only watch the DS corp. media propaganda...

Once a tipping point is reached, the trickle will turn into a flood.

Saltine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup. On the plus side, I think events are going to speed up the pace of their awakening (extracting their heads from their asses) whether they are ready for it or not...

by DrMcCoy
Saltine 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sheeple are the ones that need "someone in authority" to tell them what to think, and what to do.

If the sheeple want to slowly cull themselves by getting more and more injections... that is their choice.

by Saltsky
Saltine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bitcoin is also crap.

Currencies based on tangible precious commodities (precious metals historically being the best choice) is the way for currencies.

Clean voter rolls, single election day voting, voter ID, paper ballots counted by hand, is the way for elections.

Saltine 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wrong. People still got the flu, but it was labeled by the DS globohomos as "covid".

Saltine 8 points ago +8 / -0

10 days.


This is the actual quote from the Q post.

Misspellings matter. We are still trying to figure out what "Darnkess" means... NK = North Korea seems logical, but we really don't know - and won't know until future proves past.

Saltine 11 points ago +11 / -0

I missed that. Why is the potato traveling? Some small village somewhere reclaiming their long-lost idiot?

Saltine 8 points ago +8 / -0

As a previous post pointed out - the military does not just "take a day off". There are always between 150 to 200 aircraft on average... every single day.

They are still there (and maybe more) but their transponders are turned off. As the previous post also stated, that is not something they do just for fun. They need to have a very good reason to do that.

The big question is: why? Obvious answer = secrecy... but why the need for secrecy is what we are all trying to figure out.

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