Remember when Trump went sliding down an icy ramp (didn't fall) and the MSM tried to convince the public that Trump was infirm? Liberals sure are moronic with their double standards.
At the end of the day we're talking about an 18 year old woman that doesn't want to be forced back to the reservation, it's not exactly kidnapping. Her parents are just POed she ran off with a sleazy actor.
If only she wasn't one of those flat earthers.
So it's VAIDS, but you're not allowed to say so: so it's Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.
Liberals don't have a sense of humor.
I've noticed a decrease in the time it takes for silverware to tarnish when left soaking in soapy water. Not sure what the cause is, maybe 5g, or water contamination (acidity?). The tap water (well) seems clean and tastes normal, there might be more iron? Spain admitted to spraying lead oxide chemtrails, I don't have a way to test for lead, it would make sense that rain with metal contaminants might conduct differently and create more ozone. Ozone has a distinct smell and is somewhat natural after rain storms to some degree, especially after lightning. Ozone is lighter than air but somewhat soluble in water.
Can you define perjury? When will the liars be locked up? We need justice and equality for all.
I hope Trump does 6 in a row after missing the first 2.
It's probably fake. Why was this rumor spread? My guess is it was done by the trans-gay mafia because Chapek wasn't "quick enough" to back the anti "don't say gay" agenda.
I can't afford to throw out old clothes because of Biden's economy.
A good girl could straiten him out. Maybe.
Way too smart!
"This is what we are doing this for: Peace, Love, and Happiness..."
Comedians can get away with almost anything except for not being funny.
Might be the last people escaping from the new dictatorship.
So Trudeau is disbanding parliament after declaring marshal law? This has happened in every dictatorial take over, don't expect parliament to be held again until Trudeau can control the outcome of any vote.
When I see people complain about CNN, "why do I care, I don't watch that. They all diddle kids at CNN, right" I probably watched a couple hours of football last year, nothing much to talk about. "Hey, what about those cardboard cut-out fans, isn't that stupid? Reminds me of Biden," Maybe I should take up a hobby instead of watching videos of other people doing their hobbies, and people complaining about the plandemic genocide.
Some were suggesting that the one year mark will trigger some actions, which will be Thursday. I'm not convinced... we'll see.
80% of blacks are unjabbed, are the police going to round them up first, put them in camps, and force them to do what Dems say is good for them? They live in a reverse fantasy world where patriots are racist, but they are good people.
Yeah, usually. It's a temporary boot anyway (velcro straps), he probably would have some sort of permanent shoe made if it had been a long time.
He was arrested for DUI in 2015, and ended up in a hospital. He might be gimpy on that foot? Or it's the ankle monitor thing...
Maybe it's Kuru and not jab related palsy?
I've heard that one in five girls are raped at some point. I'm sure that the trafficking numbers are used to obscure the widespread problems caused by pedo culture.
There's footage of Biden earlier where he's not wearing a helmet riding. This means someone gave him the helmet to wear, which probably means that security was already worried he would fall. Biden rode right up to the group of people where he fell, others rode around the crowd, I think he saw the little girl and wanted to interact with her before he fell, because he is a pervert pedophile. Interacting with the crowd was a staged event, you can tell because of all the cameras and people with lanyards (likely reporters). It seems possible that the little girl was an actor, that's how this clown show works.