I had to pull my kids out of a small private school, leave my gym, and leave my church, communities I had built my life around, raised my family in, had friendships and relationships in gone in a span of mere months. Ended. And for them, it was like We (my family) never existed, like it was better this way, To not have to deal with the uncomfortable reality that they were all fed lies and they believed in them and fought for them while my family stood firm in the truth.
We have a new school, a new church. The kids are fine. Kids are so resilient thank the heavens. As for me, the isolation is still there. My reality was cracked by the abandonment of my former community. And now I find it hard to truly connect with anyone at all.
The amount of people who Truly believed masks would Save them from a virus, sunk me into a deep isolated depression. It was the first time I’ve ever felt completely alone in the way that I thought and that people I’ve know my whole life no longer respected me as a person just because I was going against the “experts”. I still don’t think I’m recovered from that, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be the person I was before. It haunts me honestly.
Maybe it’s just a polite thing? Like when a NY police commissioner will turn in resignation letter when a new mayor is elected, the mayor can than decided to keep commissioner or appoint a new one.
I had a dream one of the jonus brothers died from the vaccine. I have no idea why I dreamed that. I don’t listen to them or follow them or anything. It was weird and all I could think about for like a week, but hey they’re all still kicking as far as I know
A clean up crew just leveled it completely apparently
Or like a weasel mischievously shuts it all down…
I’ve seen some theories that the Tower of Babel wasn’t necessarily a tower to the heavens but a star gate or portal to the heavens or perhaps another dimension, something mankind was very obviously not ready for, sort of akin to the fact when Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and Evil wasn’t necessarily a bad tree with bad fruit, but a tree with fruit that the pure innocence of mankind wasn’t ready for. She jumped the gun, the Tower of Babel also jumping the gun, and I do believe the “transhumanism” movement is the same story repackaged and will be dealt with in similar fashion whether it be Armageddon or just another tale to preclude the ultimate tale of Armageddon
Revelation 6:15-16 Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they *said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
We never quarantined but when the whole World closes down its hard to expose your kids to these viruses. This past school year we were sick with every virus know to man from August through May. The school had to close once because so many got sick they didn’t even have enough staff or kids to teach. Yet they continually sanitized and disinfected every surface. I’m at the point ill let my toddler crawl on the Walmart floors barefoot, and lick whatever surface within reason.
If you know they were paid, then you must know who paid them…. Drop the names
I find it a little intriguing it includes a morning star. A star that at the beginning of the Bible represents Satan “Lucifer” light-bearer before he fell but later in the Bible represents the birth of Christ and light of the world, truth. The hydra has its clutches on the world but seems to not be looking at the star… just thoughts…
I bring this up because my small church of 20 or so had a full 15 minute congregational discussion about the win. A discussion of thanksgiving, hallelujahs, Amens, and then a call to action on how to proceed from here, how to help women, how to be loving in a tumultuous time, how to be an answer when women who have been lied to feel like there are no answers. We had heartfelt prayers and a strong belting of hymns of praise to follow.
That evening at extended family dinner my sister was distraught nearly to the point of tears because at her large 1000+ church, they merely said, “we got some very surprising news this week, let’s all remember to be nice” and that was it. After that it was business as usual. It’s like they couldn’t even say the word “abortion”. Christians have fought for over 50 years for this day and our church leaders still don’t want to step on any toes, or make people uncomfortable. Thousands if not millions of babies lives will be saved! This is a celebration! This is a monumentous pivot point. I can’t fathom how God could bestow such a blessing on this nation and the church is too scared to give thanks. I’m baffled, I’m sick, I’m tired, I’m angry to tears, but I’m the same breath I’m thankful for His grace and pray for a TRUE revival in the church.
Remember Jesus flipped tables, not in the world but in the church.
Tax free gas is hella good savings. Read your gas pump and see just how many cents to the gallon you pay the fed and state governments
I started noticing that sugar ants are drawn to my regular store brand toothpastes if I left them out on the counter. “Sugar” ants like my toothpaste🤔. I didn’t look into any further I just chunked them all and bought xylitol toothpastes instead.
I can think of a few places to put them…
There is a podcast called 66/40 by Chuck missler. During the weekdays they upload a 20 minute daily overview of a chapter in the Bible. Right now we are just starting the book of psalms. You read the passages in your Bible then listen to the podcast which gives you a detailed overview of the passage, it’s history, it’s author, it’s context, it’s translation, it’s application to today.
First of all 99% most likely a false story through and through but let’s travel to fantasy land real quick, where this story does indeed hold water.
So what we can gather from such information is that if you are a democrat with lots and lots of money your sexual misconduct accusations can be ignored and hidden away from the public. But the moment you go Republican, there is no greater sin than that of sexual misconduct and everyone on planet earth should be alerted that you are suddenly a danger to society.
I had fully vaxxed my two kids, I got in heated, HEATED, arguments with anyone who said vaccines were dangerous. I fully believed all the bullet points, 1) there is no threats of diseases BECAUSE we vax, 2) if we don’t vax, immune suppressed kids will be the ones to suffer, 3) doctors go to med school, this is one of the most fundamental advances in modern medicine and your going to refuse?!?
Then Covid happened. And I watched every doctor (family/friends who are doctors included) toute every safety measure against Covid like it was gospel. Shut downs, quarantines, social distancing, masks, locking up senior citizens etc. All things that absolutely were ludicrous according to basic germ theory or common sense. But the doctors were all in agreement, they were all experts, and they all lashed out at dissenters.
Then I watched all the doctors, nurses, experts in unison shout from the rooftops that HCQ and ivermectin were worthless poisons that only idiots would take. The real medicine was the ventilator and remidisvior
Then the Covid Vax , I watched all the doctors, nurses “experts” shove that needle down everyone’s throats with absolutely no qualms about the side effects, the rushed trials, the ethics of payouts, etc etc etc. YOU HAD TO HAVE THE SHOT if you wanted to survive.
After all that I started to think about the Autism debate. Doctors will lie to your face, they will fudge the numbers, they will turn a blind eye, they will go scorched earth on dissent when it comes to Covid questions. What’s to say that wasn’t the same formula used against vaccines and autism but on a slower metric. Covid put their methods on the fast track for all to see. It’s the same game.
I prayed and prayed, cried and cried because I have an infant this year and what or who was I supposed to trust? I asked God over and over who do I trust. And to me he said “Trust Me” so I took a deep breath and have refused all vaccines for my third child. I’ve put my child’s health in God’s hands, we make our best decisions on personal hygiene and nutrition we can personally make and have put our health completely in the hands of the creator of all things. I am at peace with my decision and I hope you can pray for the Lord to Guide you to an answer that will also bring you peace and health for you and you’re whole family.
Ask around the people you know with babies. Likely you don’t know just how many women struggled because you never thought to ask the very people in your own life. I know I didn’t have a clue until I was knee deep in the baby game. In my small circle I would say it’s a third formula fed for mom to go back to work or for on the go convenience , a third breast fed because it worked and they knew it was best option, and a third formula fed because of medical complications (infections, low supply, baby intolerance, etc).
I wonder if the rise in hepatitis in infants is a combination of the hep B shot at birth and then being breast fed from a Covid vaccinated mother? Stifling the immune system while also introducing the hep b vax at the same time… just spitballing
If common core is the same as Singapore math, I do see it’s validity in being taught. I think the biggest problem was that the government education system did not choose to implement an entirely new math system at the start, kindergarten, and moving up from there, instead they did the dumbest thing and scrapped all Saxon across the board and shoved an entirely new math on all grade levels instantly. Same with teachers. So we had teachers and students given an entirely new designed math concept instantly, no prep, no guidance, no nothing. It was doomed from the start.
I think it’s in reference to “the days of Noah” Genesis 6 . Which contains the story of how the world became so entirely wicked by fallen angels procreating with women (humans) and created nephalim (men of great renown/ giants). These nephalim corrupted the entire gene pool of mankind save one man Noah who was found “blameless” (without blemish) and God saved him and his family in the ark as he destroyed the earth with the flood.
Now In the New Testament Luke 17:26, Jesus Christ discusses the day of the son of man (Christs return)
“And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:”
Suggesting that when the world is as wicked as it was in the days of Noah (gene pool issue/ corruption/ nephalim) etc., this will mark Christ’s return.
If they say it’s weather, they don’t have to refund you , I believe. Could be wrong though